Tempered Immortal

Vol 5 Chapter 3946: Xiaoxianyu

Lin Xuan mouth reveals a hint of ridiculous color, a sleeve gown, a Qingxia flying out, slightly flashing, it turned into a big hand of blue light glass.

The sound of "calling" was passed to the ear, and it disappeared from the place and disappeared.

The next moment, but strangely appeared on the side of the golden rainbow, five fingers open, countless rice-sized runes from the inside.

In an instant, it has been turned into a big net, and it is easy to cover the golden light.

Lin Xuan’s hand lifted, the golden light dissipated, and the big net shrouded him in front of him.

It is a palm-sized nucleus.

I want to come to the Yuan Ying, which is similar to the monk. There is a giant soul, and the angry roar is still coming into the ear.

"Hey, it’s all this time, isn’t it honest?”

Lin Xuan’s face flashed a sigh of relief.

Reaching the crystal nucleus, he did not hesitate to display the soul of the soul.


The effort of a meal has passed.

Lin Xuan put down the nucleus, but his face was hazy to the extreme.

Soul Art has no effect.

I tried my best, but I didn't get any news. The only thing I got was to let the giant's soul disappear from the nucleus.

This result was unexpectedly unexpected.

But Lin Xuan is not too surprised. After all, this is in the fairy house of the immortal. What is happening is not unbelievable.

Lin Xuan did not entangle this problem.

Finding the month is the top priority.

I have just come here, and I have inexplicably encountered the attack of the giant. It is conceivable that the month and the small butterfly, how these years have come to the place in this dangerous place.

Although the strength of the two women is good, they will not be found as soon as possible. In any case, it is impossible to feel at ease.


What Lin Xuan didn't know was that at the same time, there was a hidden cave house far away from this place.

Something in the darkness suddenly opened his eyes, and the gloomy sneer passed to the ear: "Blue star sea, oh, after so many years, I finally came to the cave house of this fairy. This time, I will not miss the opportunity again. The magical power of this treasure will definitely help me achieve my wish."

The voice is getting lower and lower until it is unspeakable...

All of this, Lin Xuan did not know, at this time he has embarked on the road to find the month.

This process is not going well because the gods are suppressed.

And this mysterious space doesn't stop him as a visitor.

Tianyuanhou broken the void, also appeared here, and luck is not slightly better than Lin Xuan, just appeared, I met a group of magic insect attacks.

This kind of demon worm is extremely strange, some like a tenfold reduction of the scorpion, but it is fierce and fierce, the number is also very large, there are tens of thousands, if the former Tianyuanhou, can be said to have the slightest resistance No, but now this old monster, is not the same as before, not only advanced to the late stage of the robbery, but also got the secret tricks of the real fairy, so although it took a lot of twists and turns, it is very easy to turn off the risk.

"What are these things, and in this place, how can I not drive the power of the law, even the field has lost its effect?" Tian Yuanhou is full of sullen colors, whoever is greatly discounted, and naturally will be unhappy. .

"Bone locusts are just a kind of unusual low-level worms in the fairy world. As for the power of the law, the field is also suppressed because it is not an ordinary fairy cave, but has evolved into a fairy. Domain." The old voice came into the ear.

"Little fairyland, what is it, can you explain it?"

"The real fairyland is vast and vast, and Xiaoxianyu is some powerful real fairy. It imitates the things created by the fairyland environment. Although there is no way to compare it with the fairy world, it has similar rules and is full of fairy aura. Therefore, people in the lower bounds will be bound by the law here, because their strength cannot reach the level of true immortality, so they cannot understand and the field will naturally not be displayed."

"So, can't it be solved?"

"Unless your strength reaches the point of true immortality, it will definitely be suppressed." The old voice said categorically.

Tianyuanhou listened to silence.

"You don't have to worry about it. The real person of Huayu should have fallen. But after so many years, this small fairyland has grown into a world, and certainly grows all things. The beasts and plants that live here are not as big as the spiritual world. The same, the crisis is certainly fourfold, but for you, it is not wrong to say that it is a big chance." The mysterious true fairy has a deep opening.

The words in his words, Tian Yuanhou, naturally knew that his eyes could not help but burst into a fiery heat and turned into a distant rainbow like a distant flight.


At the same time the other side.

A gray dawn cut through the sky.

Lin Xuan released the knowledge and looked for clues to the moon.

Although in this mysterious little space, the detection distance of his gods is not as good as before, but it is better than nothing. In any case, it is better to use it than to look for it with your eyes.


Lin Xuan suddenly dawned on the light, just not far ahead, a pool of clear water into the eyes.

Surrounded by green hills, the lake is surrounded by blue waters, and the lakes and mountains are beautiful, and the scenery is beautiful.

However, Lin Xuan certainly did not stop because of this, but because he smelled a fragrance.

It is the aroma of elixir!

Lin Xuan turned his head and immediately found a lot of treasures that he was interested in at the lake.

The correct thing is the plant.

On the edge of the small lake, there was a flat medicine field, and the aroma was transmitted from there. Lin Xuan’s light flew past.

Just from midair, there was nothing wrong with this medicine field. However, Lin Xuan approached and only heard the sound of "呜" coming into the ear. The surrounding of the medicine field was raised without warning. The blind light curtain covers the whole.

"Guardian ban?"

Lin Xuan whispered to himself, and the expression on his face was not unusual. He was himself, and the side of the medicine garden would definitely not be undefended.

If you want to block yourself, you want to block yourself?

Lin Xuan raised his right hand, five fingers slightly curved, and grabbed the past.


Limang suddenly rises, and a clawed shadow emerges. It seems to be slow and rushing, and it collides with the white light curtain.

The surface of the light curtain swayed from the starting point, but it did not break.

"It's a bit of a meaning. This prohibition does not want to be made by hand."

Lin Xuan whispered to himself, and when he wore his sleeves, he prepared to sacrifice his life treasure. However, at this moment, "stinging" was heard into the ear, and the small lake in front of it suddenly violently surged.

How can this be?

I have just scanned it with my knowledge, and I have not found anything wrong with the small lake.

Suddenly, Lin Xuan was so stunned that for a moment, he was left in the same place. R1152

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