Tempered Immortal

Vol 5 Chapter 3948: chance encounter

However, the Xiaoxian domain is different. Although there is no way to compare it with the real fairy world, it still has something that the spiritual world does not have.

Xianfu Qizhen!

Of course, this is not a magic weapon, but an elixir.

Lin Xuan came all the way, quite a lot of income, of course, the danger is also very much, no matter whether it is a secular world or a secular, there is no free lunch.

For a cultivator in the late stage of the robbery, maybe it has fallen in the dangers encountered, but will Lin Xuan be an ordinary existence?

Even here, for a moment, he could not penetrate the laws of heaven and earth.

Even here, the field can not be displayed, but his strength is not to be scorned.

Lin Xuan is now calm, and there is no use in anxious, and slowly looking for the month is also.


It was a calm morning, and a gray dawn swept through the void.

Lin Xuan released the knowledge.

Although it is only a hundred miles away, it is always better than nothing.

Suddenly, when the light was slow, Lin Xuan turned his head and looked a little surprised, and then some of the changes were gray and uncertain.

It’s no wonder that Lin Xuan is like this. He just released the knowledge of the gods and searched nearby. He found that the aura is not far away, the aura is fluctuating violently, and there is a rumbling rumbling sound coming into the ear. If there is no mistake, it should be a cultivation. The fight is there.

Is it the month?

The thought flashed past, but soon Lin Xuan shook his head.

The moon is not the same as it used to be, but now it is a period of catastrophe. Although its strength is not as good as itself, it also has the power to move the mountains.

If she is actually working with others, it will not be the situation at hand.

In addition to the moon, this mysterious space, is there any other characters?

Thinking so in my heart, Lin Xuan still can't resist the curiosity. Quietly fleeing away.

With his gods, such a short distance, naturally arrived.

As a result, the front of the aura rises into the sky, and the vitality between heaven and earth has become chaotic, and his own induction is correct. It is true that some people are fighting here.

Not a monster, not a beggar.

But five human cultivators, screaming around a stone-like guy.

It is a stone, but it looks like a tiger.

Between the jumps. There is a ray of light that escapes.

The strength is not bad.

As for the monks, the realm is very low, without exception, it is the Yuan Ying period.

“Is there still a human cultivator in this place?”

Lin Xuan’s voice of self-speaking was introduced to the ear, and the discovery in front of him really made him wrong.

But what followed was joy.

Although I don't know the origins of these people, some people mean that they can inquire about the news.

In this way, it is not easy to find the month, at least not like a headless fly.

Thinking so in my heart, Lin Xuan did not go out immediately.

It is always true that everything is careful.

Although these few guys are in front of you. It is impossible to threaten yourself, but at this moment it is in the cave of the true fairy, and it should be cautious.

After all, I met the monk here. How to look, there are some surprises.

Thinking about it in the heart, Lin Xuan will not be quiet, and wait and see what will happen.

But it is said that there are many monks.

However, the strength of the monster is really good. The key is that its skin is like rock on the surface, but it is much harder than rock.

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The magicians of the monks went up and did not use anything. Only Mars came out.

On the contrary, the monster spurted out a wave of light, so that several cultivators were tired of coping, and they could not resist it.

In this way, Lin Xuan saw the effort of half a cup of tea, and did not see anything wrong.

In front of the scene, it is not like someone who secretly set up a bureau and wants to murder himself.

Just then, an exclamation of the incoming ear, but a woman among the five monks, was hit by the light waves sprayed by the monster.

Fortunately, this woman’s reaction was also rapid. During the busy schedule, a shield was offered, which was spared.

This is the case, this woman is also not good, there is a **** oozing out of the corner of the mouth.

However, the house leaked to the night rain, and another louder wave screamed toward her.

"I am resting!"

This woman is already escaping. She just took the blow and now she can't afford the mana. She can only close her eyes and die.

As for the other companions, they have the heart to rescue, but they are unable to return to heaven.

"Be careful!" "Three sisters, hide!"


For a time, the exclamations came from one after another, but they were useless at all. Seeing that the light was far from the top of the woman’s head, everyone’s heart was filled with desperate emotions. A breeze blew, and the light wave disappeared inexplicably.

Everyone is jaw-dropping.

Especially the woman, who had already closed her eyes to death, did not expect it to be inexplicable, and it was extremely ecstatic.


At this moment, a sigh was passed to the ear, and then more than ten feet in front of him, the blue light appeared, Lin Xuan's figure emerged.

Needless to say, it was natural that he had helped him.

Although Lin Xuan is curious, why is there a human presence here, but since I want to inquire about the news of the moon from their mouths, of course, the girl’s distress Lin Xuan can’t be ignored.

Fortunately, although the monster has never seen it, but the strength is at best not only Yuan Ying, and its attack is naturally simple.

At this time, Lin Xuan appeared, squatting on his body, although there was no spiritual pressure to spurt out, but as a powerful existence, there is naturally an inexplicable prestige. When several monks touched his gaze, they all bowed their heads in vain. I dare not look directly at him with my eyes.

The rescued girl also had some unsettled, but still rushed to Lin Xuan Yingying: "The younger generation Mu Qing, thank the seniors for their help."

Lin Xuan nodded: "Who are you, how come here."

The cultivation of these people is obviously impossible to come here through the altar, so the space crack becomes the most reliable explanation.

This is also Lin Xuan's most feared explanation.

If they are coincidental, inexplicably come here, then they are like the news of their exploration of the moon, it is undoubtedly a thing that looks like a mirror, and asks blind, it is useless.

Therefore, this simple question is exported, and Lin Xuan’s heart has a hint of tension.

Concerns are chaotic, and the ancients do not deceive.

At this moment, a strange quirk was introduced into the ear. The stone that looks like a tiger seems to see that the situation is not right. If the figure is short, it is necessary to think about it.

Needless to say, this guy is trying to escape.

Lin Xuan brows a pick, he was originally upset and nervous, this monster is still so eyesless, Lin Xuan naturally will not let it go.

"I really don't know how to live!"

With a cold drink, Lin Xuan did not see any action. A Qingxia swept away and turned into a sharp sword. In a flash, the monster was killed. (To be continued...)

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