Tempered Immortal

Vol 5 Chapter 4091: Ancient mystery (middle)

H2> What's more, the woman who is so shocked by the king of Ashura, only in the late stage of the robbery, shows the strength far superior to ordinary fairy.

If she had survived the looting, then it was enough, and she was really a fairy, but she had to bow to her.

This must not be tolerated and must not be allowed to exist.

She must be screaming that she has not fully grown up and killed her in the bud.

The voice of Yutong Fairy continued to pass to the ear: "With the passage of time, the top powers led by King Ashura are increasingly being tabooed by the real fairy, but it is not so simple to get from the Three Realms, so they I thought of the strategy of killing people by knife and using the fierce and aggressive extraterrestrial demon."

"The true fairy began to confuse them."

"Original, the outer magic domain is not connected to the three thousand interface, and the original interface channel is also open for them."

"The leader of the extraterrestrial demon is originally ambitious. Nowadays, the support of the immortal is even more scrupulous and there is no more, so the two sides hit it off, and the real celestial murder by the knife, the extraterrestrial demon is coveted by the riches of the three realms, and willingly started a horse."

"That battle is far more tragic than this one. The master is powerful and has fallen into countless. Xiaolong, your master is sleeping in that battle." The voice of Yutong Fairy brought a bit of grief.

“Why didn’t I have a little impression?”

The dragon and the real man scratched their heads, and the giant whale Wang Guanghan was also standing there with a blank face.

This can be a bit of a surprise. It is reasonable to say that they should all experience it in that war. How could they not remember it at all.

"You don't have memories, this is naturally a reason. Next, I will naturally say."

Yutong Fairy swallowed a spit, then opened down: "The evil spirits outside the field are extremely evil. However, the three realms at that time are really capable of people, especially Ashura, and even more amazing people."

"There was a leader who led everyone to resist the strong enemy. Even the flying sorcerer was back to the sky, and the invasion failed. The conspiracy of the immortals was ruined."

"It turns out that I don't think that the immortal is so mean. Since Ashura has teamed up with the spiritual world to fight against the enemy, everyone's friendship should be very good. Why does she lead the ghosts and ghosts, killing a **** river into the river? Too strange, is it the traitor of the real fairy, they provoked from it?" Lin Xuan's voice was passed into the ear.


Lin Xuan's situation is not mentioned, at the same time, I do not know how many miles away.

To be correct, it is another airspace, a completely different world.

Real space.

Here is the territory of the true spirits. It is difficult for outsiders to get involved. The most powerful creature in the legend is the one that has been inhabited since the ancient times. It has been calm and waveless, and the three thousand worlds are sacred, and the situation is always peaceful and peaceful.

Even if King Ashura came to the place with a strong posture, he quickly left after receiving the nine-infant killing of the nine-headed bird, and did not cause more waves.

Today, however, this has continued for millions of years of calm but has been ruined.

The magical moonworm became the first victim. Soon, the blood of the nine eyes also followed suit...

This is not over yet, or just the beginning of a disaster.

In less than half a day, there are seven or eight true spirits that have been killed, and not only the current true spirits have been eliminated, but even the fire of the real spirit has not escaped.

This kind of thing is not what Ever.

Although the true spirits are all living in each other, the trajectory of each real spiritual space is different.

However, such a big event has never been able to hold all these powerful existences.

Soon, they found out that it was not right.

I found the peerless demon in white, although the other is a fairy, but in the eyes of the real spirits, it is similar to the devil.

One-on-one is definitely playing him, but the true spirit of pride has begun to unite.

The sky is a little dim, here is a wasteland.

This absurd existence is rare in the real space.

However, this kind of environment is the favorite of seven.

Seven scorpions, the fierce name is almost inferior to the nine-headed bird, which is one of the many poultry spirits known for their killings.

Not only is the character strange, but the strength is also tyrannical.

However, at this time, it was very embarrassing.

The same situation is also its companion, black water mysterious snake.

Jin Wu’s situation is not much better.

The three great spirits are actually used together.

It’s not a fight, it’s not a level at all.

Can't talk to the enemy, rightly speaking, just dying and struggling.

The faces of the three heads of the true spirit are all extremely anthropomorphic, showing the meaning of despair, left and right, wanting to leave.

"It’s a bunch of stupid things. It’s all about this. I want to hang on, or I’m ashamed or surrender.”

"I... I am willing to surrender."

The sound of the humming sound was transmitted to the ear, but the seven singers opened their mouths.

"Would you like to surrender?"

"Yes, please let the owner let me go."


The white-haired boy did not suspect him, and his sleeves glanced, and there was a gap in the Tianluo network that suddenly trapped it.

Seven of them were overjoyed, and their wings flew out.

In an instant, it has already flown to the front of the young man more than a hundred feet away. This distance, with their huge body, is almost negligible.

Then, in the eyes of the seven scorpions, there was a hint of suffocation, and there was no sign. From among his seven skulls, he spurred mad sand, thunder and lightning, and fire...

Each type of attack contains completely different laws of heaven and earth.

Such as squally showers, like a comet falling to the ground, the other side will completely drown in.

"Haha, idiot, do you think that my seven sins will surrender to anyone?"

Seeing the truth, the arrogant laughter of the other party was passed into the ear, defeating the victory, killing the enemy, and making his mood very happy.

However, the voice did not fall, his laughter stopped abruptly, and the blazing flame was intertwined with the thunder, and the white boy slowly came out, and there was no scar on his body.

Even the clothes are as clean as new.

"Idiot, the capricious guy, do you have this ability?"

There was a trace of disgust on the face of the white boy: "I have given you the opportunity. Since I don't want to cherish it, I will send you to the house of Yin Cao."

When the voice did not fall, he smashed it in a slap in the face, and the tens of thousands of books in his hand suddenly made a big effort, and the colorful treasures bloomed from the surface.

There is also a faint singer into the ear.


At the same time, the country of Qingqiu.

"The king of Ashura leads the ghosts and ghosts, killing a **** river into a river. It is true that the prosperous provocation is not wrong, but it is not as simple as you think."

Yutong Xianzi sighed: "This is also going to start from the failure of the devil outside the domain..." r1152


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