Tempered Immortal

Vol 5 Chapter 882: Ghost reappearance

Chapter VIII Chapter Ghost Reappearance

The moment before, it was also kind and eye-catching, but in the blink of an eye, it turned like a book, and the two ghosts were stunned. After seeing the sword light, the expression suddenly changed.

The anger is mixed, but of course the two will not sit still, the old man's face is earthy, but after a hesitation, he still stretches out his right hand and looks out at the dignified image.

A sigh of black gas did not enter the gray white sword.

On the surface of the fairy sword, a grim face emerged.

Then I’m so angry...

"The treasure of the evil spirits?"

Lin Xuan is slightly surprised by the open channel. The so-called evil spirits are in fact similar to the spirit of the spirit. Only one is to take the treasures of the monsters into the treasures, and the other is to seal the souls of the immortals.

It is said that it is better than the power of the ordinary spirit of the instrument.

Only the ones that can drive such treasures can only be ghost repairs.

After the old man pointed out, he turned into a shocking rainbow and rushed backwards.

Lin Xuan also nodded, and his face was rarely revealed with a few thumbs-ups. In order to escape, this man would not hesitate to give up his life.

Being brave and decisive, it is also a character.

Unfortunately, it is futile!

Seeing the treasure of the evil spirits resisted his own sword light, Lin Xuan turned his left hand, and the flame of a fist size jumped out.

Creeping and moving, turned into a blue-eyed bird, a wing, such as the arrow from the string, after the first arrival, the immersed in the horror of the dwarf old man.

With Lin Xuan’s current cultivation, don’t say that the meditation period of the first district is even the old monster of the Yuan Ying period. When you meet the Bi-Fantasy fire, you will surely be in a hurry.

The screams came into the ears, and the old man hurriedly sacrificed the defensive treasures. Unfortunately, there was no half-effect, and the instant was refining along with his body.

Lin Xuan turned his head and found that the middle-aged monk was also in a coma, but it was not stunned by his sword light, but the moon shot.

Although the little girl has not succeeded in killing the baby, but the ghost repair in the middle of a condensate is still easy.

However, the effort of the two interest, the two unlucky guys were killed and injured.

Lin Xuan nodded with satisfaction, his body flashed, and he came to the unconscious monk, put his hand on his head, and applied the method of searching for the soul...

Soon, Lin Xuan’s face was gloomy, and he was slightly bounced. Several fireballs appeared, turning the other side into gray smoke.

"What's wrong, young master, what did you find?"

Lin Xuan shook his head, no openings, but with his hands and jaws, sorted out his thoughts.

Of course, the other party is not aimed at the Baixuan Pavilion, but their purpose is to confuse Lin Xuan. Actually, he went to the Kuiyin Mountains to meet with several elders, and then went to complete any important tasks.

It is a pity that the two men were too low to repair. They were only ordered to reinforce them. What they did was not clear. After ordering them to meet, they listened to several elders.

This can be a bit strange.

The Kuiyin Mountain Range has always been a restricted area for monks. The periphery is still good. There are many old monsters in the depths of the period. At the same time, they live in the Moyu people. They are local monks in Youzhou, and rarely come here. The total altar is in Yunzhou. Why are you going to work here sneaky?

Lin Xuan was puzzled, but he did not think hard.

No matter what action the other party has, it is only necessary to have nothing to do with yourself.

Lin Xuan can not eat enough, to manage the other side.

However, after experiencing this episode, Lin Xuan also thought about where to go, and he seems to be visiting the Kuiyin Mountains.

In the first place, it was natural to send the ink elders to the west. They had made a commitment to the venerable gods in the past. After the advanced Yuan Ying, they must destroy the ancestors of the sect, and only use the soul of the soul to open the venom. God Jun sent his own jade tube.

That is the treasure of the Mouzu people. It contains a variety of secret techniques, including the Bi-Fantasy Fire. The power of this magical Lin Xuan is clear, and other secrets are of course a must.

This matter can not be delayed, otherwise the ancestors of the mixed yuan sit down, or die in the hands of others, they can cry without a place to cry.

Lin Xuan thought secretly.

In addition to this business, there is also a deceased person living in the Kuiyin Mountains.

Peacock Fairy!

At that time, the two were enemies and non-friends. Lin Xuan even ate a lot of bitterness in the hands of the mid-term banshee.

However, due to a series of accidents, the two had to join forces and broke into the Treasure Pavilion of Lingyao Mountain.

After the catastrophe, the relationship between the two was different. Even in order to lift the imprisonment of the sacred light, Lin Xuan and the peacock fairy had a kiss.

Although it is forced by the situation, no matter what, the two are now friends and non-enemy.

Even the state of Seoju was caught in the chaos caused by the ghost, the Peacock Fairy also invited Lin Xuan to the Kuiyin Mountains to avoid.

Of course, Lin Xuan refused her kindness, no matter what, her own man, can be attached to the shelter of women.

However, it is easy to move, and now that I am in the middle of the Yuan Ying, I can go to the beautiful demon fairy.

Think about the difference between the last two people, but more than 60 years of time, I entered the country so fast, do not say that there is no one to come, the ancients must not be much, the peacock will certainly be shocked...

Lin Xuan's mouth was slightly upturned, and his face showed a little smile. Then he became a young man, and wrapped his moon and spurred in the direction of his left hand.

Two days later, a vast mountain entered the line of sight, and Lin Xuan’s light was slowed down and stopped in midair.

In front of you, it is the Kuiyin Mountain Range. Together with the 100,000 Dashan Mountains, it is also called the two dangerous places in Youzhou. Not to mention the mortal Wufu, even if you are a cultivator, you will not dare to enter it.

Take the Kuiyin Mountain Range, there are still thousands of miles outside, most of them have been visited by monks. There are not many kinds of monsters, and they are usually not particularly vicious. In addition to the low-level disciples of the agile period, the monks who built the base period should be careful. It is also possible to enter and exit in this area, hunting the monsters, regardless of the skin skeleton, how much can be exchanged for some spar.

Of course, it is not that this area is safe.

Every year, a large number of monks fall into the belly of the beast, and the weak meat is strong. In this mountain forest, it is reflected more and more.

In addition to thousands of miles outside, after turning over an iconic mountain, there is no one to explore in the back area, let alone the lower-order cultivators, even if the sects of the condensed monks enter the squad, they usually send sheep. Into the tiger's mouth, the legend, in the jungle, I do not know how many demons of the period of the beast, want to pass safely, at least have to be Yuan Ying class.

But for tens of thousands of years, there are very few Yuan Ying old geeks involved in this, they are not full of support, unless there is a counter-level treasure, otherwise who will run nothing to discuss with the formation of the monster.

It should be noted that the third-order and below monsters are not the opponents of the same-order monks, but the fourth-order is also the magical spirit of the demons.

Moreover, the two people of the shemale, can not talk about harmony, although there is no unforgettable feud, but if you have the absolute advantage, you will certainly not hesitate to kill the invaders.

Of course, there are exceptions to everything. The reason why the Mouzu people can live in the depths of the Kuiyin Mountains is because their ancestors have some entanglements with the high-level monsters living here.

However, even if they do, they can't just step out of their own territory, otherwise they will be attacked by the monsters.

Fortunately, the Kuitan Mountains are vast and vast. After the defeat of the Moyue people, there is not much population. The territory that the demon beasts are assigned to them is enough for the Mohs to prosper and survive.

Because of the special environment here, it was in the catastrophe of the ghost, and it was not affected. After all, the ghost emperors were not idiots and did not want most unprovoked enemies.

If the monsters here come out, the strength is better than the natives of Youzhou.

Lin Xuan is now naturally going to enter the depths of the Kuiyin Mountains, but unlike the first time, it was inexplicably entered into the depths through the transmission array, and now there is no good luck.

This time Lin Xuan must rely on his own magical powers, quietly sneak in, but found nothing, the monster is fierce... but presumably will not unreasonably provoke such a mid-infant immortal.

Turning through all sorts of thoughts in his mind, Lin Xuan turned into a gray, inconspicuous and shocking rainbow, deep into it.

Although the speed is slower after the concealment of the magical powers, the same can also save a lot of trouble for myself.


Lin Xuan did not know that at the moment he was thousands of miles away, in another entrance to the Kuiyin Mountains, among the inconspicuous jungles, there were dozens of cultivators dressed in black.

Every sullen, without exception, is all ghost repair.

During the condensate period, the foundation period is all there, and the three headed, the extraordinary temperament, are all the old monsters of the Yuan Ying class.

On the left hand side, it is a woman wearing a palace dress. However, the palace dress is still black. This female appearance is also acceptable. Although it is not a beautiful woman, it is barely justified, but its pair of eyes is actually blood red. There is also a faint flash of light inside, just a glance at it, you can make people feel cold.

Beside this woman, it is a bald man, and this person’s dress is more eccentric, actually wearing a hide, and his face is painted with oil paint. It looks like a wild man of a primitive tribe, but he can repair it. For, it is better than the strange palace dress woman, Yuan Ying mid.

As for the last one, it is completely different from other people's dressing. This person is about forty years old, three long-haired, and looks very elegant. He wears a white gown suit and looks like a scholar who wants to go to Beijing to take the exam.

The temperament is also mild, and it is the most human-like among all the cultivators.

As the saying goes, people can't look at each other, the sea can't fight, others are sullen, but it is a spell that cultivates ghosts. This most human-like guy is a monster from the gloomy world.

Only he is too high, he has been able to condense his body and reshape his body with the soul of the soul.

If Lin Xuan is here, I will definitely know it, and I will hate it.

He has almost died in the hands of this monster several times. This guy is...


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