Templar Sun King

4. Ice Field (1)

Adam felt that he must have been brainwashed to choose Romano to go to Celtic between the Emerald Forest and Romano. This cannot be blamed on him. Before killing Gordon, he still sneaked from France to Celtic by chance, but after killing Gordon, it was completely different. The importance of the death of an archbishop to the Church of Dawn is self-evident. If Adam passes through France without knowing it, even Adam himself may feel that the Church of Dawn is unnecessary.

So between the Emerald Forest in the south and Romano in the north, Adam chose Romano. No matter how hostile he was to Master Bai, everyone was human after all.

So now Adam is advancing in a world of ice and snow. Even though he is now a priest with a career level of 11, and has added a pair of heavenly armor to himself, the icy snowstorm still makes Adam feel uncomfortable. He doesn't have a strong body like Andrew, or maintains a magic shield unique to the gold rank at any time like Simon. The heavy snow has been falling for three hours in a row, and there is a vast expanse of whiteness in front of him, except for the howling sound of the wind, it is the heavy snow.

Later, Adam finally figured out a way. He restored the magic wand in his hand into a pile of golden sand, and then turned it into a thick and fleece special magic robe. Added a Dispel spell, Celestial Armor. After changing into a robe made of sand, Adam finally felt warm all over his body, and even the wind and snow became lovely.

It is worth mentioning that after he raised his professional level to level 11, Jinsha's ability to change did not get much improvement. The most important manifestation was that the spell sealed in the wand changed from one silver spell to two silver spells. Spells, not the golden spells Adam was expecting.

Now he is flying forward behind Simon, and next to him is Paladin Andrew.

I don't know how long it took, when Adam and the others rested for the third time, a thick smoke appeared in the wind and snow, vaguely mixed with cries for help and screams.


"I'll go and see, young master." Simon turned into a ray of holy light across the sky. This is the ability that Andrew and Simon obtained after advancing to the golden level. They can turn into a holy light and move very fast. The only thing Adam regrets is that they can't carry other people while going into this state. Otherwise, Adam would have let them take him to Celtic like this.

"This is the northernmost ice field in Upler. Is there anyone still living here?" Adam couldn't stand it for just a few days, let alone those ordinary humans who have not acquired extraordinary power. The environment here is too harsh.

"Every creature has a special living environment, and some people may just like the snow on the ice field."

In order to get to the place where the thick smoke came out as soon as possible, Andrew took Adam to fly quickly.

Not far away, there was a wave of bright energy, which was Simon who was casting a spell.

When the platinum holy flame appeared in front of Adam, he finally saw what was fighting Simon.


There were at least twenty vampires who resisted under Simon's sacred flame, three of whom were of the silver rank. It was they who slaughtered this small village hidden in the ice field. The ice and snow of flames and blood were dyed red.

The dark creatures are most afraid of light energy and white magic. Facing Simon, the golden-ranked holy inquisitor, the blood races have no room to resist. When Adam landed, they were all burned to ashes by Simon's sacred flame. Nothing left.

"People from the Cage family are looking for a magic item called the Frost Necklace." Simon had obviously heard enough information before doing it. But looking for precious magic props in a remote village in the northern ice field of Romano, these vampires really came to the right place?

"The whole village was killed by the blood clan.


Adam looked at the village full of corpses and sighed: "Burn it."

Platinum flames enveloped the entire village, and the broken corpses disappeared under the sacred flames. The whole village became quiet, as if it had existed in this remote ice field for an unknown number of years.

"Huh?" Andrew and Simon made surprised voices almost at the same time. Following their gazes, they saw a crack in the ground not far away, and there were still people alive!

A child who was only six or seven years old carefully looked at the three of Adam in the ice cave, and then the crack closed again and was covered with ice and snow, as if it had never appeared before.


It's been two days, and this is the second day after Chris Dean was slaughtered by blood clans in the village. He was cold and hungry, and the dry bread he had brought with him when he left the village had already been eaten yesterday evening. This remote village, once his homeland, is now a dead zone. People who are alone in this snow-covered ice field will become the best hunting targets of snow wolves. If you don't want to be eaten by hordes of snow wolves, leaving here is the only way-no one can take care of him anymore. .

But Chris, who was only seven years old, never left the village after his father died. The farthest he went was to catch a kind of ice fish in a river in the north as food. He didn't know the way.

Gritting his teeth, he tried his best to hide his figure and secretly followed the three humans. He wasn't sure if the three humans were good or bad, but at least they wouldn't just eat people, young Chris comforted himself. The three of them have been on their way, and Chris followed them when they walked, and Chris followed them when they rested. Along the way they encountered a pack of snow wolves, who were driven out with flames by the old man of the three.

While he was relieved, Chris didn't dare to lose the three of them. He even slept carefully, for fear that there would be no trace of the three of them when he woke up the next day. A boy who is only seven years old, the possibility of walking out of this ice field alone is zero.

For two days, Adam sighed and looked back at the little boy who had been following them. When he turned around suddenly, the boy with the same hair color as him hurriedly hid, panic and fear flashed in his gray-blue eyes. His level of evasion is not very good, and Adam can still see the golden hair under the snowdrift.

This cute little boy was the only one who survived in that village. I don't know what method the people in the village used to hide him in an ice cave and successfully hid himself from the slaughter of the blood clan.

The boy followed them and wanted to get out of this ice field. Adam knew it, otherwise they would not have walked against the wind and snow.

The sky is getting dark gradually, and the days of this ice field near the pole are very short, and more often you can see the gorgeous aurora and the beautiful starry sky in the sky.

Adam sat on the ground and ate the white bread taken from the sanctuary space. Unlike Andrew and Simon, he could obtain the necessary energy through energy exchange. What is that boy doing now? Should have started to rest too.

When the morning sun shone on the ice field again, Chris woke up, and he knew it was time to start again. But something unexpected happened to him, there were no traces of the three humans ahead, they disappeared!

Chris ran out in a hurry, looking for the traces of the three humans in the snow, but there were no footprints on the ground.

Suddenly, an arm stretched out from behind him and hugged him up. Chris, whose body was suspended, looked back, and saw that the young man among the three was caught! Chris was so nervous that he waved his hands and struggled. When he was in a hurry, a blue light flashed in his right hand, and there was a simple dagger made of ice in his hand.

Holding a dagger in his hand, the boy hesitated, not knowing whether to stab it.

Just when he was hesitating, he was thrown by the young man to the middle-aged soldier standing beside him.

Chris was held stiffly by the soldier, and then a broad palm touched his head, just like his father used to touch his head when he went out.

"Come out with us." Chris felt relieved when he heard the soldier hugging him, and the blue dagger in his hand disappeared into a blue mist.

"What's your name?" In the end, Adam decided to take this little ghost who had been following them out together. Anyway, everyone he knew died under the attack of the vampires. As for whether he is willing to go to Celtic with them, that is something after he walks out of the ice field.

"Chris, Chris Dean." The boy was carried flying by Andrew, and answered Adam's question quickly, trying to behave as well as Adam expected.

Dean, Adam thought he had heard this surname somewhere, but he couldn't remember it for a while. Soon he turned his attention to Chris having a last name.

A surname is a rare thing. In Adam's nearly one-year travels, he met only a handful of people with surnames. It is a strange thing that this remote village in the Romano North Ice Field still has a surname.

"Is it your ability to directly use water elements to create a dagger without chanting a mantra?"

Chris curled up in Andrew's arms and nodded.

Adam wondered.

If he remembered correctly, whether it was Uppler or Yasha's spellcaster, chanting spells was an essential part of casting spells. Unless the caster is strong enough to ignore spells, for example, a gold mage can ignore spells and instantly cast all spells of black iron and bronze ranks, and silver can instantly cast black iron spells .

But Chris...

Adam looked at the boy, considering the weak mental power of the boy, he is not even a magician now, and he is barely even a black iron rank.

"How did you do it? I mean the dagger."

"Just think about it." Chris stretched out his right hand, blue mist gathered in his palm, and then a dagger appeared.

It is the magic wave of the water element, yes, but it can be done without spells!

Adam felt that he had discovered something extraordinary, and perhaps he could tell Isabella about it.

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