Templar Sun King

Twenty-seven, Dragon Slaying

It was different from any previous descent, this time when the bone dragon descended, it felt the huge light energy enveloping itself. Bai Sensen's bones were gradually being burnt and purified under the light field, and the whole environment made him feel extremely uncomfortable. The bone dragon just came to the surface world and found that his strength was suppressed, and he could only exert 70% of his usual strength. .

In order to vent this strong discomfort, the bone dragon raised his head high, a large cloud of faint blue light rose from his empty bone cavity, and quickly approached his open mouth along the slender neck.

"Gods are above!" Although the residents of Griffin City returned to their homes under the warnings of the freshly-baked sheriff and the city defense army at the beginning of the battle, the battle outside, especially the arrival of the bone dragon, made them feel A wave of despair. Not everyone can see that Lilith, a petite woman, is actually more terrifying, and the reputation of the bone dragon is too strong.

Those who rushed to Griffin City from other cities to see the grand event did not expect to encounter such unlucky things. They wished that they could travel through time and space and use their palms to wake up themselves a few days ago. Why should they join in the fun? You can say goodbye to the world directly.

"Don't even think about it, obediently accompany Miss Ben to fight." Simon subconsciously wanted to intercept the bone dragon's attack. He knew very well that Griffin City could not suffer such an attack from the bone dragon, let alone ordinary people in the city. Even silver may not be able to survive the frontal attack of the undead flames. However, as soon as he had this idea, Lilith entangled him with a more ferocious attack.

The half-blood, half-vine queen was a little annoyed. No. 17 was one of the benefactors who rescued him from the seal, but just now the other party was completely killed by six judgment spears and holy flames. , there was not even a corpse left—she had the idea of ​​rescue, but was entangled by Andrew and Simon. So when she saw that the bone dragon was about to spit out the mouthful of dragon's breath, she felt a burst of joy, and used the same method to restrain the two of them. The desperate crying and struggling brought her extreme joy and pleasure.

A faint blue light instantly poured out from the bone cavity into the bone dragon's open mouth, and a faint blue beam of light blasted towards the City Lord's Mansion. The people of Griffin City closed their eyes in despair, gods, why did such a thing happen, is this young city lord not good enough to take him away now?

However, the imaginary sound of explosion or burning did not come from my ears. A few bolder ones peeked out from the windows and door cracks of the houses on both sides of the street, and saw an extremely spectacular scene.

I saw a total of eleven thick holy lights rushing out of the Santo's Mansion - their masters are Adam, the Bird of Paradise and nine priests - intertwined into a huge shield in the air. They dare to swear that they have never seen such a huge and sacred shield before: the milky white holy light is holy and soft, and a sun cross pattern can be vaguely seen in the middle of the shield. The faint blue beams of light were blocked by this huge shield and turned into blossoming undead flames.

Huh... When the bone dragon's breath was blocked, Adam seemed to hear the whole city heaving a sigh of relief. Eleven Baiyin, who are proficient in the magic of the temple, joined forces to block a dragon's breath from a bone dragon.

"Aw..." The consequence of doing this is that the bone dragon let out a loud roar of anger, and the nearby area has been forcibly transformed into a field of light by priests, and he is subjected to the washing and blowing of light energy from all directions in the surface world every moment. purify.

Now Adam finally understands the mood of the Bishop of Midland when he encounters the double attack of the demon and the sea clan. One bad thing is the end of the city being destroyed. However, such an end was definitely not what Adam hoped to see. He had just taken over the city, and a bright future was in sight. How could he allow a bone dragon and a strange half-blood and half-vine woman to destroy it.

"Everyone, is anyone interested in slaying a giant dragon with me to celebrate the 70% meeting,

Want to spice up your January 1st festivities by the way? "

Slay the dragon!

The others were taken aback for a moment, and then they were shocked by Adam's proposal. This proposal is crazy! What they have to face now is not an ordinary gold professional, but a bone dragon! In this world, anyone with the word "dragon" in their race name is nothing to offend, let alone a real dragon like bone dragon!

But on the one hand, the power shown by Adam shocked them. Griffin, Bird of Paradise, and Priest are already 16 silvers, and they completely restrain the bone dragon in terms of attributes. There are at least 35 Baiyins who participated in the Seven Cities Conference.

Generally speaking, ten high-ranking silver players can basically restrain a gold professional by joining forces, and twenty or so high-ranking silver players have a certain chance to kill a gold professional.

To be honest, some people were moved, and the title of dragon slaying warrior emerged in their hearts, at least the bone dragon was not a dragon.

"I've long wanted to have a fight with gold professionals. Although it might be embarrassing to spread the word, group fights can be considered a fight." Arman stepped forward.

"And me." Bit clang and drew out his long sword.

With the joining of these two silver seniors, others responded one after another. They can indeed stay out of the matter temporarily, but when Adam fails, the other party may not be willing to let them go. Instead of handing over your fate to your enemies, why not get one for yourself. Besides, with the strength of these people, it is really possible to slaughter a bone dragon. For various reasons, at least verbally this group of silvers joined in.

"Very good." The bone dragon's second breath was about to spray out again, Adam quickly arranged, "Spell-type ones stay here to attack from a distance to restrain the bone dragon, and warrior-type ones follow the bits."

"Paul, be ready to judge the spear and bless everyone with spells."

Rays of holy light shot out from the magic wands of the three priests and landed on each Baiyin. Whether it was a mage or a warrior, there were already several temple spells on him in an instant.

The first is the blessing technique, which has been officially completed since Adam's professional level was raised to level 10. It can simultaneously gain strength, speed, endurance, defense, and spirit from five aspects. The soldiers felt a burst of warmth in their bodies, as if they had endless strength and vitality. The mages felt their brains were cool, and their spirits were unprecedentedly full and refreshed. Even the magical elements floating in the air seemed to become extraordinarily active.

Then there is the armor of the kingdom of heaven, a silver-level sanctuary defense spell. It seems that a thin layer of holy light forms an armor on their bodies, which protects the whole body, but they can move freely.

But there is still one thing to be resolved, the bone dragon must be taken out of Griffin City, at least this battle should not take place in the city. Adam thought for a while and took out the six nails that Arlos gave him that day. Maybe this treasure could help.

Bear! The second dragon's breath was defended by the huge shield just like before.

"It's started." Adam issued the order to attack while igniting the flame of origin sealed by the six nails in his hand.

The six judgment spears and four sacred flames issued by the nine priests and the bird of paradise formed the first wave of attack. The lance entwined with platinum lightning, the platinum-like sacred flame, and the golden origin flame emitted by Adam arrived in front of the bone dragon almost at the same time. In the field of light, these holy light spells are blessed by the environment, and their power becomes particularly powerful, while the strength of the bone dragon, which is an undead attribute, is continuously suppressed as time goes by.

Just as Adam thought, the bone dragon finally decided to ignore the so-called master's orders, flapped its wings to avoid the attack and flew into the sky - breathing dragon breath in the air is actually more effective, isn't it?

The six griffins chirped in unison, waving their wings and rushing towards the bone dragon. Immediately afterwards, Bai Yin, who attended the meeting, also flew into the sky to join in the dragon slaying battle. The bone dragon who just flew up into the sky trying to get rid of the oppression of the light field looked back, and there were so many silvers following him. He was a little puzzled, when did this group of flies dare to provoke a bone dragon?

If someone could read the expression of Bone Dragon, they could find him grinning now. The bone dragon opened its mouth, condescendingly spit out a mouthful of dragon breath. The faces of the Baiyins changed drastically. Although they had the defensive spells blessed by priests, it was the bone dragon's undead flames that attacked them.

"Continue to attack, I will take charge of the dragon's breath." Adam's voice came from below. A blazing golden flame rolled up from below, and the holy flame of origin continuously absorbed the rich light energy in the field of light, and each blossom burst into golden light straight into the sky.

boom! The faint blue flame collided with the gold-plated flame, and it was only an instant to decide the winner. Under the inconceivable eyes of the silver men, the dragon's breath of the bone dragon was actually ignited by the gold-plated flame, and the undead flame spit out by one bone dragon was ignited by another. A mighty flame is burning! The holy fire of origin transformed the dragon's breath of the bone dragon into fuel and became even more massive, and even the air next to the flame was dyed golden.

The nine priests and the Bird of Paradise seized the opportunity, and ten thick rays of holy light attacked from all directions and enveloped the bone dragon, which was still in a state of astonishment. The other Baiyin were not stupid, they took advantage of the time when the bone dragon was shrouded in holy light to attack. Fighting energy and alienation abilities of various attributes, such as fire, frost, storm, and lightning, all fell on the bone dragon.

"Aw..." Bone Dragon roared in pain. If it hadn't been suppressed and weakened by the field of light, he believed that this group of flies would never be able to cause him such a huge damage. Elemental and grudge damage can be ignored by him, the holy light is the source of his pain at this time. Some lessons must be taught to them! In the holy light, a cloud of faint blue light rose again from the bone cavity of the bone dragon, which was a precursor to his breathing of dragon's breath - in this case, any undead spells were not as convenient as dragon's breath.

"Stop, don't breath the dragon again! Idiot!" A voice sounded in the bone dragon's mind, it was the voice of the necromancer who summoned him to descend to the surface world. It's all his fault, he summoned him forcefully, otherwise he wouldn't have suffered such pain. Shrouded in the holy light, the bone dragon complained, not seeing that group of gilt flames was flying towards him quickly after being supplemented by the flames of the undead.

"Spread out!" The silvers retreated to the surroundings one after another.

In the next second, the bone dragon broke through the encirclement of the holy light, and an unprecedentedly huge mouthful of dragon's breath spewed out from his mouth. The faint blue beam of light just rushed towards the gilded flame flying upwards, and the holy fire of origin ignited the entire beam of light, burning along the undead flame all the way to the bone cavity inside the bone dragon. Looking from a distance, the bones of the bone dragon Bai Sensen shot out the golden light, spit out a beam of golden light!


The entire bone dragon was ignited by the flame of origin at this moment!

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