Templar Sun King

Thirty, 6-armed Naga

When Gavin just saw Moore appearing, he said that he was not satisfied, that was a lie. This kind of feeling of watching Adam fall into despair before the absolute power increased little by little - although it made him look like a villain, And it goes against some of the virtues preached by the Church of Dawn, but when he thought that the other party was the murderer who killed Gordon and Adam, who had caused huge losses to the Church of Dawn, the little bit of shame immediately disappeared without a trace.

But when this momentum appeared, he was a little anxious. He didn't remember inviting any gold to come to Griffin City to deal with Adam. Things were going beyond his expectations bit by bit. During the period from the appearance of this aura to being seen by everyone, Gavin only had time to pray a few words in his heart, and then he saw who it was, it was a Naga.

Yes, Naga, a resident of the Deep Sea Empire, a child of the Sea God.

This is a female Naga. She has a heroic face, healthy wheat-colored skin, and the most striking thing is that she has four more arms than a human, a six-armed Naga of the golden rank!

Naga generally have four arms when they become adults, and their highest strength is silver. Once they are promoted to the gold rank, they will get an extra pair of arms, which will bring unexpected benefits to combat, especially close combat. Imagine this kind of situation, warriors of the same rank, one side is a human being, and the other side is a six-armed Naga. When the two arms of the human being are dragged down by the Naga, the opponent still has four arms that can launch a deadly attack at any time. Attack, quite a terrible racial talent.

The six-armed Naga in front of her is holding a scimitar in each arm, which shows that she is a golden sword master-this kind of profession is not common among female Naga, generally speaking, female Naga has more Plays both a mage and a priest, rather than the more common warriors of male naga - and a golden sword master proficient in multi-weapon combat! That is to say, this six-armed naga can use six arms at the same time to launch a violent attack on the enemy. In terms of combat power, it is almost twice that of the same level, and it can even be tripled if it is properly operated!

The silvers opened their mouths wide and stared blankly at another gold professional who appeared above Griffin City. The gold professional who appeared this time was a deep-sea six-armed naga that was rare on land. Naga usually lives in the deep sea. Although they can live on land, the time is not too long. Ordinary naga can survive on land for about three days without water, beyond which they will die of dehydration. However, as the strength increases, the time limit increases. For a golden sword master, it is basically no problem to leave the water and live on land for the first half of the year.

Could it be that today is a golden gathering, just because of some kind of accident, it was discovered by ordinary people like them? Andrew and Simon of Griffin City, Lilith of the Blood Clan, Bone Dragon of the Scourge Church, Gavin and Gwenda of the Church of Dawn, Moore of the Silver Tower, and now a six-armed Naga.

Because the tense atmosphere created by Gavin's threat disappeared completely when the six-armed naga arrived, some Baiyin even had a ridiculous idea: this six-armed naga should come to help Adam, right? If that's the case, then the development of things today is really interesting.

"I am Nikita, and I am here to guard Griffon City under the order of Princess Ellie, if the current city owner is still Adam." The six-armed naga stopped over Griffon City, waving the six bends in its hand. knife said. While talking, she was looking for a human named Adam in Griffon City. She was curious about what kind of man the heir of the deep sea Naga empire looked like.

It's Ellie! In fact, when Adam saw Naga appearing, he almost knew who was helping him. After all, he only knew two Naga, Ellie and Vera.

"Thank you for coming, Ms. Nikita, and please tell Ellie for me, thank you very much for her help." With an extra six-armed naga, Adam's pressure was greatly reduced. Andrew and Simon deal with Lilith, and the six-armed Naga can basically crush Gwenda Knight,

As for the remaining two golden spellcasters, Gavin and Moore, Adam quickly thought about how to deal with them.

They are really here to help Griffin City! Regardless of whether they quit under the threat of Gavin just now, Bai Yin and other professionals present cheered for a while, and things are moving in a good direction.

Nikita looked at Adam. Unlike the bronze mage that Princess Ellie spoke of, Adam is now a silver mid-level mage. Princess Ellie was able to be promoted to the silver rank at the moment of her adulthood, relying on the royal support of the Deep Sea Naga Empire, and what did Adam rely on? Nikita looked at Andrew and Simon who were confronting the four golds. It seemed that Princess Ellie's praise of Adam was not exaggerated at all.

"Damn Naga." Moore cursed in a low voice when he saw the six-armed Naga appear. Sensing the gazes of Gavin and Gwenda, she quickly explained: "I was stopped by a sea monster on the way to Celtic, and the one driving the sea monster is the Naga in front of me, because of this, it took a lot of time. "

Moore thought of the sea monster called Levatin, with its huge and desperate body, the powerful power of the golden rank, and combat at sea, if she survived, she was proficient in white magic and good at defense and healing. Blame it. The scene of the seawater rolling back into the sky and turning into water columns under heavy pressure resurfaced in Moore's mind again.

Gavin softly said to Gwenda beside him: "You will be responsible for the Six-Armed Naga, just hold her back." He knew very well that Gwenda, who is also a gold novice, is not the opponent of the Six-Armed Naga. What kind of strange alienation ability does he have while having six arms. As long as they can hold the opponent back, they still have two gold combat powers left to slowly deal with Adam, the silver mage.

"It only takes three minutes to chop off your head." Nikita, who has keen hearing, swung the scimitar in his hand when he heard Gavin's words, and said confidently.

"You are too arrogant, Naga, go back to your deep sea, the land has always been the domain of humans." Gwenda admitted that the opponent's six-arm advantage was beyond his comparability, but she couldn't accept this kind of insult contempt. He slowly pulled out the long sword from his waist and held it in his hand, with a strong fighting intent in his eyes.

"Ma'am, just like before, Andrew and Simon will be handed over to you." Gavin said to Lilith, "I will deal with Adam personally with Archmage Moore."

"No problem at all." Lilith giggled, and the scarlet vines under her body danced to stop Andrew and Simon. She was as proud as she was depressed just now.

Gavin and Moore looked at each other, took out their wands and prepared to release spells to capture Adam. Whether it is the Church of Dawn or the Silver Tower, before killing Adam, you need to get something from him, such as teleportation, such as the white magic that has never appeared in Upler.

However, at this moment, the faces of Gavin and Moore changed drastically, and Gavin even cursed fiercely in his heart—thanks to his strong self-control for not really scolding in front of so many people.

The silvers, who were always paying attention to the situation in the sky, noticed the situation of the golds and made a neat swallowing movement. Could there be gold coming?

Soon they will know the answer.

This time, two humans flew towards Griffin City quickly, one of them was an old man with white beard and white hair, and the other was a young girl about twenty years old.

"Karloff!" Gavin gritted his teeth and spit out a name from his mouth. The old man with white beard and white hair was Archbishop Karloff who was pursuing Zoe in the Bafison Business Alliance with Adam. As for the girl next to him, it wasn't any clergyman in Harvest Church that Adam knew. However, Adam obviously noticed that Karloff was always a step behind the lady when he was flying. This attitude showed that the lady's status in the Harvest Church was quite unusual.

"Master Adam, we meet again." Archbishop Karloff stopped over Griffin City, "I heard that Griffin City encountered some small difficulties, so I came here to see if I can help. This is our Lady of the Harvest Church, Foster."

"Thank you very much for your help, Archbishop Karlov." Although I don't know why the Harvest Church traveled thousands of miles to Celtic to help him, but Adam remembered this friendship first, considering that he really needs assistance now , "Thank you too, Saintess Foster."

The young saint nodded to Adam and smiled.

By the gods! What happened today? There really was a golden man who came to help Adam, and he was also the archbishop of the Harvest Church! Many people couldn't help rubbing their eyes with their hands, and then looked over Griffin City, one, two, three, four... Now there are eight gold professionals here, four from Adam's side, and the same in the enemy camp. It is four. They are not very clear about the specific strength, but at least the number of people is now the same.

Everything that happened in less than half an hour was too much a test of their imagination, the pressure brought by the bone dragon and Lilith, the excitement and joy of slaying the dragon, the despair that shrouded Gavin and Gwenda, Moore... The appearance of the Archmage brought the entire Griffin City into a desperate situation. Then came the help of the six-armed Naganikita, and now we need to add Archbishop Karloff and Saintess Foster of the Harvest Church! Things move so fast, more exciting than any novel, that they can hardly breathe.

"Long time no see, Gavin. You actually fell into the position of joining forces with dark creatures. I feel ashamed to be a priest with you."

Being humiliated by the Archbishop of the Harvest Church in this way, Gavin would definitely take out his wand and fight to defend his dignity in normal times, but it is definitely not today. When he set off from the noble council, he confidently told those councilors that he could easily turn Griffin City back into Falcon City today, but what is the situation in front of him?

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