Templar Sun King

Forty-nine, melee (1)

Accompanied by a powerful aura is an unusually dark and evil aura, the moment people feel it, they know that the person who is coming here is an enemy of darkness or undead attributes. who is it? Lilith still?

Adam's face changed, the imminent arrival of this unknown enemy completely disrupted his plan.

Gavin was taken aback for a moment, and then he seemed to think of something, and laughed loudly: "Don't worry, Moore, continue to cast spells. Although the attributes are opposite, they are definitely not our enemies. The one who should have a headache is our Mr. Adam!"

Colorful rays of light shot out from the top of Moore's wand, which was extremely beautiful, and then turned into a rainbow, starting from Moore's wand and rushing to the sky, building a long curved rainbow bridge and rushing towards the center of the battlefield. The moment the colorful rainbow light rose from a distance, it attracted the attention of all soldiers. They would not think that the rainbow that suddenly appeared on the battlefield was a natural phenomenon.

Obviously, there is a powerful mage behind him. Moreover, some powerful mages found that on the way of the rainbow, they almost predatoryly attracted all the surrounding light energy, making the colorful rainbow light bloom more beautifully.

When the long rainbow bridge bends to the apex in the air, the real effect of this magic is just revealed. The apex is used as the dividing point. The rainbow light before the apex is a normal light. It is pleasing to the eye even if it is seen in a place like the battlefield. , if one ignores the palpitating terrifying energy fluctuations on the rainbow light. After the apex, the colorful iridescent light gradually makes a clicking sound in the air like a substance, turning into a transparent and beautiful crystal, and gradually elongating and sharp.

Gavin watched the change of the rainbow light and knew that this was the real effect of the spell. Different from the energy attack of ordinary spells, the rainbow light emitted by this spell of rainbow light crystallization will turn into seven sharp long swords after rapid crystallization. It has energy attacks and is also extremely powerful in physical melee attacks . The seven long swords that descended from the sky were like death's scythes. Immediately after stabbing the enemy, all the energy contained in one of the colored rays of light was injected into the opponent's body, detonating it.

The most important thing is that this iridescent crystal with seven colors can attack seven times. After each attack, it will consume a color of light until all colors disappear after seven attacks.

Ka Ka Ka!

In the dense crisp sound, the other end of the rainbow light has been crystallized, and seven brilliant crystallized long swords were born from the rainbow light, shining with a palpitating light. At one end is a beautiful rainbow, and at the other end is a terrifying crystallized long sword. Danger and beauty appear harmoniously in this spell.

"Rainbow Crystal!" Finally, a mage remembered a famous white magic, a rare white magic with powerful attack power.

A terrifying force locked Andrew, which was the iridescent crystal from Moore. The speed of the spell is very fast, and the speed reaches its peak after the crystallization is completed.

The seven beautiful and dangerous crystalline long swords made a series of piercing sounds in the air, and stabbed at Andrew fiercely.

Gwenda was a little unhappy, someone suddenly intervened in this one-on-one battle of faith and chivalry, even though he was the one being helped, he still had a feeling of being underestimated, even if he won the battle, he would suffer ridicule. But thinking that the other party is the golden sword master of the Griffin Principality and the enemy of the Church of Dawn, he immediately buried this thought deeply, and cooperated with the rainbow crystal's attack with peace of mind.

Almost at the moment when Moore's rainbow crystals spewed out from the wand, the master of the voice in the Ash Forest finally came to the side of the battlefield. It was a tall mummy lord, with scarlet eyes staring at both sides of the war, and finally locked its eyes on the army of the Griffin Principality.

The mummy lord, a gold rank undead creature.

The moment the mummy lord appeared next to the battlefield, he waved his hands up and down, as if convulsing. As the archbishop of the Church of Dawn, Gavin knew this kind of gold-rank creature with opposite attributes very well, and knew that it was a sign of the mummy lord casting a spell. Sure enough, the next moment, streaks of black mist emerged from the mummy lord. These black mist squirmed and drifted in the air, some penetrated into the ground, some disappeared in the wind, and more parts rushed towards the army of the Griffin Principality.


A gold level of black magic.

After this spell is released, any living body in the designated area will be attacked indiscriminately. Anyone who is infected with even a little bit of this black mist will be infected with a terrible plague. Unless he receives timely treatment, his body will become weak, dull, and stunned, and he will fall into illness and spread quickly through water, blood, and air. In history, there are many insane black mages who released this terrible spell in densely populated cities. As a result, a bustling city almost became an empty city, with bones everywhere, and a dead silence.

And after being released by the true master of the plague—the black magic of the plague comes from the mummy lord—the target will develop sarcoid tumors in the body while accompanied by all the above symptoms, and the holy tumors with amazing reproductive ability will be bred in the tumors. The beetle made the terrifying ability of the plague increase exponentially.

Sensing the energy fluctuations in the distance, Gavin knew that Simon was preparing a spell, but he didn't know whether the other party wanted to support Andrew first or intercept the plague spell, but I'm afraid there was no chance.

Gavin chuckled, since a mummy lord came out of the Ash Forest to help deal with the Griffin Principality, wouldn't it be a pity for this great opportunity if he didn't cooperate well. As long as the Griffin Principality, the Church of the Sun God, and the influence of Adam can be wiped out from Celtic, even if the other party is a mummy lord, I believe that the open-minded Lord of Dawn will forgive his small mistake——Church of Dawn One of his teachings is fighting evil (dark and undead creatures).

"Plague is a terrible black magic. If we don't deal with it in time, all soldiers may be infected with the plague. Once it breaks out..." Arman, who recognized the spell released by the mummy lord as plague, hurriedly said to Adam half a minute ago. .

"Andrew, back off!" Adam flew into the sky on the bird of paradise and issued an order. At the same time, the magic wand in his hand and the bird of paradise emitted divine light, and they gathered together and rushed towards the plague.


The nine priests teamed up to release one after another disperse spells to form a huge holy light. Also releasing disperse spells were 64 shining spirits in the sky.

The 75 rays of holy light were connected together to form a piece of holy light that landed in front of the soldiers of the Griffin Principality, interweaving into a barrier of holy light and rushing towards the spreading plague. The black mist and the milky white light collided in the air, and the power of the dispel technique was instantly revealed, and the black mist melted with a crackling sound under the dispersion of the holy light.

Taking advantage of the moment when Gwenda's strange emotions flashed in his heart because of seeing the rainbow crystal spell, Andrew forced the opponent away with a sword, and his figure retreated violently.

Bark! boom!

A red crystalline long sword pierced deeply into the ground. At least one meter long crystalline long sword sank into the ground. Immediately afterwards, the ground rolled, and invisible energy ripples centered on the long sword one meter below the ground. It exploded in all directions.

If Moore is dissatisfied with the spell of rainbow crystal, it is that once it stabs an object, whether it is the target the spell owner wants or not, it will instantly inject all the energy contained in a color, and then cause Huge explosion. Just like her fatal blow didn't really stab Andrew, but the red crystal long sword still injected energy while stabbing the ground.

"Get down!" Someone shouted, and then the ground shook violently. The huge energy pushed the rocks and soil away, and gullies appeared on the ground, cracking the ground like an earthquake. Andrew and Gwenda, who were in the center of the explosion, immediately gave up fighting and flew towards the sky, only there was the best place to hide.

Amidst the roar, cracks scattered around the place where the red crystal long sword pierced, and the ground was in a mess.

The red in the colorful rainbow disappeared, and there were only six colors left, which represented that the spell of rainbow crystal could be used six times. Moore seized the time to direct the orange crystal long sword to continue attacking Andrew.

Although there are still six colors left in the Prismatic Crystal spell, it doesn't mean that Moore can use it six times. With her strength, she can use up to three colors to attack. Maintaining this spell is a huge test for her mental power and magic power. Unless her strength can truly reach the peak of gold, she will be able to use all the crystal long swords of the seven colors smoothly one by one.

The orange crystalline long sword danced in the air and attacked Andrew. Gwenda pursed her lips, and only hesitated for a second before rejoining the fight. Andrew, must die!

"I hold Simon, you and Gwenda kill Andrew first!" Gavin seemed to have seen the scene of Andrew's death under the siege of Gwenda and Moore, and he jumped up with ease. Coupled with the fact that the mummy lord is a friend rather than an enemy, there are two more gold fighters on their side!

But the next moment, his mood was not so happy.

Simon, who was supposed to be restrained by him, broke through the mental lock, and the two holy lights intertwined into a huge cross in the sky. The opponent did not support Andrew, nor did he deal with the mummy lord, but directly used a gold-level spell to fight back!

Moore's rainbow light crystallization provided Simon with an accurate position due to the relationship between the colorful and long rainbows. The Judgment of the Cross drew a dazzling holy light in the sky, and it just fell from the sky towards the place where Moore and Gavin were located in an instant. (To be continued.)

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