Templar Sun King

Fifty-nine. Provocation (1)

"Adam, what are you thinking?"

After killing the mummy lord, expelling Lilith from the Celts, and letting the Johnson family become history by the way, Isabella, who was about to leave, looked curiously at Adam who was suddenly stunned. Could it be that the spell effect brought by Lilith's Abyss Howl has not completely disappeared?

"You said, what if I purify the entire Ash Forest?" Adam came up with this idea after seeing the area burned and purified by the Holy Flame of Origin.

There are three ways for him to increase his professional level, heal, purify, and kill enemies above him. From coming to this world until now, he gained upgrade progress more by killing enemies whose strength was one level higher than his, but the difficulty was a bit high. Especially if he wants to upgrade from 15 to 16, he needs ten golds. It has to be said that this is a difficult task. Ten gold professionals. You must know that the cardinals of the Church of Dawn are only ten archbishops, and one of them is because of him. The reason for the fall was killed in the Bafixun Chamber of Commerce.

The Ash Forest is shrouded in dark energy and dead energy of the undead all year round. If he can purify the entire Ash Forest, he must be able to make a lot of progress.

Isabella was taken aback by Adam's strange question, and then understood that it was a way to verify a certain idea on Adam's white mage's path, just like what she did when she was looking for her own magic path, and immediately expressed her support.

"The amount of work is not small, do you need to call all the white mages in the city to help?"

"No, just with me, Simon and Paul." This kind of thing can only be done effectively by Templar troops, and only Yaoling, Priest, Simon and Bird of Paradise can help him purify and dispel dark energy.

"Are you sure?" This is a whole forest.

"I'll let Arras arrange it, maybe you're right." Considering the not-so-rich dark energy and the vast land area at the edge of the Ash Forest, Adam finally decided to outsource this part of the area, which has little impact anyway. .

"By the way, what is the method of dealing with Moore that you mentioned just now?" Isabella asked.

Adam was about to leave and stopped again: "Do you have a way to bypass Gavin and contact Moore? I want to ask her out to talk." Adam knew that Andrew and Simon did not have this method, so he threw the question to Isa Bella.

Isabella thought for a while: "It's not that there is no way..." It's just a little difficult.

Half an hour later, at the former site of the Johnson family, Adam and Isabella stood there, waiting for Moore's arrival.

"If nothing unexpected happens,

Moore will be here at three o'clock. Now you can tell me the purpose of Yue Moore coming out? "

"Deliver the message to Moore verbatim as I said?"

"Words of it, don't tell me you want to settle with Moore."

"Reconciliation? Somewhat close." Adam thought of Moore's performance on the battlefield, and he had an idea.

"I want Moore to leave Celtic."

"Just the two of us?"

"Exactly, it's just me."

"I'm curious." Andrew and Simon had already left, so it would definitely not be a form of force.

"You will know in a few minutes, but you may need some help. I remember that there is a spell called one-finger shaking in the general spells."

Moore, who had received the news from Isabella not long ago, was hesitating. She was a little surprised when she received Isabella's telepathy, and the content of the message surprised her even more. The amount of information is not large, there is only one sentence: You are being used by the Church of Dawn, and then there is a location, which is the location of the Johnson family's castle.

Do you want to go, what if it is a trap? After all, the opponent has three gold professionals, and even if she is good at defense and healing, she won't last long if they rush forward. Time passed little by little, and finally when it was almost three o'clock in the afternoon, Moore made up his mind to go to the place in the message.

Seeing that there were only Adam and Isabella at the agreed place, Moore breathed a sigh of relief. The former site of the Johnson family, whose entire landscape has been almost changed, nakedly showed Moore the powerful power of Adam.

"Good afternoon, ma'am, I prefer to call you Mrs. Moore if you don't mind."

Moore raised his chin to make himself look very confident. Although the man in front of him is young, he must not be underestimated. The heir of the Weiwen family, the Grand Duke of the Griffin Principality, and at least two gold professionals are waiting for his orders at any time. This number may have to be changed to three after Isabella appears.

"It's up to you to decide. I would like to hear the purpose of His Majesty's invitation to come out."

She was an important member of the Silver Tower, and another important member, Lang, died because of Adam. The fact that they met could not be known by others. Moore decided to leave quickly after listening to Adam's explanation, feeling puzzled.

"I know this may sound absurd, but Mrs Moore, you are being used, and in a very bad way."

"I didn't see it at all." Isabella felt that she didn't see it either, but she still quietly activated the magic circle that was placed here half an hour ago as Adam said before. Its main function is to let people enter the magic circle. Targets within range are weak-willed and easily affected by external forces.

"Three reasons." Adam stretched out three fingers, "First, I don't know Madam. I don't know that the battle between two golden sword masters who risk their lives and dignity on the battlefield is extremely sacred, and no third party is allowed to intervene." Moore, who had just shot and attacked Andrew himself a few days ago, pursed his lips and did not speak.

"I'm assuming Madam understands well. At that time, there were two people who could deal with Andrew. One was you, Madam, and the other was Gavin."

"In terms of lethality, ma'am, you are a white mage, and you are known to be bad at attacking spells. In terms of closeness, Gavin and Gwenda are both members of the Church of Dawn. If there is nothing wrong, the priests and knights of the Church of Dawn have a special way to attack. But In the end, why is it that a white mage who is not good at attacking and has to bear the reputation of destroying the fairness of the battle is the one who attacked Andrew?"

Yeah, why her? At that time, Gavin had at least three powerful golden spells, Meteor Fire Rain, Volcano, and Divine Brilliance, which could be used to attack Andrew.

"Why?" Moore, who was already dissatisfied with Gavin, completely followed Adam's train of thought under the influence of the magic circle.

"Of course it is to remove the Church of Dawn from destroying the fairness of the battle and leave the infamy to you, madam, and the Silver Tower. If the noble council wins, not many people will care about the fairness on the battlefield, but what if it fails? "

The result of the failure was naturally that the soldiers and mercenaries of the Griffin Principality cursed her for being shameless. Moore frowned, as if he had heard the ridicule of others.

"Secondly, I have to remind Madam that there is a difference between mages and priests after all! Is there really a basis for cooperation between the Church of Dawn and the Silver Tower?" Adam's words flashed across Moore's mind like a flash of lightning, recalling her recent failure to deal with Adam. The attitude towards the Church of Dawn that had been put down for a while was picked up again. The Silver Tower is a Tower of Silver, and you must not take refuge in the Church of Dawn.

"When I was in France, I had the honor to participate in an exchange meeting for outstanding young white mages held by the White Robe Mage Association. Madame, guess what I heard at that exchange meeting?" Moore knew about the exchange meeting, in fact She also knew that it was Goffman's idea to investigate the current situation of Master Frans Bai.

"As Master Bai, he fanatically believes that the source of their power is the Lord of Dawn, and even proposes to record all white magic in the church. The Church of Dawn is brainwashing Master Bai! It is simply an exchange meeting for outstanding young priests! It is also a field of light The two most powerful organizations, the Silver Tower represents mages, and the Church of Dawn represents priests, Madam, if the Silver Tower falls, will there be more people who believe in the Lord of Dawn?"

Of course there will be more, the necessary treatment alone is enough to make those businessmen and dignitaries who have not fallen the Church of Dawn fall into the arms of the Lord of Dawn.

"Is this just your guess?" Moore's question made Adam laugh. As long as Moore is willing to believe part of what he said, his goal can basically be regarded as achieved.

"This is the third reason I want to talk about. If I remember correctly, when Gavin cast the volcano spell, Madam was standing by and releasing the rainbow crystal."

Moore remembered the thing that bothered her the most recently: "That's right."

"Unless the strength of a gold magician has reached a new level of mastery of elemental energy at a high level of gold, there is only one spell that can be maintained at the same time. With all due respect, ma'am, you still can't use the rainbow crystal at the same time." At the same time, add a gold-level defensive spell to yourself."

Isabella looked at Adam and Moore with great interest, the latter's face became more and more ugly with Adam's analysis, even though she pretended that I was just listening casually. Things are going better than Adam imagined, and Moore is very concerned about it.

"It seems that Madam is also very aware of this, but Madam must have never thought that Gavin did it on purpose."

on purpose? At most, Moore just labeled Gavin as regardless of her life or death, and never thought it was a murder! She felt that her mind was a little confused, and the young Grand Duke of Griffin spoke nonsense in a way that made it difficult to distinguish the truth from the false.

"That's right, it was intentional. If Madam died in Celtic because of this, how would Silver Tower react?"

Gavin made it clear that he wanted Stephen to come to Celtic, and Moore's mind once again surfaced. If she were Gavin, she would definitely exaggerate and use the most intense words to provoke the only two remaining gold masters in the Silver Tower. His anger made them come to Celtic to avenge the dead Lang and Moore, and to deal with Adam together with the Church of Dawn. Moore doesn't doubt the possibility of Goffman and Steph coming to the Celtics if something like this does happen.

At that time, with the cooperation of the Silver Tower and the Church of Dawn...

"At that time, the conflict between the Silver Tower and me will intensify, and we will inevitably fall into a bigger battle. What the Church of Dawn needs to do is to hypocritically send an archbishop to wait for both sides to fight to the death, and easily reap the fruits of victory!"

"Just one battle can make the Silver Tower and the Griffin Principality drop in strength or even be removed from this world, and the Church of Dawn just needs to find a suitable time to kill the weak lady. Now the lady should know why I am Are you asking Mrs. Yue to come out?"

Moore tightened the wand in his hand, pretending to be calm: "You have no evidence."

"Actually..." Adam dragged out the ending, "I have." (To be continued.)

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