Templar Sun King

Sixty-five. Caveman Spirit (1)

Half a month later, Adam set foot on the land of the first layer of Underdark in the underground world again.

"Everything is normal. Gavin is being restrained by the sea monster that appeared in the southeast sea area of ​​the noble council, and he has no extra energy to lead the army to attack the Principality of Griffin."

Gavin received a joint call for help from several local lords and city lords on the eighth day after Adam entered the channel. There was a huge change in the southeastern sea area, and he might be hit by a tsunami at any time. It is true that Celtic is surrounded by the sea, but it has never suffered a disaster like a tsunami. The continuous huge waves and violent tumbling sea made the people of nearby cities tremble with fear!

As the supreme leader of the Southern Noble Council, Gavin had to temporarily put aside Moore's affairs and deal with the threat of the tsunami in the face of many lords and city lords asking for help—a situation that the high-ranking silver city lords could not handle. In Gavin's memory, the Celtic southeast sea and northwest sea are two famous fishing grounds, but now the people and fishermen in the nearby cities are not in the mood to go to sea at all. Even the ups and downs of the sea will not give birth to the idea of ​​​​going to sea.


Gavin just saw the huge 200-meter-long sea monster hidden deep in the southeast sea at once. When the other party sensed him, he even twisted his huge body, making the sea water more violent. Even the sky was gloomy, and lightning swam through the dark clouds, as if a storm was coming.

"Vesper and Phoenix arrived at Griffon City five days ago, and the Griffin Principality, where three gold professionals sit, is very safe now."

According to Simon, the fact that Vesper and the phoenix descended on Griffon City made the people and soldiers of the Griffin Principality feel more confident, and their admiration and support for Adam reached an unprecedented peak. Originally, the process of Adam unifying the Federation of Seven Cities was a bit dramatic. It was after killing Celtic's first golden swordsman Levitt since the Scourge of the Undead that he took over the excellent situation created by the other party's efforts.

After the founding of the Principality of Griffin, not every people in the Celtic northern lands was willing to accept the leadership and rule of Adam, but this opposition force disappeared after the confrontation of the eight golds, and disappeared again after the church was established. And when the number of gold professionals in the Griffin Principality increased to five, the remaining part finally dissipated unwillingly. Five gold professionals! No matter how hostile they are to Adam and unwilling to accept his rule, they can't find a reason to continue to oppose them under the strength of the five gold professionals.

If it wasn't for Stephen from the Silver Gaita to come to Celtic, and Adam took Isabella and Andrew to the Underdark, both Arras and the Senate wanted to directly kill the noble council.

"It sounds very smooth, we have to hurry to Iris City, and return to Celtic as soon as the Moonwell is in hand."

"But first,

I think we should confirm where we are currently. "Adam, who had just come out of the passage, had no idea where they were in the Underdark Region, and in which direction Iris City was.

The place where they are now is a weird stone forest, there are stone pillars everywhere, some are long and some are short, some are thick and some are thin, they look extraordinarily gloomy in the unique light of the dark region.

"Be careful, master."

"Adam, I'm afraid we have entered someone else's territory." Andrew stood beside Adam and drew out his long sword, and Isabella also took out her wand, ready to release spells at any time.

"Whose territory?" Adam released his mental power to carefully sense the surrounding situation, and found nothing unusual.

"Cave dwellers."

"I've heard from my teacher that cave spirits, dark creatures that live in the underdark region, have excellent talents in the dark and earth factions. They can turn their bodies into stone pillars to hide and wait for their prey to approach. Today, I finally saw the cave spirits. Look." When Isabella was speaking, there was a dense click sound from a large stone pillar around, and the stone pillar shook quickly and dropped stone chips, and then these stone pillars grew feet, hands, and stretched out an ugly and ferocious head, turned into a troglodyte.

To be honest, if it weren't for the bloodthirsty murderous intent revealed by a stone pillar near Adam just now, neither Isabella nor Andrew would have discovered that this stone forest is actually transformed by cave dwellers, and their concealment methods are indeed very superb .

In the next half minute, Adam witnessed how the dense stone pillars in this stone forest changed from inconspicuous stone pillars to hideous and ugly cave dwellers. They are dark humanoid creatures with thin and long bodies covered with horny scales that resemble black crystals. They have a huge head protruding from their bowed bodies. They have no eyes, only two nostrils and a large mouth full of fine teeth. Cave spirits have no vision, and rely on their strong sense of smell to sense the enemy's location. Their two hands and feet are muscular, and each has three sharp claws.

Adam figured they must have a lot in common with vampires, since the cave dwellers looked like straight-up versions of vampires.

Among them, the cave dweller transformed into the tallest stone pillar was three times the size of other common people of the same race. It was tall and big, with a long scarlet tongue protruding from its mouth and licking its face, dripping sticky light yellow liquid. If Adam's induction is correct, the strength of this huge cave dweller should be golden!

"It's not those damned vampires, I smell human beings." The cave dweller of the golden rank turned his head to the three of Adam, his nostrils twitched, showing his sharp teeth, "It's been almost a hundred years since I tasted human flesh and blood. ..."

"Catch it!"

The current situation is very similar to being attacked by a large group of gargoyles in the underground palace, but the strength of the two sides is not the same at all. This time Adam has two gold professionals!

Milky white brilliance bloomed from Andrew's body, and the long sword swept across. The cave dwellers who rushed forward, no matter whether they were bronze ranks or silver ranks, were not Andrew's opponents. They were cut in two with just one sword and fell to the ground. ,lost life.

"Light energy, I hate light energy."

The cave-dwelling spirit of the golden rank pressed his hands on the ground, and the ground rolled and broke, forming a torrent of soil and rocks with a thickness of more than one meter rushing from all directions. When they were about three meters away from the three of Adam, they quickly spun and connected together to form a hemisphere like a bowl, trapping them in it.

"Meow!" Alice let out a cry of dissatisfaction, and a fist-sized ball of light appeared on her front paw, emitting light to illuminate the three people shrouded in darkness——Adam had always wondered whether Alice was a magical creature before, Now I finally witnessed the opponent cast a spell, but now is not the time to worry about this issue.

Using Alice's fluorescent technique, Adam saw that sharp ground thorns were growing rapidly on the wall composed of mud and rocks, and tended to shrink inward.

"Huh?" Isabella blinked, a little surprised. A dark creature like a cave dweller is similar to a werewolf and basically tends to be a power type. Few cave dwellers are as good at spells as the one in front of them. "I'll deal with him."

Isabella quickly chanted the spell, and a yellow sphere emerged from the tip of the wand, and there were twelve smaller light spots on the outside of the sphere, rapidly rotating around the sphere.

Outside, the golden cave dweller grinned grimly, and the hemispherical stone wall began to shrink and squeeze, and the prey inside would soon be squeezed into meat paste by the long and sharp ground thorns and the stone wall itself. But he didn't want to do that, he just wanted to use the thorns to string the three prey inside, so that it would be more delicious and chewy. Suddenly he felt a powerful wave of energy coming from inside, which was also an earth element like the magic school he was good at. Before he could process this information, a huge distorted force erupted from the hemispherical stone wall, making him dizzy as if his head had been hit hard with a hammer.


The yellow sphere with twelve fast-moving light spots suddenly exploded and turned into yellow beams that spread out in all directions. At the same time, cracks appeared on the hemispherical stone wall, which exploded like the sphere.

The golden spell of the earth faction, burst outward!

According to previous experience, the cave dwellers who were able to receive food made excited noises. Just when they approached the hemispherical stone wall, they were torn to pieces by the shock wave from inside. Charge towards the surrounding cave dwellers.

Three figures rushed out, Adam added a heavenly armor to himself at the moment the sphere exploded, Andrew quickly cleaned up the cave dwellers around him, and assisted Isabella in dealing with the cave dwellers. If you want Adam to say that this scene was a bit bloody, many cave dwellers were pierced by ground thorns before they could dodge, and some unlucky ones were even pierced into hedgehogs by several ground thorns, and there were many cases of cave dwellers wearing several cave dwellers on one ground thorn .

"Stop that knight."

Since the Golden Caveman is good at spells, the most fearful thing is to be approached by Andrew of the same rank. The other Caveman are very afraid of Andrew's sharp long sword, but they can only use their body as a weapon to block Andrew due to the order of the leader. It was when Isabella and the golden caveman were preparing their spells that they were killed in pieces. The corpses of troglodytes were everywhere on the ground, and the blood dyed the ground red.

Torrent of mud and rocks!

Under the effect of the spell, the thick and hard ground softened, and the mud and rocks rushed out to form a torrent of mud and rocks, rushing towards the three of Adam, and the rumbling sound echoed throughout the forest of stone pillars. What greeted the torrent of mud and rocks was a beam of blue ice fog, the golden spell of the Frost faction, and extremely cold.

The sound of crackling came continuously from the torrent of mud and rocks, and a third color soon appeared in the brown-black torrent, blue, which was the rapidly frozen water in the torrent of mud and rocks. The front of the torrent was completely covered by a thick layer of solid ice, which was immediately crushed under the action of gravity and impact, and then covered with a thicker layer of ice, which quickly spread to the back.


Facing Isabella's extremely cold golden caveman, he was a little anxious. This area is his territory, and usually not many enemies are willing to bring it here to provoke them. One of the toughest opponents he encountered was a hydra, but he also chose to retreat under his muddy torrent. If he had known that these three were so powerful, he shouldn't have changed from a stone pillar state to a normal state just now, otherwise he would not have faced the danger of being besieged by two gold professionals, especially one of them is a gold sword master who is good at light energy!


The torrent of mud and rocks was completely frozen and stopped, and a long iceberg appeared in the forest of stone pillars, and Andrew had already attacked close to him with his brilliant long sword. (To be continued.)

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