Templar Sun King

74. Sacrifice ceremony (1)

When the dark elves finished building the altar near the valley outside Iris City, Adam and his party were secretly watching from a distance. In addition to the two gold players Andrew and Isabella, there are three more gold professionals in the team.

One is a black beauty with nine shiny black braids, and she is Medora in human form. After hearing that Adam's purpose this time was to rob the Moonwell of Iris Flower City, she immediately put forward the idea of ​​joining, and the Hydra who took advantage of the fire and robbed it couldn't be more fond of it.

As for the remaining two, they are the unlucky Golden Juggernauts from the Bafison Chamber of Commerce. Among the two options of signing a magic contract and being killed, they finally chose to sign a magic contract. What's interesting is that Hall, the older golden swordsman, imprinted his mark on the magic contract that Isabella took out in just one click, while the younger golden swordsman, Hynes, did not wait until the third time. It only succeeded when he was preparing to attack the spell, which showed how reluctant the young golden sword master was to Adam's proposal.

Not to mention the young and energetic Hines, even Hall felt absurd after signing the magic contract. Before the dark elves' sacrifice ceremony had begun, and even the Moonwell hadn't been seen They have become someone else's free thugs! This was not a big blow to the two golden sword masters. Even if Adam healed their injuries afterwards, it couldn't make them feel better.

The mighty Golden Juggernaut of the Bafisun Chamber of Commerce, who can sit on an equal footing in front of the nine directors of the Merchant Alliance, is now threatened by a high-ranking silver mage, which is simply ridiculous! However, Hall and Hynes could only consider themselves unlucky when they thought of the outrageous suggestion that Adam would die if he didn't sign the magic contract.

In stark contrast to the dejected two golden sword masters is Adam who is secretly proud. What could be more refreshing than taking advantage of the fire and forcing the two golden sword masters to sign an unequal treaty?

Originally, Adam was still worried about how his two gold professionals would break through the Church of Dawn, Church of Storms, Church of the Sky, Babel, Sky Garden, Green Dragon and other forces to snatch the Moon Well. After joining the two golden sword masters from Babel, Adam felt that his confidence had increased a lot. If it wasn't for the lack of time, Adam would also like to gather the four gold fighters to besiege and kill the members of the Church of Dawn to reduce the pressure of competition and kill two birds with one stone.

In addition, treating the injured Medora, Hall, and Hines in the Shadow Swamp two days ago has brought Adam a total of 15% progress. Adding the original 30%, the total career progress has reached 45%. .

"Cheer up, gentlemen, my goal is to grab the Moonwell." Adam looked back at the two golden sword masters who were depressed, "You can leave in a day at most."

"Hmph." Hines expressed his dissatisfaction with a hum. This was also his goal two days ago. He was able to express his dissatisfaction in front of Adam because the signed magic contract clearly stipulated that the two parties should not harm each other during the cooperation period, but that was all. He didn't dare to go too far to avoid being chased by Adam after the contract expired.

It's not impossible, considering Adam's outrageous act of looting that day.

"As long as we can leave safely after the end, we are willing to do our best during the battle, but I can't guarantee that we will win the Moonwell." Hall said seriously. If they could secure the Moonwell, they wouldn't be forced to sign a magic contract now.

"Of course, as long as the two are willing to do their best."

"The ceremony is about to begin." Isabella saw a huge black dragon dragged out of the valley by dozens of dark elves.

Because of the black spider's chain, the black dragon had no way to resist. It could only watch helplessly as its body was swung by the dark elf, who could usually be sprayed to death with a breath of dragon breath, and pressed on an altar about ten meters in length and width.

The black dragon opened its eyes—thanks to Aguilera for her thoughtfulness. In order to prevent the sacrifice from being incomplete or too weak, Aguilera not only did not torture the black dragon in the last two days, but also called two priests of the temple to serve him. The black dragon attends to the wounds - surrounded by a large group of dark elves.

Every dark elf had a longing and excited look on his face, sacrificing the black dragon to please the goddess, this is considered a big event in the entire Underdark region! At the front of the team were seven dark elves whose strength had reached the gold rank, six females and one male. Among them was the old dark elf who took him down in less than half a minute.

It would be a lie to say that the black dragon has no regrets. He attacked the Iris Flower City three times back and forth. Except for the appearance of a bone dragon in the second time, it has been very smooth. Who would have thought that the fourth time a small Iris Flower City would appear The legendary spider queen priest. Seeing the smug smile on Aguilera's face, the black dragon even waved at him where no one else could see.

"Roar..." Because of the chains, he couldn't breath out the dragon's breath and couldn't attack, but the black dragon could still vent its anger with a roar. Although the black spider chains are formidable, what is bound is a black dragon after all. The escaping power of the dragon scares many dark elves whose strength has not reached the silver level, so that they don't even know that the weapons in their hands are in their hands.

Ellenna pinched her nails and sneered: "This is the dark elf carefully selected by Iris Flower City to prepare for the goddess's sacrifice ceremony, Aguilera? It's a shame that the insignificant dragon's power scares them into such a state. The face of our dark elves!" Civil strife is the nature of dark elves, let alone the city lord of Tulip City, whose ranking has just been surpassed by Iris City.

"My lord priest, I think this is disrespect to the goddess. They should all be executed to wash away their sins." How could the High Priest of Tulip City let go of this kind of good opportunity? After the priest suggested.

"You..." Aguilera was too angry to speak. These are the dark elves selected by Iris City. If they were executed because of this, she vowed to unite with Dylan to kill all the dark elves in Tulip City immediately after the ceremony. The two dark elves remained forever.

"Are you trying to fight among yourself at this time!" The spider queen priest's old voice was not heavy, but it was as loud as thunder in the ears of Aguilera and others. Snapped! The thick black whip landed on the black dragon, and the black dragon's huge body was pulled more than one meter above the ground as if it had been electrocuted, and then fell heavily on the altar, moaning weakly.

"Shut up, everyone, the sacrificial ceremony cannot be missed. If anyone makes a mistake at this critical moment, I will kill him!" Withdrawing the spell, the priest of the Spider Queen said coldly.

At this time, the two dark elves in Tulip City, who were dazzled by jealousy, realized that this is really not a suitable occasion for tearing up. They quickly showed shame, admitted their mistakes and said that they would do their best.

It hurts... this damn old woman!

The pain felt by the whipped black dragon seemed to be magnified countless times. The brain instantly received a large number of messy pain information from all over the body. Big tears. If it weren't for the fact that the black dragon was already rolling on the ground to vent the piercing pain at this moment when its body was locked by the black spider's chains. Compared with the whipping of the spider queen priest, Aguilera's torment in the valley can be described as gentle.

The black dragon's huge body was trembling on the altar, and he kept cursing the spider queen priest in his heart, but it must be useless. Black Dragon God, your people are being abused by dark elves... The Black Dragon prays to the Black Dragon God in his heart, a god who was a black dragon before he became a god, and black dragons generally believe in him.

Suddenly, the black dragon felt a hand stroking his head, and only then did he realize that his eyes were a little blurred due to tears. This discovery dragged the black dragon into the abyss of humiliation in an instant.

"It's so lucky to be a sacrifice to the great spider and the goddess of death." Dylan sighed while stroking the rough scales of the black dragon, and the soft voice made the black dragon shudder. Madman, who wants to be a sacrifice to the damned spider and the goddess of death.

The black dragon opened its mouth, and let out a dragon roar with all its strength, "Roar..."

"The ceremony begins!" the spider queen priest ordered.

Dylan stood on the altar, complacent, held up the scepter, and chanted prayers of praise to the goddess aloud. All the dark elves, including the spider queen priest, fell to their knees, covered in darkness.

"It was Dylan who presided over the sacrificial ceremony?" Adam carefully confirmed that it was indeed Dylan, the high priest of Iris City, not the Priest of the Spider Queen who was standing on the altar to preside over the ceremony. "No wonder there are only experts from Iris City and Tulip City here. It turns out that the Priest of the Spider Queen is planning to do it himself."

The higher the rank of a professional, the greater the difference in strength, and it is very easy for one legend to deal with ten gold professionals.

"If I were the priest of the Spider Queen, I would definitely arrange other gold professionals to stand by secretly. After all, the matter is of great importance."

"Whatever, I only care about whether the Moonwell is in Iris City or Aguilera."

"Roar..." The second dragon roar echoed in the air. The head of the black dragon, which was limp and drooping, suddenly lifted up. A giant dragon really came to save him!

In a burst of miserable green poisonous mist, the green dragon appeared first. Of course, there are also the lizard woman on his back and the lizard man on his feet. (To be continued.)

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