Templar Sun King

Seventy-six. Sacrifice ceremony (3)

A bit of green was pulled out from the barren land in the dark region, and it immediately grew into thousands of branches and vines intertwined with each other to form eight tree whips, the golden spell of the natural faction, the wild tree whip. Countless wind blades rotate at high speed to form a storm, with cold light flashing, as high as 100 meters, the golden spell of the storm faction, sharp blade storm. The Green Dragon and Lizardwoman of the Scourge Church immediately continued to launch spell attacks after confirming that the other gold professionals who had been forced out intended to join forces.

In the Church of Dawn, a golden swordsman guards two archbishops who are casting spells. Seven huge halos and a golden energy sphere are forming, golden magic, dawn halo, and divine glory.

Church of the sky, lightning flashes, lightning entanglement, thick electric pillars rush out with crackling noises, golden magic, electromagnetic cannon.

Church of the Storm, a small whirlwind was formed at the top of Gore's wand, gradually elongated, the tip was extremely sharp, twisting and piercing towards the dark elf, golden magic, wind thorn.

Hanging garden, storm faction, hurricane, flame faction, scorching waterfall.

Babel, Tentacles of Death (the spell with eight thick tentacles), Diablo, Ripple of Death.

Isabella's wand was held high, meteors and fire rained.

Adam took out six nails, triggered the holy flame of origin, and combined with the meteor fire rain from Isabella, the original orange fireballs instantly turned into palm-sized gilded flames, but the power contained in them doubled .

"My God, if we don't kill all the dark elves today, the Shadow Swamp will not be able to stay." As the owner of the Shadow Swamp, a neighbor of Iris City, Medora gritted her teeth and shot a foul-smelling black ray. Spells, ** rays.

In the face of powerful legendary masters, gold professionals from different forces united as never before to besiege the spider queen priest.

A total of twelve magicians and the archbishop cast spells together, wind blades, flames, lightning, rays of light, ripples, all kinds of elements and energies rioted chaotically, and the scene was very spectacular.

"Goddess!" Ellenna covered her mouth, facing a total of twelve golden spells and even forgot that the most important thing she should do now was to get out of the way, instead of standing there like a fool who had never seen the world.

Before the spell officially arrived, the energy released by the twelve golden spells had already rushed over first. The powerful energy fluctuations seemed to be pressing down on the dark elves with a big hand. Under such tremendous pressure, the dark elves selected by Aguilera from the Iris City tried their best to stimulate the grudge in their bodies or opened their magic shields to try to be more heroic, but to no avail.

hum! Dazzling green light rose from the Spider Queen Priest's body and spread out quickly,

A giant spider forms above. Divine art, body protection of the spider queen. When I came to the Underdark for the first time, I should have seen Fiddy of the silver rank use this spell to defend against the attack of No. 27. Now this spell is cast by the legendary spider queen priest himself. I don’t know how powerful it is. times.

The phantom of the big furry and chubby spider is as high as 100 meters, and it emits a miserable green light, protecting the altar and all the dark elves in it. The three spells of electromagnetic gun, gun ray, and dawn halo arrived first. The three golden spells known as natural disaster spells are useless except for splashing circles of energy ripples on the huge and hideous spider phantom, not even a small bite. torn apart.

The four spells of Diablo, Divine Brilliance, Ripple of Death, and Flame of Origin followed closely behind, and finally made the phantom of the spider shake violently. In particular, the Holy Flame of Origin burned immediately after falling on the phantom of the spider. The gilded flame made the spider queen priest seem to have known him before, but he didn't remember it for a while.

The attacks of the wild tree whip, blade storm, hurricane, and wind thorn four spells finally caused a crack to appear in the phantom of the spider that was under the impact of various energies. The first thing to pour in from the crack was neither the Diablo Ball nor the Divine Brilliance, which has a great restraint effect on dark creatures, but palm-sized gilded flames.

At this moment, the entire spider phantom was seeing circles of energy ripples from a distance, flattening the surrounding area, and the gilded flame swallowed up the green light little by little, dyeing the phantom with a layer of gilded color. A hole torn apart by multiple golden spells became the outlet for the flame of origin to vent.

The dark elves were still in shock, and even Aguilera, who had participated in the battle in the main city, had never seen such a spectacular scene and fierce battle. The valley has disappeared from the Underdark region in a wave of energy shock. If it weren't for the powerful magic spell of the spider queen priest, all the dark elves below the golden rank here would be wiped out from this world, and even the corpses would not be left behind. Down.

But I have to say that in the face of the attacks of so many gold professionals, performing well in front of the spider queen priest is a good opportunity to get credit!

So when the gold-plated flames gushed in from the crack, the high priest of Tulip City immediately helped the spider queen priest, shooting a beam of hellfire to try to intercept it.

Origin flame! The Priest of the Spider Queen finally found the name of this gilded flame in the memory deposited deep in her mind, a powerful flame spell that was once famous in the distant Yashakh. But it was too late.

Bear! The hellfire is ignited at the moment of contact with the holy fire of origin, serving as the fuel for the holy fire of origin after entering the spider phantom, and burning along the hellfire to the wand of the high priest, as if the high priest shot a black hellfire at all But a gilded flame. Even after the high priest felt the terrible burning power and threw away the wand far away, it didn't change the ending. The holy flame of origin invaded the high priest's mind along the unbroken spiritual connection between the spell of hellfire and its master.

"Trash!" The spider queen priest held a magic wand to maintain the operation of the spider queen's body protection spell. Aguilera quickly bent her bow and shot an arrow, flying up with the high priest's enchanting body. After being dragged for about two meters, gold-plated flames erupted from the high priest's eyes, ears, and mouth. Her spiritual power and magic power became the best fuel for the flame of origin, and her beautiful body instantly turned into a pile of ashes.


A dull sound came from the black light shot out by the eight-legged spider on the altar. A black vortex slowly formed in the air and kept spinning. A huge coercion came from the vortex, and it was still reacting on the spider phantom. The energy of the riot was affected by this and stagnated.

"The ceremony is about to be successful." Seeing the spider queen, the priest knew that the ceremony was half completed under the auspices of Dylan. As long as the black dragon on the altar was sacrificed, the ceremony would be successful.

After gaining an extra eight-legged spider from his body, the black dragon completely lost all the ability to move, except thinking. He has seen the twelve golden spells and the spider queen's body protection spell from the outside world. Maybe his curse really worked, or maybe the Black Dragon God really heard his prayer, and the huge spider phantom suddenly grew bigger. , and then suddenly spread out, carrying various energies that have not completely disappeared and radiating to the surroundings.

"Hide!" The two golden sword masters of the Bafisun Business Alliance who hadn't made a direct attack just now saw the earth-colored energy waves coming at them, and hurriedly called Adam and others to dodge. With this level of energy impact, even the golden ranks will be killed.

In fact, they didn't need to remind them at all. Adam knew that they should dodge when he saw the gold-plated flames mixed with the impacting energy waves.

He can release the Holy Flame of Origin and control it easily, just like the time when the bone dragon was burned to death with flames in Griffon City. After combining with the powerful golden spell of Meteor Fire Rain, he can only guarantee that a palm-sized flame of origin will be born in each huge fireball under the burning of the gold-plated flame. As for the control, it is the flame of origin. It's my own business.

Adam, Andrew, Isabella and the two golden sword masters added a pair of heavenly armor and hid behind a mountain rock. Isabella still raised a stone wall in front to block the energy impact.

While the gold professionals were busy avoiding the attack, the black dragon on the altar finally felt a huge will come down. That will was so vast and powerful that the whole body of the black dragon was flattened on the altar like a frog.

The will of the spider and the goddess of death has come!

The one who can appreciate the majesty of the goddess better than the black dragon is Dylan who presides over the sacrificial ceremony. She kneels devoutly on the ground and prays loudly. From another strange perspective, Dylan saw two pairs of eyes appearing in the vortex in the air, one pair of dark green, chaotic and violent, and one pair of scarlet, dead and cold.

She had not read any records of similar phenomena in the church books, but the familiar feeling from the soul level and the majestic gaze of two pairs of eyes looking down from above told her that the will of the great spider and the goddess of death came at this moment.

The black dragon struggled to open his eyes. In a trance, he seemed to see a woman covered in a black robe showing two pairs of strange eyes. She was waving a black weapon that looked like a spider blade and a sickle in her hand. come over. In the next second, all the consciousness and soul of the black dragon were shattered, annihilated, and disappeared, and its huge body shriveled instantly, turning from flesh and blood into a corpse, from corpse to bones, and then from bones to ashes, achieving death in the true sense.

"When the black dragon sacrifice is successful, you will place the moon well on the altar and continue the sacrifice ceremony."

After realizing that the will of the goddess really descended, Dylan breathed heavily so that he didn't let himself be so excited that he passed out on the altar. If such a thing really happened, the priest of the Spider Queen would definitely kill her with his own hands. Fortunately, she didn't, not only that, she also quickly remembered what the spider queen priest told her before the ceremony started.

Dylan knelt on the ground and took out a gleaming silver holy grail - the moon well that sealed the Lord of the Sky.

At this moment, no matter whether it was the gold professional who got out of the shock wave, Grace, Ditni who were far away in the surface world, or even a few gods in the outer void, they all set their sights on the small moon well. (To be continued.)

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