Templar Sun King

83. The Fall and Birth of Gods (2)

The fall of the Lord of the Sky and the birth of the second God of Prophecy, this is probably the most sensational event in the entire world in the past month! Uppler, Yasha, and the third-tier underground world, it is no exaggeration to say that every professional is talking about this matter, and this behavior will continue for a long time as the news continues to spread.

Since the birth of the world, the gods have been far away from ordinary people, living in the outer void and overlooking all living beings. Someone once said that there are two opportunities for ordinary people to get closest to the gods, one is when they pray in front of the god statue in the temple, and the other is when they go to the kingdom of God after death.

And now they have the honor to talk about the death of one god and the birth of another—of course, these are private, and it is not wise for the theocratic world to discuss a god rashly. From the eyes of the clergy, this could be regarded as blasphemy, even if the blasphemy was not the god they believed in—but it did not affect their excitement and curiosity in the slightest.

Especially in the Bafisun Chamber of Commerce, where faith is not very prevalent, professionals can still be seen talking on the street. What's even more exaggerated is that a shrewd, greedy, and daring businessman even came up with a brand-new money-making plan under the influence of the concept of money first: the story of the witnesses of the Red Castle, only ten gold coins, will take you to explore the whole process of the birth of the gods!

The exaggerated red fonts are opened on the bustling street, and every word seems to have infinite magic power, attracting the eyes of passers-by. In their eyes, the red characters turned into girls in cool clothes, who stretched out their snow-white arms and waved to them enthusiastically, shouting cheerfully and affectionately: Come on, just listen to it, aren’t you curious!

Curious, simply curious!

Curiosity overcame reason, and the passers-by who had enough gold coins hesitated for a second before readily taking out ten gold coins and buying a ticket to enter.

Enter a very mysterious small door, and behind it is a deliberately decorated small auditorium. The auditorium is noisy, and all kinds of people who came in out of curiosity filled nearly 500 seats in the small auditorium. To be honest, seeing such a big battle, some people who bought tickets to come in have already regretted it. This is not taking you to explore the whole process of the birth of the gods. This is simply teaching you to be a blasphemer! Gods bless, I hope that the crazy priests will not be targeted because of this, some believers and priests are really irrational when they go crazy.

In the middle of the auditorium were already sitting the host and a young man with a grin from ear to ear, a man who was so lucky that he witnessed the birth of the God of Prophecy.

"Gentlemen, ladies, welcome..." Before the host's opening remarks began, he was interrupted by a mage covered in black robes. Not only that, even the host himself was thrown onto the stage by a whirlwind. Down.

"Let's get started, I'm very interested in your experience in the Red Castle." The cold voice of the black-robed mage completely froze the smiles of the young people on the stage.


Where are the guards? Sir, your behavior like this is..." A wind blade wiped the host's cheek and fell to the ground, until a drop of blood dripped, he let out a piercing scream.

"Shut up." Together with the icy and biting voice, there was a powerful aura that enveloped the entire small auditorium. Everyone found themselves pinned down in their seats and could not move. A few silver professionals hidden in the crowd instantly Feeling the terrifying pressure, this black-robed man is at least a golden sorcerer! Hearing the shouts and screams of the host, a group of guards who hurried up from the backstage were overwhelmed by the powerful momentum almost the moment they came out.

This scene was more effective than any deterrence. The host tightly covered his mouth to prevent himself from making any noise.

"Dear... Dear Sir, what do you want to know?" The only person in the small auditorium who can move freely is probably the young man on the stage. He asked tremblingly with a smile that was uglier than crying.

"Did you really witness the birth of the second God of Prophecy?"

"Yes... yes, sir." The young man tried his best to answer the question quickly and accurately, and after he finished his answer, he took the initiative to add, "As long as I know, no matter what you want to know, sir, I am willing to tell you." you."

"I'm not lying." The black-robed man tapped his fingers on the armrest and made a rattling sound that echoed in the auditorium—because of the black-robed man's powerful strength, everyone in the entire auditorium pretended to be a qualified puppet. They can talk but can't move. Of course, they can't move even if they want to - the young man feels like every blow is beating on his heart.

"Have you seen the appearance of the God of Prophecy?"

"No...no...yes..." The young man's tongue was knotted, "because when the God of Prophecy ignited the divine fire, there was a strong light shrouded in it, and I didn't see it clearly."

"A woman who looks like a noble lady, is this your evaluation?" The words of the man in black made the young man open his mouth in horror, and the great fear overwhelmed him. He sat on the stage trembling all over, with a pair of His eyes were almost dropped by the owner, this person actually knew what he was thinking! Could it be that his blasphemy against the God of Prophecy in the past two days finally drew punishment from the gods?

"It seems so. Where exactly did the God of Prophecy appear when he ignited the divine fire?" The black-robed man ignored the young man's fear and asked the second question.

After two questions, the host and everyone who bought tickets to enter the small auditorium witnessed the weirdest question and answer of their lives.

The man in black sat on his seat and muttered to himself, completely ignoring whether the young man on the stage answered his question or not. It could take ten seconds or three seconds, and the man in black would ask the next question. From the beginning to the end, the body of the young man on the stage couldn't help shaking, and they could even hear the sound of his chattering teeth echoing in the quiet auditorium.

An absurd guess arose in the minds of many professionals, they wouldn't be played by a gold sorcerer with a brain problem, right? The gods testify that they really just entered this place after being bewitched for a while, and there is no need to specially arrange a powerful magician with poor brains to torture them. As long as they can leave here safely, they will no longer dare to explore the secrets of the gods at will, for sure!

Only the young man on the stage knew how terrifying the black-robed man he was facing now. Every time he heard the other party's question, his brain would think of something uncontrollably, and these things were naked like this exposed to the man in black. And judging from the reaction of the man in black, he seems to prefer to use this method to quickly obtain information from others.

After five questions, the man in black stopped asking questions.

At this time, the other people in the auditorium couldn't find a second adjective other than ridiculous to describe what they saw and heard at this moment. And when the man in black stopped asking questions and the young man on the stage rolled his eyes and completely fainted, this absurdity reached its peak. How shameful that you fainted in the face of a mage talking to himself!

The host looked at the young man fainted on the stage with disdain, and suddenly he saw a handful of golden sand flying out of the man in black. Although it is sand, it is more delicate and soft than any artwork, exuding a beautiful and charming golden light, which made him unable to move his eyes away. Then he realized that sitting there was a gold magician with a bad mind, so he quickly cast his eyes on the place in front of him, as if there were some precious items waiting for him to appreciate.

The man in black caught the golden sand that flew out automatically, and the golden sand in his palm changed shape and finally turned into a two-way mirror. Arlos raised his eyebrows under the hood. After activating the blood and getting a message, he seemed to be able to get another message.

He opened the two-way mirror, and a handsome young man appeared in the mirror, the owner of the other half of the sands, Adam. Almost at the same time when the two-way mirror was opened, all the merchants, warriors, and mages in the small auditorium fell into a coma, not one left.

"There is a message..." Adam's cheerful voice came from the two-way mirror.

"I'm listening."

"Okay." Adam on the other side was not shocked by Arlos' indifference, "Actually, I'm not sure, but one thing I can guarantee is that this news is really related to the Silence Goddess."

"I wish I could fly to you right now."

"Don't, in case it doesn't help you..."

"...you can read your mind directly."

"..." On the other side of the two-way mirror, Adam turned his head and asked Isabella, "Am I so wordy?" Allos would rather fly unrealistically to the place where he was right away to read his mind than listen to him continue .

"I didn't know just now, but now..." Isabella pointed to the two-way mirror in Adam's hand, "The gentleman opposite doesn't seem very happy."

"It doesn't matter." Adam shrugged, and continued to pick up the two-way mirror and said to Arlos, "When I was in the Underdark, I happened to meet a group of dark elves offering sacrifices to their gods, the spider and the goddess of death."

The spider and the Goddess of Death, the name Allos has heard in the past few months, holds the priesthood of death!


"When the will of the spider and the Goddess of Death came to the Underdark, two incarnations appeared. One of them had a human upper body and a spider's lower body. I have already inquired. This is the most common incarnation of the Spider and the Goddess of Death." When talking about this, Adam saw Allos in the mirror pursing his lips, looking very impatient, and he quickly told him the following content in one breath.

"The other avatar is completely covered in black robes, holding a huge black scythe in his hand, and has red eyes."


Adam swears that he actually saw the chair under Arlos turn into a pile of yellow sand and fall to the ground when he finished saying this, and thus saw other unconscious people around him. Before he had time to wonder what Arlos was doing, the other party's anxious voice came from the mirror.

"Are you sure it's a huge black scythe?"

"It's absolutely true."

"The remaining sands are yours." (To be continued.)

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