Templar Sun King

10. Seven Star Paradise (2)

Because of the distance, Adam didn't know that Berg, the archbishop of the Church of the Dawn, had commented on the Seven Stars Heaven since Simon started casting spells, belittling it to the utmost. w.QDu.Nw.QDu.N√

He only saw that when the seven milky white energy spheres were connected together to form a whole under the platinum lightning, the other party's expression was as if he had been punched hard, and Meng couldn't recover for a long time.

After the full version of the Seven Star Paradise appeared, circles of black lines appeared around the seven energy spheres, and more space cracks appeared and disappeared as platinum lightning raged66.

Percival, the Silmaril!

Simon, Seven Star Paradise!

"Teresa, I need to trouble you later." Adam seemed to have seen the scene where a tsunami was born in the Rises Sea.

"Please rest assured, Your Highness the Holy Son." Teresa urged the Holy Light Pillar, and pieces of pure white feathers fluttered down.

Simon aimed his wand at Percival wearing the crown, and the Silver Tower provoked Adam again and again, and he must not let it go.

The first energy sphere broke away from the flying trajectory and rushed towards Percival first, followed by the second, third... the seventh. During the flight path of the Seven Star Paradise, the sea water parted automatically, and a terrible disaster was brewing with great momentum.

On the opposite side, Perciva's face was solemn. Compared with the majestic and astonishing aura of the Seven Star Paradise, her Brilliant Diamond had already fallen into a disadvantage.

Although the Shining Diamond is famous for its restraint and stability, the smaller the size, the greater the energy and damage caused by the burst of spells, but as the master of spells, Percival knows very well that the spell effects produced by her Shining Diamond can never be compared with seven energy The spheres are compared together.

But now, she has no other choice, the Shining Silmarillion breaks free from the shackles of the magic wand, and rushes towards the Seven Star Heaven.

The collision of two legendary spells with the most powerful attack power in the field of light!

Infinite white light was first born from the area where spells collided, whether it was the sky or the ocean, or the sights of the onlookers all turned into a vast expanse of white, some were milky white holy light, some were silver brilliance, and there was nothing else. .

What was born together with the infinite white light was intense high temperature. The sea surface collapsed to form a huge sphere with a diameter of more than 20 meters. clean and dry.


With a soft sound, the second energy sphere in the Seven Star Paradise shattered, cracks appeared on the Shining Diamond, and the shock waves belonging to the two legendary spells began to spread out in a circular shape.

Crashing... A huge wave more than ten meters high was set off, but just after being set off, it was directly steamed by the intense heat.

As a result, the gold professionals who remained in the Rises sea area for ten seconds could all see a miraculous sight: huge waves more than ten meters high kept repeating the action of being lifted up and then steamed.

Until, driven by the powerful shock wave, the giant wave finally rushed out of the area covered by high temperature, and a circular tsunami rushing out in all directions was formed!

"The Lord of Dawn is above!"

Marlock and Affleck have no intention of watching the battle between the two legends, because if they don't intercept the tsunami, the French army that has not yet evacuated to a safe area, including the Knights of Glory, will die in the tsunami ,completely annihilated!

He didn't die in the battle with the Sanctuary and the Griffin Kingdom, but died under the aftermath of the spells of the two legends, it is really wronged.

Holy Sword Strike!

A giant sword with a length of five meters was born from behind Malok, rushing towards the oncoming huge waves. boom! The huge wave like a high wall was forcibly split from the middle by the giant sword, and the huge wave in the middle was forcibly shunted to both sides under the impact of the holy sword.

In the distance, the ships of the Church of Dawn.

"Captain, do we still need to continue to retreat?" A member of the Radiance Knights was a little frustrated after a battle defeat. Coupled with the behavior of constantly retreating because of the legendary battle, it seemed that they had eaten The defeated ones are now fleeing desperately.

It's not that the Radiant Knights have experienced failures, but Celtic, Lord of the Dawn, what happened to this world.

"Oh my God!" He heard the captain moan in despair, and at the same time, there was a loud noise in his ear, which was the thunderous sound that burst out from countless waves rolling and colliding. He turned around and looked, in fact at this moment all the soldiers and priests on the Church of the Dawn ship were doing the same action.

Less than a kilometer away from them, a dark blue sky is slowly opening, but there is a huge gap in the middle. There are two figures in front of the sky, one emits a golden light, and the other opens its field to directly suppress the rioting sea water.

"All ships, speed up!" A shrill voice sounded from every ship.

Compared with the Great Battle of the Church of Dawn, which is both the Holy Sword Strike and the Legendary Domain, the Griffin Kingdom is much simpler.

Under the blessing of the Holy Light Pillar, pieces of pure white feathers continuously floated down from the sky, turning into seraphim phantoms, emitting a rich holy light. Slices of holy light are connected together. From a distance, Teresa's holy light beam seems to grow a pair of long wings, directly intercepting the huge waves caused by the tsunami.

boom! The third energy sphere in the Seven Star Paradise shattered, and the Brilliant Diamond was completely shattered, radiating out the energy hidden inside and colliding and reacting violently, forming an energy vacuum the size of a fist!

Soon this energy vacuum zone twisted and shattered, turning into a black spot the size of a fist, and a little bit of starlight opposite the black spot could be vaguely seen. Torn apart by the violent energy, the most stable space in this world was finally directly torn apart.


The most terrifying energy storm of legendary spell collision finally swept out.

"God of the Sun!"

"This kind of power..." Meadow groaned weakly, this level of power is really too powerful, making her, a dark creature who is extremely persistent and yearning for power, feel deeply fascinated while trembling all over, Addicted to power itself can not extricate themselves.

A piece of pure white feather fell from the pillar of holy light and stuck to the forehead of Medora's middle head. At the same time, pieces of pure white feathers fell from the sky and became the high-level spells of the temple, the holy guardian, and protected all the gold professionals in the other Griffin Kingdom.

Feeling the violent energy storm outside the thin layer of seraphim phantom and the twisted space cracks like silk, Adam felt lingering fear.

Fortunately, Teresa was there, otherwise their gold might not have survived the confrontation between the two legendary spells. When legendary masters are fighting, even gold professionals had better evacuate as soon as possible.

"Run!" The three gold professionals of the Church of Dawn fled in a hurry. Who would have thought that the attack spells in the Light Domain would produce such a powerful spell effect, and the entire Rises Sea Territory trembled and rolled at this moment.

Berg rushed to the sky without thinking, and his two colleagues rushed towards the place where the two legends of the Church of Dawn were located, hoping to get their blessing. But the speed of the energy storm was even faster, catching up with the two gold professionals in just a split second.

"Master Mallock, save me..." the deputy head of the Radiant Knights shouted in despair. On the opposite side, the legendary sword master Malok made a move at him, a gentle force fell on him, and his body speed suddenly accelerated.

Very good! The deputy head was ecstatic. Only after experiencing the moment of despair of life and death can he understand the precious meaning of life.

Between desperation and hope, the deputy head of the Radiant Knights suddenly realized that even the grudge in his body that had not moved for a long time became active at this moment, faintly showing signs of breaking through the golden middle level!

It was a blessing in disguise, the deputy head thought of such a word. But why did Master Mallock suddenly show such an annoyed expression?

He will never have a chance to solve the doubt, because at the moment when the question was born in his brain, a violent energy storm fell on his body, the fighting spirit of the body was instantly torn, and the golden sword master gained the power of alienation twice. The powerful body was directly distorted into a pile of blood foam at the moment the energy storm swept over it, and then directly vaporized in the intense high temperature.

Huh... The inspector who survived was enjoying the joy of breathing, with lingering fears in his heart.

Just when the energy storm was about one meter away from him, and even the vindictiveness used to protect himself was forcibly torn apart, the domain from Affleck enveloped him.

In the next half a minute, even though the Inspector's ears were constantly ringing with a series of crackling explosions due to the collision process of the Legendary Domain and the energy storm, the temporary deafness of his golden sword master could not make his It feels good to be alive no matter what the mood suffers!

Boom boom boom!

The remaining four energy spheres in the Seven Star Paradise continued to rush towards Percival after they were not blocked by the Shining Diamond.

Golden spell, the guardian halo is torn!

Golden spell, the light armor is torn!

Legendary spell, the holy wall is torn!

Legendary spell, the golden rose crown was torn!

The two golden spells released at the critical moment, and the legendary spell sealed in the crown, were directly torn as fragile as paper under the blow of the Seven Star Heaven.

After breaking through all four spells in a row, the berserk power of the Seven Stars Paradise finally calmed down. Even so, Perciwa's legendary domain—a domain filled with silver brilliance—was torn apart by the attack of the Seven Stars Paradise!

The shock of the shattered domain and the energy of the domain law seriously injured Perciwa!

He is only at the beginning of the legend!

How can it have such a powerful force?

Percival almost gritted her teeth. She, a legendary mid-level expert, seemed vulnerable in front of Simon, which made the proud Percival unacceptable for a while.

"Sinner, meet death!"

Simon's majestic voice echoed on the sea, allowing Perciva to recover from the shock. (To be continued.) 8

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