10% career progress? Adam was taken aback for a moment, and then he thought of the numbing crocodile souls on the fire of purgatory, and immediately felt relieved. Burning novels????????? `Purifying so many souls, it is not difficult to understand the 10% career progress. Andrew stepped forward to pick up the dark golden coin, and handed it to Adam after confirming that it was safe.

This is a coin about the size of an ordinary gold coin, showing a very textured dark gold, but the front and back are bare without any patterns. It is slightly cool in the hand, and the hand feels very delicate and soft, which makes people feel refreshed, refreshed and very comfortable.

"This is a soul coin?" Ellie said uncertainly after looking at it for a while, "Yes, it is a soul coin." A soul coin, a coin made of extremely pure soul energy, contains powerful of soul energy.

It turns out that the black magic of purgatory fire, in addition to torturing and calcining the soul, can also remove all emotion, will, and spirit in the soul after a little change, leaving only pure soul power condensed into soul coins. Acting as an extremely precious magic material, it can replenish a large amount of pure spiritual power of the caster in an instant.

Behind every soul coin is a fresh life, so except for the vicious and insane black mages, generally few spellcasters will refine soul coins by themselves.

Adam rubbed the coin in his hand, and suddenly shivered. Just by imagining, he could understand the torture and suffering that the crocodile suffered in this stone room: he was imprisoned on the laboratory table, accepted all kinds of cruel human experiments, and even watched helplessly. When one's own organs are cut off or various unexpected changes occur in the body, the soul cannot be freed even after death, and is thrown into the purgatory fire to continue to be tortured.

The disappearance of the crocodile, the corpse of the mermaid that appeared in the cave, the black mage of Babel, Adam and his party not only failed to find out the truth of the matter, but encountered more and more doubts.

"Your Highness, there is another secret room in the stone room." When Adam was still asking Ellie about the soul coin, Teresa's opened field purified the entire stone room and gained additional gains along the way.

"The chamber of secrets, where is it?"

Teresa raised her wand and pointed at the stone wall at the end of the stone room. When the holy light fell on the stone wall, a very complicated magic circle appeared on it. A poisonous snake and a sheep's head rushed out of the magic circle based on three concentric circles, each spewing out venom and black smoke, and soon the entire stone room was covered. The power of the magic circle shrouded. Zizizi, the venom and black smoke were firmly blocked by Teresa's domain, protecting the group.

"It's actually a purely offensive magic circle." Teresa was a little surprised. Generally speaking, the magic circle on the secret room has two functions, one is to increase the concealment of the secret room, and the other is to increase the secret room. The difficulty of opening, as for the purely offensive magic circle is rare.

"Dispel!" Another ray of holy light fell on the magic circle, with a few crackles, the dark energy was cleared away, and several nodes that constituted the magic circle were all broken in an instant, and they couldn't function normally immediately. The pattern disappeared, the venom and black smoke disappeared, and the door of the secret room gradually opened.

The secret room was even more chaotic than this stone room, with broken rocks and battle marks everywhere. In the corner of the secret room lay a black-robed mage who had been dead for a long time. His body was in a strange state: his hands and feet were in an abnormal The angle slumped on the ground, the body was like a twisted twist, and an index finger with a damaged space ring was thrown in another corner of the secret room.

Behind the body of the black-robed mage is a huge hole, which is dark and does not know where it leads.

"Adam, look there?" Ellie pulled Adam's arm, "There seems to be a book there?" Looking in the direction Ellie pointed, there was indeed a thick notebook, but it was pressed by a few rocks Hard to spot.

"This is a magic diary." Adam picked up the thick yellow notebook, flipped through it and found that it was actually a magic diary. On the title page were also three concentric circles, the logo of a sheep's head, and a poisonous snake.

"Maybe we can find some answers in it."

"Adam, what's written on it, is there anything about the crocodile?" Ellie asked, and Nikita also looked at Adam with curious eyes.

"Let me take a look..." Adam quickly flipped through the pages. The contents of the first few pages had nothing to do with this laboratory and the crocodile. They recorded the important experiences of the owner of the magic log, Strong, in the past year, "wait Wait, there is!"

Adam found a rock and sat down, holding the magic log in his hand and reading it carefully: "On March 11, today I received a commission from a deep-sea mermaid, hoping to transform the body of a sea tribe..."

"It really is a terrible human body modification experiment!" Ellie showed an unbearable look and was very angry.

"It's ridiculous. The mermaid didn't mention the reward at all. What gave her the illusion that my legendary mage was willing to serve her for free. Yes, I admit that when this mermaid came to Babel from the deep sea Rath's mermaid is a real stunner, but that's clearly not what I need."

As Ellie guessed, the disappearance of the crocodile is related to the mermaid, and the corpse of the mage in the secret room was a legendary mage before his death!

"March 13th, it's great, the mermaid made an offer that even I couldn't refuse! It's unbelievable, it's unbelievable, there is such a treasure in the hands of the mermaid! It's crazy, I decided to leave with the mermaid immediately Babelades!" On this page, Strong's handwriting is scribbled, evidently recorded in a state of great agitation.

"Adam, look at the back, what is the condition given by the mermaid?" Ellie couldn't help asking, she was very curious about what condition the mermaid gave could make the owner of the magic log, a person from Babel The legendary mage lost his composure, and his attitude changed drastically.

"Let me see, well, this page hasn't mentioned it yet." Adam continued to read, "On the Dawn Islands, I saw a sea race that was about to be transformed, a creature called a crocodile—it really is a crocodile— Although the number is only 800,000, it is enough to serve as an experiment."

The information of this paragraph made Adam feel shuddering, and even his tongue almost tied up. 800,000, a whole group of crocodilians became the materials for this experiment!

Adam's face was a little dignified, and he turned the magic diary to the next page: "I finally saw the Kabbalah gem in the mermaid's hand. She is so beautiful and charming! If I can use the power of this Kabbalah gem to transform a A brand-new humanoid creature, I can even compete for the position of the next Grand Duke of Magic with this perfect work! Morgan, you must be protecting your successor in the dark."

"What is the gem of Kabbalah?" Adam asked. However, no one knew that Ellie and Nikita, the two natives of this universe, shook their heads together, saying that they had never heard of this gem that could make a legendary black mage so excited. However, according to the content of the log, this gem of Kabbalah is the condition given by the mermaid, and it is of great help to the human body transformation experiment.

"The experiment officially started. Nearly 160,000 unqualified crocodilians were all executed. I put their souls into a purgatory fire for calcination, and prepared to use the waste to extract some soul coins. Except for Kabbalah gems, there are only these jingling ones. Cutie lifts my spirits."

Between the lines reveals the legendary mage Strong's disregard and disdain for life, and Ellie's face becomes more and more ugly, as if she will faint at any time. Teresa frowned, and the torture of life made her, the confessor, equally uncomfortable.

Adam continued: "According to the requirements of the two mermaids, it is not easy to transform this group of crocodile sharks into a kind of orcs with infinite strength, bravery and fighting skills, but it is a pity that Naga is not the subject of the experiment, otherwise the finished product will probably drive the whole of Babel! "

"It's too much! What does he mean?" Ellie couldn't help cursing loudly. If it wasn't for the fact that Strong, the owner of the magic log, had died in a strange way, Ellie vowed to arrest him and send him to Learn a good lesson in the Sea God Temple.

The log has reached the most critical place, and the human body modification experiment begins.

"Although with the help of Kabbalah gems, the progress of the experiment is not smooth. I don't know whether my method has not reached the advanced level of the predecessors or the quality of the crocodile shark is too poor. It died directly at the moment when the dark alchemy magic circle was activated. These two mermaids are quite dissatisfied, but what can I do?"

"On May 8, the experiment finally entered the second stage. This time, the crocodilians were able to persist in the dark alchemy magic circle for about an hour. After the transformation, their appearance changed to a certain extent, whether it was the degree of muscle development or scales. The density has been improved, and the heads of some crocodilians have turned into sharks as I planned. Unfortunately, this is far from the standard of the three orcs, and they can only be disposed of."


"On June 12th, the solution was finally found. I am about to usher in the greatest moment of my life. A new kind of modified humanoid creature is about to be born in this universe. Morgan, the fourth kind of orc is about to be born Already!"

The fourth kind of orc? Adam didn't have any extra time to explore what Strong meant by the fourth type of orc. The content of the diary had reached the most critical stage. Although he felt that the magic diary in his hand was stained with blood and soul, he couldn't wait to read it.

"On June 29th, the first-class Marquis of Babel, the great Mr. Strong finally created the fourth kind of orcs in the world with the help of Kabbalah gems! They are a kind of amphibious orcs that can live in the sea and on land at the same time. Survive, with strong physical strength. I have a hunch that once they are brought to Babel, they will make the entire black magic world crazy, miracle, this is a great miracle!"

"I had a disagreement with the two mermaids on the naming. They called this kind of orcs sharkguards, a stupid name. I prefer to call these babies sharkmen, orcs who are as violent and bloody as sharks and immersed in killing! "

"They made it," Ellie asked.

"I'm afraid so." Not only did he successfully transform the crocodile shark into a killing machine, but he also named it Shark Guardian and Sharkman. Adam thought of the corpses of crocodiles seen inside and outside the stone room. They were probably the failed products of this experiment.

Adam shook his head and read the magic diary that had few pages left: "On July 1st, when I was discussing with two mermaids whether I could take a sharkman to Babel, an accident happened. "(To be continued.)

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