On the judgment stand, Pompey continuously emitted bright golden light like a light source, and soon his whole body was shrouded in golden light. ?Ranwen Novel???????? `The mighty aura swept across the entire Dawn Islands. This aura was so mighty that all the professionals below the gold rank on the island were oppressed to sit in an instant. Can't move on the ground.

"What's going on?" Galen was analyzing the impact on the trial when everyone swore to the gods with Basel, when he was overwhelmed by the momentum from the trial platform. The body reacted instantly, fighting with all its strength to resist the pressure, but it still couldn't avoid the powerless situation of sitting on the ground.

The griffins that were hovering in the air all fell to the ground and wailed.

This was different from what was planned. Arlos opened his eyes and looked at Pompey, who was on the trial platform with a dignified face and tried his best to suppress his divinity, and the golden light radiating circles into the void.

He is preparing to ignite the divine fire!

No, to be precise, it was forced to ignite the divine fire in advance for some reason!

Pompey could feel that the light radiating from the divinity into the void was connecting with the laws of the universe, and the source power belonging to the domain of [judgment] and [justice] was rushing towards him where others could not see. Once the power of the universe came to him, he really had no other choice but to ignite the divine fire here.

However, he was not ready at all. Hastily ignited the magic fire, narrowly escaped death!

There is no need to be too cautious about lighting the divine fire, which is a matter of life and death.

Success means ascending to the throne of God, the Kingdom of God hangs high, and enjoys endless glory; failure means being burned to ashes by the fire of God, and completely annihilated, there is no third result other than this.

Therefore, every legend who is about to ignite the fire will look for a very safe place, invite friends to guard, make complete preparations, adjust the state, and then welcome the most important moment in his life.

Through the golden light, Pompey saw that the human being who was mixed with the dark elf suddenly stood up on the jury's seat, and his cold and inorganic eyes gleamed fiercely. That was the look in the eyes of a hunter, and he, the founder of the legendary arbitration office, a master at the pinnacle of legend, the fifth knight promised by the god of truth, became the prey at this moment.

It's a conspiracy!

He should have thought of it a long time ago, since the legendary number of applicants for jury members reached the highest level in five hundred years, he should have thought that this was a conspiracy. Unfortunately, at that time, all his attention was drawn to this difficult case, and he didn't pay much attention to it. The exception is that Faye and Jia Ting are responsible for the audit work.

Wait, the tsunami incident was also reported by Jating himself!

"Let's get started," Arlos said.

Although there are some differences from the plan, the current situation is not bad. Pompey, who is in the state of igniting the divine fire, cannot move. Once the igniting of the divine fire officially begins, he is the best target.

Arlos and Quinn stood up with bad eyes.

"What do you want to do?" Faye was stunned by this sudden change!

No matter how stupid he was, he knew that Pompey might have fallen into a terrible conspiracy. Perhaps, this trial itself was a conspiracy.

Cold sweat flowed out unconsciously, there are a total of twenty-one legends here! Who knows if there will be other people among them involved, taking advantage of the time when the police officer ignites the divine fire and has no power to resist.

With a giggle, the dark elf Quinn's figure swayed, and the rapier was like a poisonous snake facing Faye.

Marlock and Earl were also stunned—knowing that such an accident would happen, they should not have hesitated just now, making a fool of themselves—Dark Elf and Alros wanted to assassinate Arbiter Pompey!

If ordinary legends want to attack Pompey, they will definitely scoff, but if it is Arlos, the situation is completely different. That is a terrifying character that even Gavin, who has reached the peak of the legend after performing God's Arrival, can kill!

The two attributed Pompey's sudden change to Allos, and they were even more afraid of this mysterious legendary master who appeared from nowhere.

beside the judgment seat,

Faye and Quinn fought together, and the others reacted quickly.

Hawking, Lord of Ashes in the Hanging Garden, recognized the abnormality on Pompey's body. That golden light was the purest divine light, which can only be possessed by those powerful legends who are one step away from the gods.

He was igniting the fire, in a way that he was caught off guard and plotted.

Huo Jinen keenly smelled a hint of conspiracy. It is his philosophy of survival to be wise and protect his life. Standing on the sidelines is undoubtedly the best choice. As for the purpose of the dark elves and others trying to kill Pompey, he didn't care at all.

But he failed to be a bystander after all, because at this moment, two people came towards him with malicious intentions, a lion man and a jackal man.

"The rubbish made by Master Babel, I will give you two seconds to get out of my sight!"

"Why don't you give me two minutes to screw your head off." Legend of the Wolf Man said sinisterly, and at the same time bullied him, drawing his sword and killing him if there was any disagreement.

The lion man roared, and also wanted to join the battle, but what greeted him was a bolt of lightning from the Lightning Lord.

After the dark elves Quinn and Faye, the two legendary sword masters of the orc kingdom and the two legendary mages of the Hanging Garden fought together.

In terms of attack, the two magic schools of fire and thunder are among the best, and I don't know how many times they are white magic. But in terms of defense, the spells of these two factions are no match for white magic, even for two legendary archmages.

Therefore, in the face of the melee attacks of the Lion Man and the Gnoll Legendary Juggernaut, the Lord of Ashes and Lord of Lightning opened their fields without even thinking about it. The flame field mixed with billowing smoke and the twisted and crackling lightning field of the electric snake instantly enveloped half of the building.

Pieces of pure white feathers fell from the sky to block the aftermath of the four legendary battles and prevent other ordinary professionals in the building from dying.

Ash Lord Hawking held a familiar scepter to Adam, and pointed at the Wolf Man. Immediately, seven flaming pillars of fire descended from the wolf man's head. The latter laughed loudly and did not dodge or dodge, letting the red and black flames engulf him.

Countless vindictiveness rushed out from the wolf man's exuberant hair to form a pair of stone armor to block all the flames outside, and he roared: "Why are you still standing there!"

"Jie Jie..." Nicholas, the patriarch of the Cage family, slowly got up from his seat while opening the domain, stretched out his index finger and shot a scarlet light, and hundreds of bats were flying in the opened domain.

Crashing, the bat flapped its wings and flew out of the field. At the same time, Bejin, the female vampire who had been standing behind Nicholas, turned into a bat and flew out of the Dawn Islands taking advantage of the chaos.

"Nate, Monroe, Griffin City is about to welcome a visit from a Blood Duchess, remember to entertain it well." Adam finally knew why he felt the scepter in Lord Ash's hand looked familiar, and it was clearly taken from Iris City by the Scourge Church. The scepter is exactly the same.

Because of this, Adam has been observing the battle between the Ash Lord and the orcs. By the way, he generously diverted part of his attention to Nicholas who suddenly participated in the battle, and just happened to see Bekin turn into a bat and leave.

"Also, move the people of the Griffin Kingdom on the island to a safe area as soon as possible."

"Yes, Your Majesty." The two honorary knights and the two patriarchs led Arras, Janet and the others out.

In fact, without Adam's instructions, the people on the island had the idea of ​​leaving immediately when they saw the start of the battle between the dark elf Quinn and Faye. Just kidding, although this is a trial caused by legends hurting ordinary people, and the battle of the six legends on the field is obviously restrained, but who can guarantee that there will be no accidents.

"Why are you still standing there? Now is not the time to be envious, I guarantee you will be promoted to the gold rank soon. Let's leave quickly, this is definitely not an accident!" Galen pulled Basel and immediately flew into the distance .

Even if you want to watch a legendary melee that will be staged in the Dawn Islands, you must first ensure your own safety. Galen is not arrogant enough to protect himself before the legendary battle.

"Adam!" Malok looked at Adam, his face twisted.

The holy sword struck and tore a black trail, heading straight for Adam's face!

From Pompey's accident to the present, Marlock is the only legend who has not suppressed his strength and fully exerted his power. Perhaps it was the second one, because when he used the alienation ability unreservedly, Earl, the Inspector of the Church of Dawn who was supposed to be sitting with him, disappeared from the spot.

Extremely fast displacement!

The two alienation abilities attack at the same time.

The holy sword strikes in the open, attracting the attention of the legend beside Adam, and moves in the dark at extreme speed, still responsible for assassinating Adam.

The Legend of the Harvest Church sees the action of Mallock and Earl quickly raise their wands in support, but is entangled by the Legend of the arch-nemesis the Church of the Earth. Without any doubt, the two of them joined the battle.

So far, among the twelve jury members, except for the two elves, the legend of the Ice Church and Allos, the other eight legends have found their opponents and started fighting.

On the high platform, Pompey no longer had any extra energy to manage the increasingly chaotic trial scene, because a wave of cosmic force that was invisible to the naked eye was descending on him from the void of the outer domain, and his already restless divinity became more active.


Golden flames rise from Pompey! (To be continued.)

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