[Book Title: Holy Church Sun King Text 064, "Genesis" Author: Yuezhou]

Welcome to the latest chapter of the Holy Church Sun King! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of "2k Novels", easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: The Gate of Creation Perfect World Infinite Real Immortal Demon Tianji Confucianism, Taoism, Supreme Sage, Great Song Dynasty Wisdom Emperor Yushanhe Three Realms Blood Song Ultimate Cultivation Powerful Young Master Only I God Respect Manghuangji I want to seal the sky and I am God's Will Han Yu Zhixun Road to Awakening Wu Zun Dao Invincible Yao Zun can't become the main god, and I can never imagine what a special experience it is to stand at the height of the main god and look down on all living beings.

They are in harmony with the law and are everywhere. They are accompanied by the mighty power of the law in every gesture, and their power is infinite.

What's more, if he still got two main god positions, standing at the peak of the main god rank, just one step forward is the destruction of the supreme god king throne and the flame demon god. If he still has a chance, in various senses.

Even leaving aside the Demon Lord of Destruction and Flame, who is in charge of the two laws, the luxurious lineup of the four true gods of the demon gods and the two great demigods is not enough for the heavenly gods to face difficulties for a while. Victorious.

The precipitation of strength in nearly two epochs, and the profound background of the demonic gods, are by no means comparable to the rapid rise of Tiantang Mountain.

Adam rubbed his chin, knowing very well that if he insisted on choosing the road of obtaining the second main god position to attack the throne of the god king, and confront the demon god of destruction and flame, this road would be doomed to be full of thorns and obstacles.

But having said that, the demonic pantheon has a mortal enemy, the Titan pantheon.

The two god masters before and after the Titan pantheon, the two main gods, the Lord of the Sky and the Mother Goddess of the Earth, both fell due to direct or indirect relationships with the demon pantheon.

Moreover, the Earth and the Goddess of Plenty are allies that Adam has always been friends with, and they have a close relationship, and they are on the road to ascend to the original God of the Earth.

In the future, he might not be able to join hands with the two main gods of the Titan pantheon to deal with the demon god of destruction and flame.

It's just that the distribution of benefits, especially those involving priesthood and laws, still needs to be carefully considered.

But these are all things after the Goddess of Earth and Plenty ascended to the Lord God, and the Demon God of Destruction and Flame didn't know that he had been missed by the new Lord of Glory of the multiverse.

The most important thing before Adam is the arrival of the new land of Merika, the resurrection of Aylas, and the seventh layer of glorious ocean of Heaven Mountain opened with Adam's ascension to the Lord God!


Adam gave a soft drink, and activated the ability to resurrect the Templar soldiers and believers that he had obtained since he became a god.

The divine radiance shot out from Adam's fingertips and fell in the air, the milky white halo constantly rotating.

In the center of the vortex, countless fluorescent lights converged from all directions. It was because of the impact of the torrent of law that the bird of paradise scattered everywhere turned into a crystal egg.


The void trembled, and the law of light visible to the naked eye descended. Under Adam's command, when it was half a meter away from the egg, it decomposed into a gentle force of law, wrapping the egg silk by thread.

From a distance, it looks like a dense fog exuding a holy halo.

About seven seconds later, there was a cracking sound from the egg, and cracks appeared, just like the scene where Aylas was hatched for the first time.

The difference is that when Aylas poked his head out of the egg, he was a chick with occupational level 1 and only one light spell.

But this time, a large piece of light poured out from the egg, rolled upside down, rolled up gently, and the whole egg melted in the light, and two by two joined together, turning into a building of light and shadow and rushing up to the sky.

When the light dissipated, a sacred giant bird with a body length of nearly 100 meters stretched its wings over the Sun Temple and uttered a Qingyue cry.

Ellas, the bird of paradise, demigod, is back from the dead.

"My lord!"

The two wings fluttered gently, the huge body was not bloated at all, but the extraordinarily light and elegant Bird of Paradise dragged its long and beautiful tail feathers and slowly flew around Adam.

Name: Ellas

rank: demigod

Title: Guardian of the Temple

Grade: 31

Clergy Domain: Guardian

Guard the field!

at the same time,

There is also an extra guardian domain on Adam, which is fed back from the bird of paradise.


The sacred heaven mountain obtained by Adam on the first day in his own universe is divided into seven layers, from bottom to top, they are Hell, Nine Layers of Purgatory, Temple Space, Cloud City, Garden of Eden, Sun Temple, and the last layer Glorious ocean, each has its own advantages.

The first level of hell is a dark independent space, a place of eternal punishment, deep and dark, extremely terrifying.

Even if the eternal flames of hell, full of destruction, are burning everywhere, there is still no light to be seen.

In contrast, the brimstone flames in the Ninefold Purgatory, whose main function is to suppress and imprison enemies, are much milder.

The third floor of the sanctuary is the place where Adam recruits troops, and it is also the place where the heavenly kingdom is said by the believers of the temple. It is the most similar to the environment of the main material plane among the seven floors.

The fourth and fifth floors, Cloud City and Garden of Eden, one is the place where the bodies of the soldiers are created, and the other is the place where Seraphim sleeps. The latter now has an extra divine plant, the golden apple tree!

As for the Sun Temple on the sixth floor, it is a main temple, in which there is a sun priesthood, and a reincarnation pool is built in the apse.

At this moment, what Adam is going to go to is the last layer of the sacred heaven mountain, the Ocean of Glory.

There are still about two hours before the arrival of Mirika, and it is enough to explore the secrets of the Glorious Ocean.

After instructing Uther, Andrew and the others to keep an eye on the coming New World and make preparations, with a thought, Adam peeled off streaks of milky white light, intertwined with each other and rushed into the sky and disappeared.

The moment he entered the Ocean of Glory, Adam thought in a trance that he had come to the Ocean of Light that corresponds to the law of light in the Chaos Sea again.

The only difference is that the reason why the Ocean of Light is an Ocean of Light is more because of the light energy that is so huge that it is beyond imagination and as vast as the sea.

And the ocean of brilliance, full of soft and holy brilliance, as well as the rich and almost substantive sun power, flows and wanders among the large white clouds.

When Adam grabbed it casually, a radiance as clear as water appeared in his hand, which was delicate, soft, and extremely silky.

Take a closer look, the radiance is extremely pure, without any impurities, it is the most primitive and purest light, as if the universe was born, the heaven and the earth first opened, illuminating the first ray of brilliance in the world!

Ancient, majestic, holy!

Moreover, in Adam's induction, there is clearly a broken will left in the depth of the brilliance in his hand, vast and ancient, mighty, very sacred and majestic.

Adam immediately realized that this was not ordinary light, but the glory of the main god left by a great god who was at least at the level of the main god in the field of light!

Even... even surpassed the ordinary main god's brilliance!

Adam looked at the entire sea of ​​brilliance with his divine eyes, and as expected, the seventh floor of the Holy Paradise Mountain was shrouded in an indomitable, vast and vast will!


In the next second, the entire Ocean of Glory seemed to sense the arrival of its master, and it vibrated. Infinite rays of light surged from all directions, wrapping Adam in it.

Rushing on the high-swelling waves at the forefront, there are still two phantoms of seraphs with six wings on their backs.

One bathed in soft holy light, holding aloft an ancient holy crown, resplendent in splendor;

A person dressed in dim light and shadow, holding a thick holy book in his hand, mixed with two different auras of divinity, warm and holy and tyrannical and desolate.

Adam reacted, opened his arms, and unreservedly emitted divine light, the two merged and gradually blended together.

When the two holy radiances from the same source merged and the Seraph put the holy crown on Adam's head, a series of reminders flashed deep in Adam's mind.

"The Lord of the Temple inherits the Holy Light and takes over the highest authority of the Holy Heaven Mountain!"

The phantom of the first seraphim turned into holy light and disappeared, blending into the sea of ​​brilliance.

"God's domain and the holy temple are fused, the fusion progress is 100%, and the seventh layer of the holy temple's glorious ocean has been fused!"

The entire sacred mountain of heaven, after welcoming back its master, once again shined brightly.

Any god from the outer plane, or even the legends from the inner plane, can see two thick and bright beams of light suddenly appear vertically and horizontally on a huge star, intertwined into a magnificent cross, as long as they look up. Dazzling to the extreme!

"That is Heaven Mountain, His Majesty's glorious kingdom? What happened?"

Silver Eden, the land lord of the Hanging Garden and Seven of Merica looked up at the starry sky, and could clearly see the huge star with a magnificent cross printed on it, and the milky white light radiated outward like ripples, sinking into the void.

"Uh, maybe His Majesty is preparing for the arrival of Merika." Seven thought for a while and then waved his hand, adding with absolute certainty, "Anyway, it won't be a bad thing."

Grande, the lord of the land, was dumbfounded. Indeed, no one could ignore the majesty of a main god.

Looking at the picture in the starry sky, Grande couldn't help but think of the scene where he asked Adam to help the Hanging Garden in Merica last time. At that time, Adam was still the majesty of a secular kingdom with only a legendary rank.

A few months later, no matter whether it is the main material plane or the outer plane, he can justifiably use the title [Your Majesty]!

"Let's wait for the arrival of Merika. Seriously, I can't wait to see the birth of the Holy Griffin Empire in the multiverse!"

"Empire..." Grande sighed.

As the legendary mage from Tallinn said, when the Holy Griffin Kingdom of the multiverse merged with the Griffin Principality of Merika, an empire spanning the two continents of Upler and Merika will be born. .

And he is fortunate to be a part of it, so honored!

"The lord of the temple inherits the holy light, and the professional level has been improved. The current progress is 10%... 40%... 70%... 100%..."

Surrounded by the divine radiance, Adam was suspended in mid-air, holding the holy cross sun scepter, slowly spreading six pairs of bright wings of light behind him, and then turned into an image of wearing a white robe and holding the scriptures in his hands.

"The lord of the temple inherits the holy light and analyzes the law of light. The current progress is 76%... 77%... 78%..."

Another Seraph phantom flipped open the scripture in his hand, threw it at Adam, and rained down a violent brilliance like the torrent of law that appeared when it hit the main god.

After doing this, the second seraphim seemed to have completed its mission, and also turned into a ray of holy light and disappeared.

Waves of brilliance rushed over, and Adam's body was energyized, lightened, and even regularized at a speed visible to the naked eye...

The divine blood and divine bones absorbed the huge amount of divine radiance and rapidly transformed, stretched and stretched, and finally became strands of light.

A few minutes later, Adam's body has become a ray of light wrapped in divine fire, priesthood crystal and godhead, floating and spinning in the sea of ​​brilliance.

"The Lord of the Temple inherits the Holy Light, the Templar arms are unlocked, the Light Spirit is unlocked at level 3, the Timberwolf is unlocked at level 3, the Griffin is unlocked at level 3, the Holy Spirit is unlocked at level 2, and the Angel is unlocked at level 1!"

The sacred crown worn on Adam's head trembled slightly, disintegrated into strands of light, and wrapped around the holy cross sun scepter in Adam's hand.

"The supreme artifact, the sacred crown (severely damaged), is disassembled... the law of light is extracted... the rank of the Holy Cross Sun Scepter is automatically upgraded... the rank of the Holy Cross Sun Scepter is upgraded to a high-level artifact!"

I don't know how much time has passed, the entire sea of ​​brilliance is only surging and undulating.

Suddenly, the boundless ocean of brilliance suddenly revolved slowly around one point, which was a twenty-four-faced godhead.

Tens of thousands of radiant waves are pulled by the invisible force field, entangled on the godhead, like a dragon and snake swimming, very spectacular.

Countless rays of light rushed up from the ocean to the sky, and then hung upside down again, like strands of light, rushing into the godhead one after another, connecting together without distinguishing each other.

Gradually, a new will runs through the entire sea of ​​brilliance, rushing out of the ocean of brilliance, and falling into the Temple of the Sun, Garden of Eden, Cloud City, Holy Hall Space, Nine Layers of Purgatory, Hell, throughout the entire sacred mountain of heaven.


The ocean parted, and a figure appeared from it. The Holy Cross Sun Scepter was suspended on the left, and the thick sacred book was suspended on the right.

At this time, Adam's divine body has undergone a fundamental transformation, completely becoming a mixture of divine will and law, without blood, bones, or even organs, but simply retaining a human appearance. Surrounded by a brilliant cloud-like divine radiance.

This feeling is extremely mysterious, Adam has a feeling that as long as he is willing, the law of light in the multiverse will become his incarnation!

Yes, it is not that he, the Lord of Radiance, becomes the incarnation of the law of light and uses the law of light, but the law of light, one of the ten laws, will become his incarnation and be used by him as if it is the eternal law itself!

Adam knew that this was because he had just inherited the divine power of the sun, the divine radiance, and the ancient will of the entire sea of ​​brilliance.

The sacred Mount Paradise did not appear out of thin air, it had an owner, but Adam was the first owner of Mount Paradise after it was created.

Before that, it had a master who created it, and the real master was known when Adam inherited that powerful will.

Although the creator of the sacred Heavenly Mountain fell due to an accident, he was not completely annihilated, and there was still a will left, waiting for the arrival of the owner of Heavenly Mountain in the closed sea of ​​brilliance.

Adam refined and absorbed the divine power of the sun and the brilliance of the main god of the sea of ​​brilliance, and also inherited this will, so he naturally understood the cause and effect of everything.

As Adam had guessed at the beginning, the light in the Ocean of Glory was not ordinary light, but the radiance of a great god, an ancient lord who was about to climb to the throne of God King!

Of course, according to the memory inherited by Adam, it is the powerful Lord God of another universe.

Simultaneously govern the three laws of light, creation, and destruction, and push the mastery of each law to 100%, the glorious sun god Bryant!

In other words, the creator of Mount Paradise is a Law Master of the Three Laws!

The will of a Lord of the Three Laws contains countless noble experiences and knowledge, including the way of the God-King.

Only then did Adam know that the priesthood of the sun was the center, and the powerful priesthoods that could be derived back and forth were not only life and destruction, but also creation and time.

However, it is so powerful that it still cannot resist the end of the universe, a terrible disaster that the universe will come to an end after trillions of years, decay and collapse, including laws.

Any life that does not have the law of transcendence, that is, the life below the god king, cannot escape this terrible end.

The Holy Paradise Mountain was created under such a background, the crystallized divine fire in the sun on the third floor of the sanctuary, the sun priesthood in the sun temple on the sixth floor, the divine power of the sun and the radiance of the main god in the sea of ​​radiance on the seventh floor , are all his legacy in the field of light.

As for the remnants of the Destruction Domain, there are naturally some. Otherwise, where does the super destructive power of the Holy Light Spell differ from other light spells in the universe?

Different from the remnants of the various stages of the Law of Light, part of the true meaning of the Law of Destruction has been combined with the Holy Light spell in various ways.

The consumption and birth of the temple's arms, as well as the operation of the cloud city, naturally rely on the power of the law of creation left in the heavenly mountain.

In fact, when the Holy Heaven Mountain escaped from the destruction of the universe, there was nothing else in it. Instead, after choosing Adam, it evolved various buildings and arms according to his memory.

Including mighty divine beings born from the radiance, the angels.

However, according to the memory obtained by Adam, there are not only three demigod Seraphs evolved from Heaven Mountain, but seven in total!

The angel of dawn, which symbolizes light!

Gospel angels who bring hope!

The disciplinary angel in charge of discipline!

The Angel of Judgment representing Judgment!

Lead the Angel of Redemption!

When these five seraphs evolved, they acquired their own independent personality and consciousness, and appeared as the ultimate arms or heroes of the temple.

In addition, there are two seraphs, one is the angel of holy light who was first evolved to symbolize the origin of all things, and the last one is the angel of end who was evolved to represent the annihilation of all things. .

The Angel of Holy Light and the Angel of Ending did not gain self-awareness. In fact, the purpose of the evolution of Heaven Mountain is to accommodate the power of the two laws of light and destruction respectively, and stay in the ocean of light to maintain the operation of the entire sacred Heaven Mountain until Adam ascended to the Lord God. inherit it all.

Light, creation, and destruction are the three systems of laws. The law of light is inherited by Adam in various ways; the law of creation evolves many buildings and arms, and is exhausted; On the holy book beside Adam.

Adam held the sacred book, which was very thick. On the front was a sun cross symbolizing light, which was shining golden;

"Genesis, a medium artifact, an experiment that combines the law of light and the law of destruction."

This time, the reminder from the holy church neither appeared in front of Adam's eyes, nor appeared in his mind. Instead, the scripture in Adam's hand turned to a page automatically without wind, and showed it to Adam.


Adam rubbed the spine of the book, looked carefully at the holy book, and found that the middle part was full of various information that had appeared since he came into contact with the Holy Church, including adventure logs, information about units, and so on.

On the middlemost page, the latest information about Adam is recorded.

Name: Adam Weaving

Rank: Lord God

Titles: Lord of the Temple, Lord of Radiance, Lord of Holy Light, God of the Sun

Gods: Gods of Heaven

Grade: 43

Portfolio: Sun, Holy Light

Clergy domain: Sun, Holy Light, Monarch, Dawn, Gospel, Retribution, Fire, Light, Healing, Dusk, Resurrection, Guardian

Law: Law of Light (comprehension progress 85%)

Kingdom of God: Holy Paradise Mountain (Fusion progress 100%)

From the gods: Dawn Angel Uther (Level 38), Gospel Angel Raphael (Level 38), Retribution Angel Uriel (Level 38), Knight God Andrew (Level 35), Judgment Angel Simon (Level 34)

Magic Pet: Bird of Paradise (level 33)

After inheriting the main god of Glory Ocean, Glory and the divine power of the sun, Adam's professional level was raised to 43 in one fell swoop, and the strength of Uther, Andrew and others also got a +2 increase.

At the same time, it is also the middle part of the material, which divides Genesis into two.

In the first half, open the cover and view it from the front. It records all kinds of secret methods and knowledge and experience about the law of light, from shallow to deep, very detailed.


This is the name of the upper Genesis.

In the second half, open the back cover and read forward, it is the various perceptions and usage methods of the law of destruction.

There is even a page about the disintegration of the universe, the law collapses, everything ends, time comes to an end, space turns into nothingness, Adam feels cold hands and feet just by looking at it, this page is the embodiment of the law of destruction!


This is the name of the lower part of Genesis.

Adam closed Genesis, knowing that it is not time to comprehend the law of destruction. Once he takes action against the law of destruction, the demon master who is in charge of the law of destruction will inevitably respond.

It is not a wise thing to confront Destruction and the Flame Demon God in advance. It is currently the most suitable for Adam to hide in the dark and slowly plan. He has plenty of time to plan slowly.

Adam held up the holy cross sun scepter, and the sun cross at the top of the scepter radiated circles of holy light, re-evolving the seventh floor of Mount Paradise into a sea of ​​light, although most of it was holy light, not all the light of the Lord God.

After doing this, Adam turned back to the Sun Temple.

In the outside world, the New World America is coming soon. (To be continued..) 2k novel reading network

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