MLGB this player....

Ahem, clerical error!

MLXG doesn't need to be introduced too much!

If King Ning is the representative of the rhythmic jungler, then the incense pot is the originator of the hunger strike!

0-4 when 4-0 comes!You dare to oppose my wild area, I will let you have no wild area!

It can be said that the jungler style of the incense pot is very strong, and he has extremely rich jungler experience.

is such a wild area overlord, who was tricked by Ye Han's Karma today.

The pig girl in the incense pot went to the red buff to fight Brother Ba (stone man).


At this time, the incense pot was not scanned.

Generally speaking, for an extremely experienced jungler like Xiang Guo, he knows very well that the opposite side will hardly be stupid to make his eyes to the stone man.

Stone Man is not an important strategic point, and it makes little sense to look here.

Instead of sticking it in the stone man, it's better to stick it in the entrance of the red buff and jungle.

Therefore, the incense pot concluded from experience that the stone man wild area was eyeless.


Big mistake!

There are so many eyes on Ye Han's body that there is no place to insert them! I don't care if it makes sense to make eyes here in the stone man, Ye Han said that he just wants to insert the eye jewelry on his body.

At this time, the scene of the pig girl beating Brother Ba was clearly seen by the EDG people.

Ye Han said: "Factory director, slaughter the pig girl! You are really raising pigs!".

"That's a must!

The blind monk of the factory director directly opened the scan and entered the red buff wild area with Karma.

The hero of the Blind Monk has high damage and flexibility in the early and middle stages, and after being slowed down by Karma's Ice Fist and W skills, only a pig girl with a Japanese flame jungle knife can't run away at all!

The factory director was ruthless and said that a pig was lost alive!

Regarding the factory director's pig behavior, Yan Junze's Jace fired a shot (QE) at the blind monk from afar and expressed strong condemnation.

Ming Kai said.

Jace has a kind of you coming too, even with you.

Yan Junze was still afraid, he didn't want to be a pendant to buy one get one free, so he could only watch the pig girl being killed.

Although the incense pot scolded, it also expressed understanding.

What do you expect a sixth-level Jace to do?

"it, who is so mad? The stone man is also sick with such horns

The incense pot was quite speechless, he had been in the jungle position for so many years, and he had never been by someone at the stone man.

"Damn! My first time was broken by Ye Han like this!".

EDG's side.

After Ming Kai said that the pig, his psychology was greatly satisfied!

He has no desires now.

He was ready to leave the wild area.

Ye Han shouted to Ming Kai for the first time: "Don't be in a hurry to leave, you can talk about the wave pig again." "

Ming Kai said: "The incense pot is not a fool, even if he comes to the upper half of the wild area again, he will definitely open it and scan it, and our pig plan will definitely not succeed." "

"Believe me, this wave of incense pot still has to come, the lower half of the wild area has been cleaned by the pig girl, and the incense pot has nowhere else to go! And I conclude that the incense pot will not be opened and scanned!".

"Okay, I'll believe you once!"

Ye Han and Ming Kai squatted in the grass nest at the blue buff, waiting for a pig sister who had a fate.

After the resurrection, the incense pot scolds and continues to the red buff wild area.

"Xiaohu, you can help take a look, has my red buff wild area been cleaned up by Ming Kai, the red must be gone, I don't know if the big bird is still there. "

Xiangguo said that what he hates most in his life is the bird thief, and stealing a big bird is no different from digging people's eggs!

Xiaohu squinted his eyes, and he was also a thief, and his Marzaha seemed to be going to the red buff wild area, but who knew that he just put an eye on the big bird through a wall halfway, and then turned back to the line.

Malzahar's eyes clearly saw the big bird of the incense pot.

"Your bird is still there. Little Tiger said.

The incense pot is a little embarrassing, how strange it sounds to this...

Originally, this wave, the incense pot must have been opened to scan into the wild area, and the embankment EDG was in the key position to make eyes.

If your position is exposed again, your rhythm will be gone.

But just when the incense pot was about to open the scan, he was a little reluctant, the scan is extremely critical for a jungler, and the scan cooling CD is long, and it is usually opened when the success rate of gank is guaranteed.

The incense pot thought about it, there were only two free ornaments, and Karma put an anti-gank eye in the river channel, and he was caught at the stone man, which means that Karma also put an eye on the stone man, and Karma's two ornaments have been used up.

The enchantress of the junior brother in the middle of the EDG has long been replaced by a scan, and there is no eye to plug in.

In this way, I will definitely have no vision in the upper half of the field, and it will be a waste of Nima to open another scan!

So, after some analysis, the incense pot decided to hit the big bird again without opening the scan.

"It's coming! The incense pot is really here! Ye Han! You're just like a god!".

"Kaizi, let's score twice!"

Ming Kai nodded proudly, "Okay! It's a pig!"

When Karma and the blind monk appeared in front of the incense pot, the incense pot's eyes were straight, "Fuck you, uncle!

"Where are the labors and management going to the jungle, where are you going to follow!?EDG, the newcomer, is a beast, and Ming Kai is also a beast!"

Xiaohu speculated: "Xiangguo, there should be eyes at the big bird, otherwise EDG Ueno on the opposite side would not be so arrogant." "

Xiangguo said helplessly: "If this is not a game, I must have thought that the opposite side is Kaitu Dog!".

However, this is only the beginning, and what makes the incense pot even more speechless and more unacceptable is still to come!! after all, Karma's second plan has just started!

PS: Thank you brothers for the rewards, urging the change and flowers, thank you for your encouragement and support!

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