They say that trade secrets are complicated, right?

In Ye Han's opinion, not all of them wanted to earn more, and fooled themselves into signing themselves at a low price.

So Ye Han created a group.

The name is "Love and Kill a Family"!

Ye Han dragged the executives of all platforms into love and killing.

Ye Han typed: You have complex trade secrets, I also have firewood, rice, oil and salt for life, my live broadcast contract expires in two days, and whoever of you offers a high price, I will go with whomever I want.

Good guy, Ye Han's operation directly stunned all the executives.

Ye Han is not obviously bullying people?

But no one dared to resist and walked away.

The reason is simple, everyone is an adult, and no one will have a hard time with a cash cow!

The shark platform was the first to speak.

Shark Director: Since Ye Han has made his words clear, I will also give a real price, and the signing fee is five million a year!

Panda Platform: I'm with 5.5 million.

Battle Banner Platform: I'm with 5.8 million.

Tiger Duck Platform: I'll give 10 million !!


The world is quiet....

After a few seconds.

Battle Flag platform to exit the group chat....

Panda platform quit the group chat...

Dragon Ball platform exit group chat....

Seeing that Tiger Duck was so determined, some smaller platforms slipped away.

Ye Han was also shocked.

Good guy, I really caught up with the wave of the live broadcast, and it turned out that I could really make money lying down.

At present, there is only one other platform shark left.

For a long moment.

The Shark executive appears to have consulted the leader.

After a long time, he spoke: Tiger Duck opened 10 million, and I opened 15 million! Da Sima is only 13 million! Ye Han, we are very sincere!

Tiger Duck Platform: Fifteen million!

The shark platform is also anxious: it just can't get along with us, right?

Shark Platform: Tiger Duck out of fifteen million, I out of fifteen million... Zero dollar!

Ye Han has long heard that the two platforms of Tiger Duck and Shark are competing for high-quality anchors, and it seems to be true.

Tiger Duck Platform: I'll give you 20 million! Ye Han, we have shown enough sincerity, a premium of 20 million, if you agree, we will sign the contract now! We are confident that we will make you a top hooligan!

Ye Han: ????

Ye Han: it! What the hell? What is the top one?

Tiger Duck Platform: Ahem, I'm sorry, a clerical error, it is bound to make you a top traffic, not a top hooligan.

Ye Han: ....

Shark Platform: ....

The withdrawal of the shark platform from the group chat also means that Ye Han is given to Tiger Duck.

Ye Han really didn't expect that he would be able to get a sky-high signing fee of 20 million!

It can also be seen from this that with the regularization and commercialization of League of Legends, the esports industry is definitely a huge piece of fat.

With a signing fee of 20 million, Ye Han couldn't find any reason to refuse.

Ye Han settled in Huya.

The signing fee of 20 million is just Ye Han's side business.

His real main business is a professional player.

The next day, Ye Han was called by Abu to talk.

Abu told Ye Han, "As long as EDG's eggs are blown up in the summer finals tonight!EDG's starting contract is waiting for you! You have the final say on the signing fee!".

"I tried my best to fight. Ye Han replied.

As a time-traveler, Ye Han knows EDG's e-sports history too well.

Everyone thought that after EDG defeated SKT and won the first MSI championship, it would be the rise of EDG, but they never expected that this would be the peak of EDG!

After MSI, EDG's presence became weaker and weaker.

2021 is not broken, not standing!

EDG waited too long!

Now that he has crossed over to EDG, Ye Han wants to rely on his own efforts to get all the honors that EDG should take, and advance the glory of EDG!

2021, for EDG, it's too long to wait!

It's better to start with S8 if it doesn't break, don't stand!

Tonight's final.

It's really not that easy to play for EDG!

If the Snakes are the dark horses of the S5 season, then the dark horses of S8 are none other than IG!

IG sang all the way, crushed all the way, and the average age of the starters was less than twenty years old!

It's a tough challenge for the veteran EDG!

Especially when Ning Wang joined IG, IG completely evolved into a complete body, and the strength output of each line was full!

This year's theshy is not yet "the world's first grasp" (the world's best grasp).

There is also Ah Shui who doesn't fill a cup, and then paired with a treasure man who doesn't get lost.

IG Trident is completely formed!

And the person with the halberd is the representative of rhythmic jungler.

King Ning!

Facing the champion of the S8 World Championship Finals, Ye Han can't tolerate a little sloppiness.

Seven o'clock in the evening!

The showdown between EDG and IG, the League of Legends LPL Summer Finals, has officially begun!

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