Ye Han not only has to eat Jace alone this time, but also has to eat it alone over the tower!

Give an iboy a reason to call daddy enough!

This wave of Cogas was online, and the moment he saw Jace, he directly turned on the glory of justice and rushed to Jace.

I saw that theshy's heart was not flustered and his hands were not shaking, and after a shot of QE, he switched to the hammer form to accelerate, and then an E skill wanted to repel Kogas.

But when Jace turns around and backhands an E skill to knock back Kogas, the effect of Justice and Glory has already been triggered.

A brown aftermath rippled around Kogath, toward Jace.

Jace was instantly slowed down by seventy-five percent of his movement speed by Justice Glory.

Then Kogas catches up, A ligation (E)!

Trigger the Blade in an instant!

I saw that Kogas's hand was up and down, and he quickly A out three times to draw A, and the percentage damage of E skill hit Jace's scalp was numb.

"Oops~~, this Kogas is the main E's, and the damage with the bush blade really amazed me..."

Then, Kogas directly attached the Q skill to the face!

Stick to the face Q, don't talk about theshy, even if it's a script, you may not be able to dodge.

Helplessly, Jace flashed, and Kogas followed the flash and continued to chase the slowing Jace crazy flat A.

And then a W bad breath package!

Ding Ding Ding....

By this time, Jace had entered the tower.

Theshy felt that he was no longer in danger and began to maneuver with Kogas under the tower.

Who knew that Kogas soon had another Q skill foot massage!

Lifting Jace high in an instant!

Ye Han understood Kogas and perfectly showed the disgusting points of Kogath.

Although the hero Kogas has a very strong cast pre-swing, the ultra-short CD also makes up for the lack of Kogas's Q skill.

At this time, Kogas's E skill is good again.

E skill tie up, and then help Jace with a bite (R)!

Kill Jace in seconds!

Theshy looked dumbfounded, "What do you mean? Why does this big insect have meat and output in Ye Han's hands?".

Kogas is crazy against the tower!

Eat theshy alone!

Ye Han coughed lightly.

iboy understood: "Dad, you are my own father! Dad, your Kogas has only done a righteous glory, why is it so meaty?".

"This Kogas is so big and tough!" Ming Kai was also stunned.

"Wait a minute!".

At this point, Theshy sensed that something was not quite right.

"Brothers, the data is not right, the damage coefficient is not right, there is a problem with this Kogas!".

With a keen intuition for the game, Theshy clicked on Kogas and took a look at the attributes.

I really don't know, I'm a little scared!

Theshy looked at Kogas's attribute panel, and the mouth of the shy man, who had always been calm, opened into an O-shape!

"Oh my God! This is too exaggerated, isn't it?", why does Ye Han's Kogas ultimate have twelve layers?".

"This is obviously the wrong number of layers!The Kogas creep stacked six layers of ultimate passive, and he said to me, stacking one layer, it should be a seven-layer feast, a level 2 ultimate, and an additional 120×7,840 HP points for Kogas!".

"But now Kogas has inexplicably added five layers of passives, providing an additional six hundred points of life! A level eleven Kogas has actually soared to four thousand blood!?".

After listening to theshy's analysis, King Ning's temper instantly rose, "Damn, EDG can't afford to play or what? Blatantly open up on the competition occasion, the team doesn't want it, right?"

The broiler comforted: "Gao Zhenyu, don't get excited. "

Persuasion is not at all.

In the next second, King Ning directly raised his hand high.

A referee in a black uniform walked over.

King Ning said domineeringly: "I use a third-party cheating plug-in for the single leaf cold competition on EDG with my real name!

After the referee listened, everyone was shocked.

This is something that has never happened before in the history of esports.

The game is open?

What is this concept?

Once verified, the team will not be able to do it!

The referee attached great importance to this matter, and repeatedly confirmed: "Are you sure? This is not a trivial matter. "

King Ning nodded, "I'm sure, I report it with my real name!"


The referee on the field made a gesture to the staff on the field to stop the game.

Immediately, the game was terminated!

At the same time, the staff immediately transmitted the news to the commentary front desk.

The Haier brothers once again showed shocked expressions in front of the screen!

The doll said in the official live broadcast room: "Everyone, this is not a simple stop, IG jungler Ning Wang real-name system reported Ye Han for using a third-party plug-in, and the referee team has now intervened in the investigation, please be patient!".

The fryer is up!

Now the e-sports circle has completely exploded!

The popularity in the League of Legends live broadcast room was instantly pulled to the highest!

Countless viewers began to post barrages!

The live broadcast room is flooded with a massive barrage, and you can't see the live content at all if you don't close the barrage!

At the same time, Ye Han's opening incident not only blew up the League of Legends e-sports circle, but also blew up the chicken-eating e-sports circle next door by the way!

PUBG wants to cry without tears, innocent lying on the gun....

What's going on here?

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