Compared with the brainless questioning of the referee team, the whole EDG team showed full cohesion.

This made Ye Han, who was a newcomer and had just joined EDG, very moved.

Ming Kai stood up and spoke for Ye Han: "I think that since there is nothing wrong with Ye Han's machine and it meets the rules of the e-sports competition, the game should continue." "

"That's right, as for why the big bug has five more layers inexplicably, that's IG's business! Why should we tell our opponents about the routines we have studied?".

Don't look at iboy's sometimes sarcastic sarcasm at Ye Leng, but this guy is young and very righteous.

It was also the first time that Ouyang Anna had encountered such a thorny problem.

After much thought, she decided that the game would go on as normal.

The reason is very simple, as EDG said, people have a more thorough understanding of the version, since there is no hanging, you can't let people publish the magic weapon to the public, which is obviously unscientific.

When IG learned of the decision of the referee team, IG as a whole was a little devastated.

Because they don't even know what's wrong.

For a professional player, if you have a little more A in the early stage, you may not be able to control the line, resulting in an avalanche on the line, not to mention that the big bug inexplicably has five more layers of ultimate passive, which is a full six hundred more blood!

Theshy's current Jace can't handle this big bug anymore.

As long as Kogas has Justice Glory and the ultimate, he will directly rush up to slow down Jace's Justice Glory, and then set a set of foot massage, and ban the Word Package! Finally, help Jace take a bite and melt Jace in an instant.

The big bugs kept snowballing, and their bodies became bigger and bigger.

IG still can't understand why Kogas is so fast.

Until Ye Han's Kogas wanders the middle again!

When he took a bite of the broiler Malzaha's summon, the broiler suddenly sensed that something was wrong.

Isn't it possible for a professional player to make the same mistakes one after another, even if he appears on the stage?

And this Kogas has always been in R's own summon.

This makes the broiler can't help but have a bold conjecture in his heart!


Kogas can't be a summon of R Marzaha that stacks stacks, right?

Could it be that Marzaha's W Bug is also an epic creature!?

At this time, the broiler hurriedly asked in the team microphone, "Shy, how many layers of the big bug's ultimate passive just now?"

Theshy thought for a moment and replied, "Fourteen floors." "

"Are you sure?".

"I'm sure. "theshy cut the railroad.

"It's broken..."

"The big bug R one of my summons, inexplicably superimposed a layer of ultimate passive!".

At this moment, when the broiler thought of the crazy R summoning of the big bug before, he laughed happier than anyone else.

Let's look at it now.

The broiler feels like a cerebral palsy: "Brothers, it turns out that the clown is me!!".

Yu broiler told the IG people about his discovery.

theshy also looked confused, "No wonder Ye Han, the player, would inexplicably choose a big bug to be beaten, it turns out that this guy is really the same as what is said on the Internet, Ye Han has already understood the version of the answer, he seems to be extremely familiar with everything in this version!".

During this period, Ye Han, as a traverser, clearly knew that Marzaha's W summon belonged to an epic-level wild monster, and Kogas could stack infinite layers.

So if there is a game of Malzaha, there will inevitably be a Kogas, but later, Riot designers removed Malzaha's summon from the list of epic monsters, and the Void Fear and Void Prophet formula easter eggs also disappeared.

But the professional players in this world don't know, just because of the routine easter egg of Void Prophet and Void Fear, Ye Han abused IG's theshy.

So far, the situation has gotten out of control, and the big bug's ultimate passive is stacking more and more, the amount of blood is getting thicker and thicker, and the damage of the ultimate is getting higher and higher.

The basic big bug went on the road, and when he saw Jace, he didn't say a word about turning on the glory of justice to Jace.

During this period, King Ning's Zach came to the road to help once.

Jace and Zack worked hard to beat Kogas half blood.

This is completely a prehistoric Khosla that can't be moved at all.

After King Ning failed to try to catch the road, he decisively gave up the road and saved it again.

As mentioned at the beginning of the game, there are only two outcomes for the German hammer combination, either to take over the game or wait for the blame.

And Delevingne of Ah Shui in this game obviously belongs to the former.

A system hero like Draven must eat the economy and the head, and King Ning knows this very well, and constantly creates opportunities for Draven to have an advantage.

A water that does not contain a cup is destined to be inflexible.

The DNA of our Shuizi brother is engraved in his bones, do you want me to fill the cup?

Knowing that Zach was coming, the EDG bottom lane duo retreated decisively, but who knew that Ah Shui directly dodged the group!

Hold two axes in your hand, throw another axe! Three axes take off in an instant!

Cut iboy's braincase buzzing!

iboy people are also young, naturally young and vigorous, seeing Ah Shui cupping, iboy is not happy.

"Damn! let him pretend again!".

"I'll pretend too!meiko!pull out the Gatling!!".

Auxiliary Meiko was slightly stunned, and after a little thought, he understood what iboy meant, and reminded: "The premise of the pretending operation is that you must retreat with your whole body, don't play too much." "

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