Chapter 199 [ ]: Race against death!

Faced with the sudden city-wide alarm, more than six million people in Jinghai City were stunned.

One moment, everyone was still doing their own thing, going to work, studying, walking, shopping, watching movies, eating hot pot... Suddenly you were asked to stop all current behaviors. No matter what you were doing, you had to interrupt and evacuate immediately. Take refuge in the dungeon.

It took a few seconds for people to react, and everyone was in a panic.

"What the hell?!"

"Really or not? Don't mess with me. Jinghaicheng was attacked?"

"Damn, what I was most worried about has happened. I feel like Jinghai is going to suffer, and he still can't escape what is coming."

"A strong enemy is attacking? Where is it? Where is it?!"

Even the city lord Qiu Yaoyang was confused.

City Lord's Mansion, reception room.

A few minutes ago, Qiu Yaoyang was chatting with a pretty woman.

The most dignified person in power in Jinghai City, a veritable big shot, majestic and aloof on weekdays.

But when facing this woman, he took the initiative to condescend to her, lowered his status, and even showed a flattering attitude towards her... just like licking a dog.

The woman is none other than Kong Zihan, one of the brightest stars in today's music scene.

But even so, she still felt flattered. She never expected that Qiu Yaoyang, as the dignified city lord who was in charge of one side, would be her enthusiastic fan.

No matter how awesome she is, she is essentially just an ordinary person, a vocal music practitioner.

She has met many tycoons in the business world. Rich people often invite her to the event for their birthdays. She can get hundreds of millions in remuneration just by singing a song... But that's all.

In the political circle, she did not have many contacts.

Although many political figures liked to listen to her songs in the past, they were very restrained and few would blatantly express their admiration for her.

Because according to the laws of the People's Federation, official personnel are not allowed to chase stars, not to mention those in high positions who will be punished once discovered.

But Qiu Yaoyang doesn't care about this.

He felt that the Queen's appearance in Jinghaicheng was an arrangement from God. God was also moved by his obsession with the Queen and specially arranged this encounter. This was fate!

Not only does he covet the Queen's songs, he also covets her people.

When a man faces the lover of his dreams, he simply cannot control his desire to express himself.

Qiu Yaoyang planned to find ways to keep Tianhou in Jinghaicheng for a while, and then slowly start pursuing her.

Although he is twenty years older than others, has been married twice, and has two sons and one daughter, age is not an issue when it comes to love. His ex-wife has passed away long ago, and Qiu Yaoyang has not remarried for many years. Although he knows that he is old and ugly, his status is such that the city lord is completely worthy of Kong Zihan... Even in terms of the family, it is still Queen Kong Tian who ranks high. It’s over.

Of course, as of now, Qiu Yaoyang has not revealed his true purpose.

You have to eat your food one bite at a time. Now is not the time to show your love.

As long as the people are retained, we can find ways to slowly conquer it, and we will definitely win!

However, just as he was daydreaming about a better future, he suddenly heard the sound of sirens throughout the city.

Xi ruthlessly interrupted his fantasy time.

"Enemy attack?!" Kong Tianhou was also frightened to death, "Jinghaicheng was also attacked? Is this... is this true?"

Qiu Yaoyang slammed the table, stood up suddenly, and asked: "What's going on? What did you find? Answer me, Xi."

[Mr. City Lord, now is not the time to talk about this. It is not safe here. Please evacuate this place first and take refuge in the underground city. I will explain it to you in detail on the way. According to predictions, the enemy attack will occur in a few minutes. Time is running out, so please leave immediately. 】——Xi's cold voice sounded in his ears.

Hearing this, the face of the city lord immediately became extremely ugly, and he also realized the seriousness of the matter.

Damn it, why did such trouble happen just when he was planning to fall in love?

He turned to look at the panicked Kong Tianhou. She was so frightened that her face was pale and frightened. Her pitiful appearance could stimulate a man's protective desire.

Qiu Yaoyang was stunned for a moment, but then he thought about it, as the saying goes, a friend in need is a friend indeed, maybe the coming of this kind of crisis and disaster can help promote his marriage with the beauty.

After the city was closed, Kong Tianhou couldn't leave even if she wanted to. Until the end of the war, she could only stay in Jinghai City and not want to go anywhere.

This is exactly what he wants. This way, he will have enough time to attack the beauties.

Lu Xun's judgment on this person was correct.

This guy's character is worrisome. As a city lord, when Jinghai City was in danger, the first thing he did was not to care about the people, but to think about picking up girls. It can be said to be the most outrageous.

"Ahem, don't be afraid, Miss Kong. As long as I'm here, no one in the world can hurt you at all."

Qiu Yaoyang pretended to be deep and authentic, and his tone was full of confidence: "You can evacuate with us first. The guards around me are all the best of the best. Others may encounter misfortune, but as long as you follow me, you will be safe."

"Thank you... Many thanks, City Lord!" Kong Zihan burst into tears of gratitude and immediately bowed to thank him.

At the same time that the alarm sounded in Jinghai City, all underground city entrances in the city were opened.

Everyone on the ground began to evacuate and took refuge underground.

the other side.

The enemy was also confused.

Can't figure out where on earth I missed the mark?

The plan was obviously so thorough and so secretly hidden.

Before he even started taking action, Jinghai's artificial intelligence had already sensed something was wrong in advance, as if it had "murderous intent perception".

Now Jinghai City's city defense system is fully activated and directly enters full power mode. The sky shield and various weapon systems are activated to the maximum extent.

So much so that their plan for a sneak attack failed immediately before it even started!

Sneak attack is a miraculous effect that is calculated deliberately and unintentionally. It can attack the enemy unprepared and give you a chance to remember it, giving you an early advantage.

But in this situation, how about a sneak attack?

We can only attack the city by force.

Roar! !

Suddenly, a violent roar of a dragon exploded.

The sound roared like an angry thunder to heaven and earth.

Millions of citizens in the city couldn't help but be horrified. From the voice, people felt the mighty will of God and the extremely terrifying personal suppression!

Immediately afterwards, thick black endless clouds suddenly appeared in the distant horizon and rolled in.

Black clouds are pressing down on the city, threatening to destroy it, and the light of armor opens towards the golden scales of the sun.

The ferocious head of a huge creature poked out from the thick clouds. It turned out to be an evil dragon!

The silver-white dragon scales reflect the dazzling metallic luster, full of mysterious and dangerous atmosphere.


"How is that possible? Isn't the Dragon Clan extinct long ago?"

"This is an Emperor-level dragon! Oh my god..."

The people in Jinghaicheng changed their colors one after another.

Even the soldiers of the city defense army looked horrified.

This giant silver dragon descended from the sky, bringing dark clouds with it.

Its body is really huge, with a body length of nearly two kilometers. When its dragon wings are spread out, it covers the sky and the sun. This is an emperor-level dragon.

But the strange thing is that there is no highlight in its huge dragon pupils, nor is there any sparkle. Its eyes are numb, as if it has lost its soul.

Moreover, the dragon's physical structure is also very strange, without any biological aura, and the metallic feel is too strong.

"This is the metal dragon! The ultimate alchemy weapon of the Yugoslav clan - the uranium dragon!"

On the city wall, a senior officer's expression changed drastically. He quickly turned around and shouted at his subordinates: "Be prepared to prevent an impact!"

Roar! !

Boom! !

As soon as he finished speaking, the emperor-level uranium dragon opened its huge mouth, and a ball of pale brilliance condensed in its throat. The billions of dragon scales on its body opened and closed, emitting circles of dangerous radiation. faint.

Along with the sky-shaking dragon roar, a terrifying nuclear blast shock wave was released in the form of dragon breath.

It is indeed the Uranium Dragon, an ultimate killing weapon made from the corpse of a metal dragon and combined with the top alchemy skills of the mysterious side... and probably also added a little bit of technology.

This thing is so famous.

The alchemy weapons of the Feathered God Clan are among the best in the world.

The uranium dragon attacking Jinghai in front of him is the pinnacle of the Yu Shen Clan's alchemy technology.

The Feathered God Clan did not personally go out to help the Empire and the Vampire Clan deal with the Human Alliance.

But they have even provided uranium dragons, a country-destroying weapon, and how dare they say that they are not the masterminds behind this war? Do you still dare to insist that you have not funded the vampire clan and the empire?

It is true that there is no three hundred taels of silver here.

At this moment, as soon as the uranium dragon appeared, it launched a strong attack on Jinghaicheng!

The huge dragon body several kilometers long is a moving nuclear fission reactor, and a violent chain reaction is taking place on each of its silver dragon scales at all times.

Just spit it out, and it was a nuclear explosion that destroyed the world.

Jinghaicheng became the center of a nuclear explosion!

The nuclear bomb-like dragon's breath directly hit the city's sky shield.

The deafening explosion, accompanied by the bright light that can blind people's eyes, shines throughout the world;

Terrifying high temperatures, accompanied by shock waves, are raging across the world.

Thick smoke carried the fireworks straight into the sky, forming a huge mushroom cloud.

How scary is this scene?

If Jinghai City's sky shield hadn't blocked the nuclear explosion, everyone within a radius of dozens of kilometers would have been vaporized by the high temperature, and those further away would have suffered severe burns. Even if they managed to survive, it would have been fatal. The radiation aftermath will also destroy the human body and make your life worse than death.

There is a vast expanse of white between heaven and earth.

After the nuclear explosion, the bright light lasted for half a minute before it weakened slightly, and I could barely open my eyes.


The Uranium Dragon flapped its wings and swooped in. Its powerful body exuded the aura of death in its grace, emitting deadly radiation every second.

Wherever it passed, it was reduced to red ground, and invisible energy waves radiated out, causing the vast forests around the city to wither at a speed visible to the naked eye. The green flowers, plants and trees turned gray and black, losing all vitality.

It is like the god of death.

Come to the world and harvest life.

Even Lu Xun couldn't help but be amazed.

Although this Uranium Dragon is only at the 6th level of the Emperor, the visual expression it brings when it first appears is simply exaggerated! The quality is too high.

The nuclear fission dragon walking in the world is like a natural disaster.

A glimpse of one spot reveals the whole leopard.

It can be seen from this uranium dragon that what exactly is the strength of the so-called "world power"?

Not to mention anything else, the Feathered God Clan can easily defeat 60% of the countries and ethnic groups in the world just by pulling this dragon out.

Only superpowers like the People's Federation and the Feather God Clan can mass-produce emperor-level weapons.

In this war, Jinghai City was just one of the dozens of self-circulating cities attacked by the People's Federation.

In other words, the Feathered God Clan at least funded the Vampire Clan and the Empire with dozens of ultimate weapons like the Uranium Dragon.

Dozens of emperors, one natural disaster.

...that's what the news said.

However, so far, no self-circulating city has been breached.

Because in the People's Federation, even a low-level self-circulating small city located on the border has a strong ability to resist risks.

Just like this moment.

Although this uranium dragon's appearance was quite impressive, after withstanding one of its nuclear explosions, Jinghaicheng's sky shield remained unmoved.

The nuclear bomb hit the face. Although the scene was scary, the shield only made slight ripples on the surface.

Shock waves, radiation, flames...all were blocked outside.

It’s still early to be broken!

The enemy does not want the citizens on the surface to evacuate safely to the underground city.

So after the first attack failed, the uranium dragon continued to violently bomb Jinghai City.

Roar! !

Boom boom boom boom…

It releases nuclear explosive dragon breath at an extremely high frequency, bombarding the energy shield of the city indiscriminately.

The whole world was trembling, and the strong light dyed the world into pure white. People could not see anything, and they could only feel that their souls were trembling, as if they would collapse at any time.

On the city wall, huge turrets launched counterattacks against the Uranium Dragon.

Electromagnetic cannons, plasma cluster cannons, laser cannons, decomposition rays...all kinds of powerful weapons are at full firepower, launched with rumbles, and severely defeat powerful enemies.

But unfortunately, these conventional weapons may be able to intimidate Saint King-level creatures, but they are completely ineffective against Emperor-level creatures.

Only the Emperor can defeat the Emperor.

There is only one emperor in the entire Jinghai City, and that is the "Giant" buried deep underground.

【warn! The sky defense system is expected to be breached by the enemy in thirteen minutes. Everyone, please speed up your evacuation. Please leave the surface immediately and enter the underground city to take refuge! 】——Xi once again issued a cold announcement to all citizens.

Thirteen minutes!

It's a complete race against death.

Those who run slowly will die on the ground.

Fortunately, after only ten minutes, everyone completed the evacuation.

The entire Jinghai City, both inside and outside the city, was deserted.

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