Chapter 45 【】: Bloodbath

The Shadow Dragon Club headquarters building is located in District 21. On the surface, it is a large logistics company, and its business operations appear to be normal.

But behind the scenes is the largest armed smuggling gang in Jinghaicheng!

And they are not just smuggling ordinary commodities, but also various contraband, illegal prosthetics, dangerous materials, guns and ammunition... and even human trafficking.

Lu Xun also used "Blood Hunting and Soul Hunting" to read the memories of several people before he learned about the dirty deeds of these rats!

The crimes of the Shadow Dragon Society are too numerous to list.

But 70% of the ordinary people in Jinghai City have never even heard of the existence of this evil force. Little did he know that there was such an evil dragon hiding next to him!

This force has done many evil things, but it has been able to hide it so well and have gone unpunished for many years. It has become a cancer that has entrenched itself in the outer city!

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Lu Xun wouldn't have believed it was true.

He and Lao Octopus jointly opened a small black clinic, earning hundreds of thousands a month, and were still worried about the risks every day.

But the Shadow Dragon Society is so audacious that it relies on armed smuggling and other illegal profit-making industries to earn so much black money that ordinary people cannot imagine... These people are the real desperadoes.

But even so, these greedy thugs will still break into the homes of innocent civilians, kill people and take money for 60 million.

He is unscrupulous and has no law.

He drove to the headquarters of Shadow Dragon Logistics Company.

Thirty minutes later, we arrived at our destination.

The headquarters building is 35 stories high, and the top three floors are never open to the public. Most of the company's employees do not know the true face of their company.

But there is a little-known secret passage in which the elevator can go directly to the top floor without surveillance.

The entrance to the passage is guarded by horses disguised as logistics workers.

If you want to enter, you must provide an "access code", which changes every day and is known only to core members.

As the leader of District 17, Brother Hu certainly knows this.

So Lu Xun easily entered the skyscraper through this hidden passage.

The guard didn't even ask him to take off his mask and sunglasses, and let him go after giving a secret signal.


The elevator door opened, and a woman wrapped in a white cloak walked out.

The style of the cloak is very retro, sleeveless, very long and wide, the hood covers the face, and only a little bit of the white chin can be seen.

She was tall and carrying a travel bag in her hand as she passed by Lu Xun.

Lu Xun felt a strange strange feeling in his heart.

But I didn't think much about it. After entering the elevator, I pressed the button for the 25th floor.


He took a deep breath, and behind his sunglasses, a cold murderous intent gradually appeared in his narrow eyes.

Although the purpose is to get back the 40 million that was robbed.

But if these scumbags not only refused to pay back the money, but dared to resist, he wouldn't mind killing them all!


The elevator door opens.

The pungent smell of blood immediately hit his face, and Lu Xun's expression suddenly changed.

He walked out of the elevator and was immediately shocked by the scene in front of him!

...Patches of bright red blood came into view, and everywhere they could see were corpses scattered across the body!

The entrance to the passage is full of dead people!

They were killed by arrows. Many of them had their vital points pierced by arrows and were nailed to walls and pillars, dying from their breath.

The surrounding walls are riddled with bullet holes, a testament to the fierce fighting that took place here.

'what's the situation? ’

Lu Xun couldn't help but feel frightened, his pupils shrank, and he reacted instantly.

It was the cloaked man who did it!

who is she?

Why should the Shadow Dragon Society be bloodbathed?

The firefight here is so fierce, don't you hear any movement outside?

All the high-level officials were killed, and no one came to support them. This is outrageous!

Curiosity made him want to explore.

But he quickly shook his head and remembered the purpose of his trip.

"Let me confirm first. Is the money still there? I hope it's not my 40 million in the travel bag she carries."

He calmed down and moved forward quickly.

Walking through the long corridor, stepping over corpses.

We arrived at a large room at the end.

"Uh uh..."

A member of the Shadow Dragon Society was hit by an arrow in the neck, and was nailed to the tall door by the arrow. He was covered in blood, and he was still breathing unconsciously. He made an unconscious wailing sound. He looked terrible.

Lu Xun raised his hand and threw out a fireball, incinerating him.

Go through the door and into the hall of rooms.

The hall was luxuriously decorated, and there were also countless corpses and rivers of blood.

Directly in front, a middle-aged man wearing a high-end suit sat slumped on a leather seat.

He was hit between the eyebrows by an arrow, his head tilted back, and he stared at the ceiling with unyielding eyes.

‘The boss of the Shadow Dragon Society is also dead? ’ Lu Xun was slightly surprised.

This person's name is Chen Yinglong, and people in the world give him the nickname - Brother Long!

He was also cheated.

There were no powered armors or powerful heavy weapons at the battle scene.

This shows that the cloaked woman attacked suddenly!

She used cold weapons like bows and arrows to kill everyone on an entire floor without giving them time to react.

Moreover, she also blocked internal and external communication in advance, so that the other party did not even have the opportunity to ask for support.

What a successful infiltration!

But Lu Xun still couldn't figure it out. Could the people downstairs really not hear the gunfire?

But that has nothing to do with him.

After observing around, he turned his gaze and looked towards the two o'clock direction. There was an alloy door that was opened, revealing the secret room behind it.

He walked into the secret room and looked around, feeling a little surprised.

There was a lot of space inside, but it was empty, with nothing in it.

Judging from the traces on the scene, it seems that things were once stored here, but were just moved away.

"The money isn't here."

Lu Xun turned around and walked out of the secret room and returned outside.

I was too lazy to look around, so I simply asked Brother Long to borrow some blood, activated special skills, and started communicating with the souls of the dead.


Consciousness is sucked into the memory world of the deceased.

He finally saw what happened here eight minutes ago——

Chen Yinglong, with his slicked back hair and a cigar in his mouth, sat on the chair and read a report in his hand, quite like a big brother.

"Boss, this is Brother Hu's honor to you."

One of the men came over and put a bag full of money on the table while speaking flatteringly.

"Yes, Not Bad."

Chen Yinglong opened the bag and took a look inside, his expression didn't change much, he waved his hand and said:

"Tell Xiaohu to be careful when he does this kind of thing. Don't make a big fuss and come to me to wipe his butt again. Please step back."

"Hehe, okay, I will tell Brother Tiger." The subordinate nodded and bowed in response.

After his men left, he threw the money bag into the drawer under his desk and continued to read the report with a cigar in his mouth.

Judging from his demeanor, 60 million seems to be nothing to him.

Suddenly, the door was violently pushed open, and the subordinate who had just left ran back, shouting at the top of his lungs as he ran.

However, something weird happened!

I saw that his expression was hurried and eager, and his mouth kept opening and closing, trying hard to say something, but no sound came out.

It wasn't until the other party took a few more steps forward that he heard what he wanted to say——

"...Intruder! Run!"

As soon as he finished speaking, an arrow flew silently, piercing through the back of his head and out of his left eye. There was a bionic eye hanging on the arrow.

Chen Yinglong was shocked and stood up suddenly.

Then, he saw a scene he would never forget——

A woman covered in a wide white cloak came forward holding a bow.

Behind her, corpses stretched from her feet to the end of the corridor, blood covering the ground.

There are so many guards outside, and they are all dead!

Die quietly!

The men beside Chen Yinglong pointed their guns at the intruder, pulled the trigger, and opened fire.

However, only tongues of fire were seen, but no gunshots were heard.

Not just the sound of gunshots... all sounds in the field were silenced.

It's like entering a vacuum environment, and the sound has lost the medium through which it is transmitted.

She has a strong posture, changing places like a ghost, and her speed is too fast to be caught by the naked eye.

While tossing and turning, he drew his bow and nocked an arrow, shooting arrows one after another at an extremely fast rate.

There is no false shot, the arrow will kill people.

The fierce battle took place in deathly silence!

She is like the god of death, ruthlessly harvesting lives one by one.

'Who are you? Who sent you? ’

Chen Yinglong stood up and asked sternly. After he finished speaking, he was stunned because he found that he had also been "banned".

Suddenly, the cloaked woman aimed her bow and arrow at him.

'protect me! ’ He was so frightened that he yelled with all his strength.

However, the subordinates around him ignored him because they couldn't hear what the boss was saying.

An arrow flew over and penetrated into his eyebrow.

His consciousness instantly fell into darkness. At this point in his life, he could no longer see the subsequent battle.


Lu Xun was forced to exit the memory world and looked at Chen Yinglong in front of him in confusion.

"Silence? Is this magic? What a terrible assassin."

He sighed and found the money bag from under the table.

When I opened it, I saw that the money was not missing at all.

The cloaked woman sneaked into this place and started killing people, and her motive was not money.

She should be for the things in that secret room.

Chen Yinglong was once entrusted by a big shot to transport more than a dozen mysterious iron boxes from other places to Jinghai City through smuggling and stored them in a secret room.

But a few days ago, those big iron boxes had been taken away by their owners.

That big shot is Chen Yinglong's backer, and his energy is terrifying.

But he didn't know the other party's true identity and didn't dare to ask. He only called the other party - boss!

"Tsk, Jinghai, a small secondary self-circulating city, has quite a few 'big bosses', and Chi Qian has many bastards."

Lu Xun couldn't help but joke.

Then he picked up his purse and left.

Although he was very curious about the cloaked woman's identity, he didn't intend to delve into it.

He didn't want to know what was in those big smuggled iron boxes.

Others' grudges have nothing to do with him.

Just in time, the other party killed everyone and took all the blame.

It saved Lu Xun a lot of effort.

What a good man! !

Thanks to the boss of "Diancha Zhexiang" for the 500 point reward!

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