Chapter 47 【】: New form: Bone King Body!


Lu Xun's body trembled!

As the balance of characteristic points went from more than nine thousand to single digits, the omniscient right hand also burst out with surging energy, pouring into the limbs and bones, wrapping every cell.

...that familiar feeling came over again.


The pain that penetrates the bone marrow!


He roared, veins popped out on his forehead, and he used extremely strong willpower to resist the severe pain and welcome this evolution.

As far as the "torture experience" is concerned, this time is slightly different from the last time.

If we say that the last time the Red Ghost was projected, the mysterious energy that baptized life was full of destructive violence and domineering, like a hammer, brutally breaking every muscle, inch of bone, and every fascia of Lu Xun ... Let him achieve nirvana and reshape his body in pain.

So this time, it was torture like a blunt knife cutting flesh.

The energy was very cold and gloomy, as if it came from the ghostly breath of hell.

…It’s a completely new experience.

Chi chi chi——

A strange voice sounded in my ears.

Lu Xun was shocked to find that his body was "smoking".

Wisps of white smoke visible to the naked eye began to rise from every part of the body, including the hands, cheeks, neck, chest and abdomen. Just like a sign before a fire, the body continued to smoke.

The skin tissue all over his body began to be burned away in large areas, and the red muscles and fascia were gradually exposed.

Soon, his skin was "peeled off"!

A human face without skin looks extremely scary and scary.

But this is just the beginning.

Lu Xun felt that there was an unburned "fire" deep in his soul. Its light was getting stronger and stronger, and its temperature was getting higher and higher. It seemed that the flames might burst out at any time.


He roared in pain.

After the skin was burned, smoke was still emitting from everywhere in the body, and muscles, fascia, blood vessels... and even every cell were disappearing little by little.

'what's the situation? This is wrong! ’

Lu Xun started to panic.

In his expectation, the projected undead clan should undergo a second fusion on the basis of the ghost body.

Realize "human + red ghost + undead", a three-in-one new species in the universe.

But the fact is that his tendons are shrinking, his flesh and blood are drying up, his cells are dissolving... his body is "volatile"!

This is completely contrary to the "big muscle tyrant" route in the form of ghosts and gods!

‘Is it because the genetic characteristics of the red ghosts and the undead race conflict with each other and they are incompatible? ’

Lu Xun endured the severe pain and began to have random thoughts in his mind.

The red ghost has a strong body and is known for its strength and rigidity. To improve its life level, it requires stronger, more and more powerful muscles to support it.

Undead, on the contrary, take the "skinny" route!

There is obvious conflict between the two, so it is difficult to integrate them into the same form.

Judging from the current pace, this is about to evolve into a "third form" other than the normal, ghostly body!


The next development was as Lu Xun expected.

The white smoke is getting thicker and thicker, the body is getting hotter and hotter, and the evaporation of flesh and blood is getting more intense.

"Ah!!" Lu Xun held his head in pain, jumped up and down in front of the grave, and roared.

Suddenly, the fire deep in the soul finally broke out!


Dark green flames spurted out from the bone marrow, instantly burning away all the flesh, blood, and organs in his body, leaving only a bare humanoid skeleton.

Lu Xun turned into a skeleton like Ur, with white ribs arranged neatly and a smooth and shiny skull.

The whole body was burning with green soul flames.

But this kind of flame has no effect on the clothes at all, which is very strange.


The pain dissipated like a tide, and Lu Xun's soul fire danced in his eye sockets. He looked at his skeleton hand in disbelief, his jaw opened and closed, and he muttered to himself:

" this is what it means."

Previously, Ur taught him meditation to feel the existence of the soul.

He couldn't feel it.

But now, without meditating, he could clearly feel his soul.

It flows like water, deep, mysterious, and full of mystery.

He can control it at will and manifest the power of his soul.

Controlling the soul is as simple as lifting a handful of water from the river.

The green soul fire burning on the surface of the body is actually the realistic expression of soul power.


As soon as Lu Xun thought, the flames on the bones quickly converged, drilled back into the marrow, and disappeared.

Only the soul fire in the eye sockets of the two skeletons was still beating.

"This form is called Bone King Body."

he murmured.

It's a pity that the ghost body and the bone king body cannot be integrated into the same form.

But Lu Xun could clearly feel that the two could actually be integrated into one.

It's just that he can't do it yet.

Whenever he wants to combine two forms, there will be a very powerful "repulsive force" that interrupts the process.

This "repulsive force" can be offset!

Just hit it with a large number of characteristic points, and you can do miracles and force them together.

It can only be said that the compatibility between the ghost clan and the undead clan is too bad.

If it were another race that also took the "muscle" route, the "repulsion" when merging with the ghost body would be much smaller, and fewer characteristic points would be consumed.

"One thing to say, the Bone King form is a bit cool. Compared with the ghost and god form, each has its own merits."

He thought in his mind, analyzing himself with his bone-white right hand.

Get feedback soon——

[Race: Human (can be renamed freely)]

[Life level: high. 】

[Current life form: Bone King Body]

[Special skills: Hellfire, Devouring Souls, Netherworld Walk, Red Flame Body]

[Biological characteristics: wither level 4, super magic level 2, strong soul level 4, strength level 1, hardness level 3, burning level 5]

[Talent: Form switching→Normal/ghost body]

[Available characteristic points: 7 points]

Characteristics vary greatly.

Since all the muscles in his body were gone, "Strength" dropped directly to level 1.

The "shock" just disappeared... ripples? Can't make any waves.

"Burning" has risen by one level. At level 5, the flames are more powerful.

This shows that the Bone King form is a pure Master! !

"Super magic" is the abbreviation of magic element affinity.

"Strong soul" corresponds to soul strength and soul power.

The Necrons have average magic affinity, but they are natural soul masters.

Therefore, strong soul is the main characteristic of the Bone King form.

It must be combined with undead (dead spirit) magic to exert its maximum power.

The "projection" of the omniscient right hand is very magical.

Previously, in his ghost form, he was neither a ghost nor a human. It could only be said that he had some resemblance to both, but his physical features were somewhere in between, neither human nor ghost. He is the only, unique, brand-new life form in the universe.

In the same way, Bone King form ≠ Necrons.

The body of the undead tribe is the "Soul Fire Group", and the bones are just tools for them, and they are things outside the body.

Lu Xun is different!

The skeleton body at the moment is really his own big bones... Fortunately, because he inherited the characteristics of the Necrons, even if the bones are completely broken into pieces, he can still consume his soul power to reorganize them.

The soul fire never goes out, it never dies!

This is the so-called "undead".

"Just try the undead magic that Big Bone taught me - the Skeleton Warrior Summoning Technique!"

Lu Xun was eager to try.

He did it as he thought, carefully recalled what he learned in the bathhouse that day, and began to cast spells and chant step by step.

The skeleton's arm was raised, pointing diagonally at the ground ahead.


The river of soul was stirred by thoughts and splashed with water.

As Lu Xun chants obscure and ancient spells, magical things happen!

The green soul fire burst out, outlining strange lines on the ground, and soon formed a magic array pattern in the shape of a six-pointed star.

A white skull slowly "drilled" out from the ground and poked its head into the ground, so cute!

He continued to output soul power and increased his intensity.

A complete skull emerged, followed by cervical vertebrae, torso, pelvis, leg bones...

Soon, a complete skeleton warrior appeared in front of him.

It had no hair on it, its hands were empty, and there wasn't even soul fire in its eye sockets. It was no different from an ordinary skeleton.

Two skeletons face each other.

"come over."

Lu Xun waved to it.

The skeleton warrior was stunned for a moment, as if there was a high delay in his reaction, but he still obeyed the order and walked to his master.

Lu Xun used his omniscient right hand to analyze the skeleton warrior.

Then he was speechless.

"So weak!"

Thanks to the bosses of "Qunyu Shantou Jian" and "Tuoba Goudan" for their recommendation.

Thanks to the readers of "Religion" for the huge 200-point reward;

Thanks to the readers of "Book Friends 20210416193753078" for the huge 100-point reward.

I also recommend this book to everyone.

A new book (entertainment article) by an outside website boss. The author is a friend of mine. It is very stable and reliable. We met to come to the starting point together, and I published the book a few days before him.

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