Chapter 59 【】: Infiltration (please subscribe)

11:32 pm.

Jinghaicheng District 3, the center.

A very impressive building stands here.

The building is huge, towering, and heavily guarded around it.

Just outside, there are guards wearing exoskeleton armored power suits and holding various firearms standing guard and patrolling.

This is actually the headquarters of Jinghaicheng Energy Management Department! !

When Lu Xun arrived here, his jaw almost dropped.

He immediately called Er Lengzi out and asked if it had gone to the wrong place. Could it be the building next door?

But the second idiot said - this is the building, yes! !

It saw with its own eyes the two agents swaggering in from the main entrance of the Department of Energy building...

"Damn it, is the 'boss' so strong?"

"You actually regard the Jinghaicheng Ministry of Energy building as your own secret agent backyard?"

"Should I not come here?"

Lu Xun, who was hiding and watching from a distance, couldn't help but muttered in a low voice.

He did have some thoughts of giving up.

That day at the Wansheng Security Company building, I only caught a glimpse of the "boss".

But now he realizes that his enemy is such a terrifying behemoth! !

"Forget it, you're here now, how can you stay away?"

After thinking about it, he finally gritted his teeth and felt that he had to go.

It's about his own safety.

It is precisely because the enemy is too powerful and refuses to let him go that he has more reason to work hard to investigate and understand the enemy and find out the details of the enemy.

Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in every battle.

Besides, Lu Xun's strength has been greatly strengthened through Ur's magic code.

The enemy is indeed not easy to mess with, but he is not a pushover either!

The special level 6 ghost and god form has a static combat power of more than 20,000!

Unless the other party has military-grade heavy weapons, it cannot pose a threat to his life.

Even if there is real danger and you can't fight, you can still run!

The most important point is that Lu Xun had no intention of having a violent conflict with the other party.

His purpose is to sneak in! !

"Principle 1: Focus on gathering intelligence and avoid fighting;"

"Principle 2: Unless there is a last resort, the ghost form can only be exposed at most, and the bone king body must be kept as a vest."

Before preparing to leave, Lu Xun seriously warned himself in his heart.

Especially the second one.

The ghost form has already appeared, it doesn't matter if it is exposed again.

The other party would only think that Lu Xun was a minor character who had been injected with genetic mutation medicine.

But if someone knew that he could freely switch between the two completely opposite life forms of ghost, god and bone king...then he would become a key target of attention.

This is simply a miracle in the history of biology! !

Even Zhang Xinghai's priority must be pushed down by him.

"Sweep it again..."

Lu Xun carefully sorted out the infiltration plan in his mind.

After making sure nothing was missing, he transformed into the Bone King form.

As the white smoke rose "chichi", all his flesh and blood disappeared, turning into a bare humanoid skeleton, with green soul fire dancing in the eye sockets, which was very scary.

After the transformation, Lu Xun squatted in a bush in a remote green belt and took out the "outfits" he had prepared in advance.

It was a large, sleeveless cloak, completely black, and its structure was also very simple - a large hood + a piece of cloth.

He put on a black cloak and put on the hood. His whole body was covered, only a white skeletal chin was exposed.

Then, taking advantage of the darkness, he cautiously walked towards the secret service headquarters building.

After reaching a similar distance.


Lu Xun subconsciously took a deep breath, but found that there was no cold air flowing into his nose... then he remembered that he had no lungs.

Forget it, don't worry about these details.

Just do it!

"Netherworld Travel!"

With a thought in his mind, he communicated with the long river of souls and activated his special skills.


In an instant, his entire skeletal body rippled like water, and together with the black cloak, it became translucent.

Blurred! !

Lu Xun turned into a soul state like Tiezhu and Er Lengzi, invisible to the naked eye.

But his state could not last long.

After all, he is a living being, not a real evil spirit.

To him, virtualization is equivalent to human "holding one's breath", which has a time limit.

Once you can't "hold it in" any longer, your original shape will appear automatically and you will escape from the virtual state.

And once it turns into a soul body, it means that sunlight can also burn him.

Lu Xun strutted towards the Ministry of Energy.

Pedestrians on the roadside actually couldn't see him.

He can even "pass" through other people's bodies.

The racial talent of the Necrons is too shameless! !

Half a minute later, he arrived in front of the building.

There is a checkpoint at the door outside, which is heavily guarded and the identities of those entering and exiting are strictly checked.

Lu Xun waved in front of the guards to make sure they couldn't see him either.

‘Walking in directly from the front door? Wouldn't it be a little too arrogant? ’

‘Forget it, let’s respect it. ’

He thought about it and felt that human technology should not be underestimated.

Spirit identification goggles, detection devices, soul protection force field generators, ultraviolet concentrated projectiles... these things are no joke to you.

The strength of human military technology lies in two words - omnipotence.

There are too many types of technology products.

No matter what form you are, what species you are, or what weird skills you have... there is always one in the human arsenal that is suitable for you!

Lu Xun didn't dare to try it easily.

So he escaped deep into the underground, and then slowly moved towards the main building.

When you cannot maintain the virtual state, stop and rest. After recovering, continue to advance.

The main thing is stability!

"Huh~ That's almost it. Directly above your head is the main building."

Lu Xun muttered to himself.

Then he ended his "snorkeling", rose straight up, and floated to the ground.

First floor, in the corridor.

A translucent skull popped up from the ground. At the same time, there happened to be a gun-wielding guard covered in closed individual armor, walking with heavy steps and "clang". , lifted up a giant mechanical foot and stepped on it.


Fortunately, Lu Xun was in a virtual state, and the big foot went directly through his head.

The other party didn't notice it at all and continued to walk forward, leaving only a silhouette behind.

But Lu Xun still felt offended!

‘Damn it, if you dare to step on my head, I will take this grudge against you. ’

Lu Xun cursed in his heart.

After his whole body emerged from the ground, he didn't dare to neglect, and quickly ducked through the wall to the side and reached a hidden utility room.

At the same time, the virtual state ends and returns to a skeleton entity that can be observed with the naked eye.

‘The single duration of Netherworld Walk is a bit short, only more than three minutes. ’ He couldn’t help but complain in his heart.

The effect is really awesome, invisibility + blur.

It just doesn't last long and makes people frightened. They are afraid that their true colors will show up accidentally.

This dive is like diving, you have to "breathe".

"Have you heard? Councilor Xu is coming over tonight." Suddenly, a voice sounded in Lu Xun's ears.

Two guards walked side by side outside the utility room, talking as they walked.

"It's so late, why is Congressman Xu here?" Guard A asked in a confused tone.

"I don't know, maybe it's a bit urgent. Anyway, let's use our tactics more brightly to protect the safety of the congressmen." - Guard B said.

"Come on, this is the Ministry of Energy on the surface, but you should know better than me what the ingredients are... What dangers can there be in Congressman Xu returning to his own home?" Guard A said nonchalantly.

"You can't say that. Most of the special agents are out on missions, and Master Dutch is not at the headquarters today... Anyway, please pay attention." - Guard B.

"...Okay." - Guard A.

Little did he know that their whispers were heard word for word by Lu Xun, who was only separated from him by a wall.

"Congressman Xu?" His pupils suddenly shrank.

Finally figured out the real identity of the "boss"!

The congressman is awesome enough.

There are only 102 members in the entire Jinghai City.

The Parliament is the political center of Jinghai City, and the members form the core power group of this secondary self-circulating city.

As for the congressman in District 3, that is even more impressive.

No wonder the "boss" is so powerful. It wouldn't be surprising if he was a congressman.

If the other party has a little bit of family power to help, the energy will be even more terrifying.

According to the two guards, most of the agents in the headquarters have gone on missions outside. The enemy's lair is empty, and there are no particularly powerful experts in charge.

After all, agents are used to perform eavesdropping, tracking, surveillance, infiltration, kidnapping, assassination... these shady tasks.

It's not like a dog used to look after homes and nursing homes.

'But it's just a guess, it can't be confirmed yet. ’

‘The mastermind behind this may not be Congressman Xu, but it is certainly inseparable from him. ’

Lu Xun decided to seize the time to continue investigating and collect some information before the real owner came back.

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