Chapter 74 []: Peerless...peerless magic weapon? !

The last time the heavens and earth met occurred more than 4,000 years ago.

Four thousand years...

For humans, a short-lived species, this number is too exaggerated.

In the old era, how long was the lifespan of a dynasty? Four thousand years, how many times will the dynasty have to change?

Therefore, Lu Xun, like other humans, had no deep impression of ancient wars. He only vaguely glimpsed fragmented images of those dark years from historical images, written materials, or documentaries.

War is merciless and born for destruction.

Every time the heaven and earth meet, there will be a world-destroying war.

What is "world-destroying level"?

Mountains and rivers are collapsing, the earth is collapsing, icebergs are melting, oceans are evaporating, and the air is polluted... Smoke and dust have blocked the sun, and species on the surface have become extinct.

There have been several wars in history that have devastated the entire planet, making the surface unsuitable for biological survival. Human beings have no choice but to live deep underground and build doomsday shelters, and various alien races can only survive in the rift world.

It wasn't until the human-linked technology advanced further and used artificial gravity to improve the planet's environment that people were able to see the light of day again.

The timing of the celestial conjunction cannot be predicted.

It may be thousands of years before the next one comes, or maybe you suddenly blink your eyes... and the war begins.

In addition, since the interstellar immigration plan was interrupted 20,000 years ago, the starry sky has become a restricted area for life. The remaining humans who have not yet had time to immigrate, like other races, are trapped on the shabby gambling table of Blue Star, unable to escape even if they want to.

This is why the People's Federation wants to build a self-circulating city. Even in the post-war peace period, it must give up its territorial advantages on the surface and instead develop underground around fissure resources.

Because the People’s Federation is always ready to face the end of the world!

Every minute and every second, we are in the highest level of combat readiness.

According to ancient legends, the self-circulating city can "move". When a disaster really comes, humans don't even need the planet under their feet... they can immediately take the city around and go wherever they want.

Even if the floorboards flip over like fried eggs, humans will still survive.

When the city is there, the people are there; when the city is destroyed, the people are dead.

Although mankind has always been the victor, there is no real winner in a world-destroying war.

Every victory is achieved through the sacrifice of countless people.

There have been many hostile races in history, all of which have brought severe suffering to mankind.

However, it is rare for human beings to still hate a certain enemy race and "never forget" it through gritted teeth, even after tens of thousands of years of war.

Even when talking about the Dragon Clan, which almost crushed all mankind in history, there are few derogatory and hateful remarks. Instead, people praise and marvel at the proud Dragon Soul.

This is quite acknowledgment of the Dragon Clan's strong backbone and strength!

In the Battle of Longyuan Valley that year, the dragon clan was besieged by humans and their allies. Millions of giant dragons fought until their race was exterminated, but not a single dragon was willing to surrender.

Even the young dragon, which had just hatched out of its shell, roared onto the battlefield and shed every last drop of blood.

You can destroy this kind of strong and proud enemy, but you cannot conquer or enslave it.

Inconsistent interests lead to different positions and opposing camps;

The winner is the king and the loser is the enemy, that's all.

Human beings respect their enemies very much, even if they are defeated.

There is only one racial exception.

That's the vampire!

When it comes to vampires, you can't be ashamed of your human status if you don't spit on them.

The vampires did not stand on the opposite side of mankind from the beginning.

At first, they also joined the human side along with many races from other worlds. However, not long after the war started, the human camp suffered a small loss in a battle. They were not defeated, but the losses were a bit heavy and they won miserably.

Because of this, the vampires stabbed the allies in the back and jumped to the enemy camp.

The betrayal came too suddenly, and a self-circulating city was bloodbathed by them. Millions of humans were enslaved by vampires, raised like pigs and dogs, and used as food reserves to be eaten at any time.

Later, the human camp became more and more courageous as they fought, and their advantage gradually expanded. The vampires suddenly wanted to "surrender and surrender" and wanted to jump back.

Since it was during the war, the victory of the camp and the strategic purpose were more important than anything else.

The People's Federation discussed with its allies and felt that they could temporarily put aside their hatred and settle old scores with the war criminals after the war, so they gave the vampires a chance to atone for their crimes.

So the vampires stabbed the new camp in the back, trapping all the friendly forces to death.

Helped the human camp win a major battle.

But the war among all races cannot be fought in a short time. There are so many hostile or neutral camps, and it usually takes dozens or hundreds of years to fight.

Victory or defeat is standard issue.

...Yes, within ten years, the vampires betrayed again and jumped to another big camp.

This time, humans and their allies took precautions and were not successfully backstabbed by the vampires.

But the two betrayals have undoubtedly filled up the hatred value!

Old and new grudges make human beings hate and hate vampires deeply rooted in their bones.

Four thousand years have passed, and I still "never forget it."

The negative example of the Vampire Clan can also show the reliability of the Elf Lao Tie from another angle!

We were iron allies thirty thousand years ago, and we are still iron allies thirty thousand years later. Love is stronger than gold.

The vampire clan has long since disappeared in the long river of history.

Now it is discovered that they are not extinct, and the Xu family can still catch them alive and use them to make medicine.

This surprised Lu Xun.

How many remnants of the vampire clan are left? Who did the Xu family do business with?

Could the people who smuggled elves and those who trafficked vampires be the same group?

The fog is heavy and the clouds are treacherous.

Under various information blockades by the People's Federation, how many things do ordinary people still don't know?

Perhaps only by working hard to reach the upper echelons can you be qualified to access more secrets about this world.

"I will try my best to take that video." Zhang Xinghai said seriously, "But it's best not to have high expectations. This is not the first time that the Xu family has done this, but it can still last for nine generations. They are very good at betting on family luck and rarely lose."

Betting on a family's luck is the same as betting on a country's luck.

If you lose, you will lose everything, but once you win... you will make a lot of money!

"They can't win the bet."

Lu Xun shook his head and said calmly.

Even if this time they succeeded in making elf elixir into elixir of life and destroyed all evidence, so what?

It only took Lu Xun a few days to grow from the inferior level to the sixth level of the special level!

Even he himself cannot estimate his future achievements.

The seeds of hatred have been planted and will take root and sprout soon.

When he becomes a lord-level creature, or even a king-level creature, he can easily destroy the Xu family!

As long as Lu Xun is willing to "catch on", what will the Xu family have to win? Iron defeat!

But that doesn’t mean that this time the “elf” incident is over.

Lu Xun will try hard and look for opportunities.

If the Xu family can be wiped out this time, it will be wiped out easily. Who will have the heart to wait for the next time?

It's just a family from a second-level self-circulating city, nothing more!

‘This batch of elves… should be the batch from the Shadow Dragon Society. ’

‘Before, I wasn’t sure that Wei’er was the cloaked woman, but now it seems that it’s basically her and she didn’t run away. ’

Lu Xun recalled what happened before and thought of classmate Wei'er in the class.

If she is the cloaked woman, tracing the whereabouts of the elves, then it would make sense.

She transferred from the sixth-level self-circulating city to a poor place like Jinghai City probably to investigate this matter.

If Wei'er is a secret agent sent by the Elf Ambassador, then she will definitely have a way to kill the Xu family!

Maybe, just show Weier the video and tell her where the "Elf in a Jar" is hiding, and everything will be over?

There was no need for Lu Xun to do anything extra. He could kill the Xu family simply by providing information!

This is not impossible!

"Give me a backup copy of the video." Lu Xun suddenly said to Zhang Xinghai.

"Huh?" Zhang Xinghai was a little confused, but he didn't ask any more questions and nodded immediately, "Okay, I'll give you a copy."

Soon, he copied the video to a communication device, handed it over, and said:

"It's all stored in it... This communication device is also for military use. It does not require identity registration. It has a call encryption function and my contact information is in it."

After Lu Xun received it, he handed the things to Commander Tiezhu for safekeeping.

Then he waved his hand and said goodbye: "Thank you for the special medicine. I'll leave first. I'll contact you if you need anything."

He had a big haul tonight.

I can’t wait to go to the cemetery and count the loot!

With more than 20,000 characteristic points, it can definitely be greatly improved.

"Wait a minute, Brother Zhangui, I have something to give you."

As he was leaving, Zhang Xinghai suddenly thought of something, slapped his forehead, and quickly called Lu Xun.

"Huh? Give me something?" Lu Xun looked wary, "Let me tell you first, I am very poor and have nothing to give you in return!"

"Haha, I just wanted to give it to you because it was too heavy and rough for me to use...but I suddenly found that it really suits you."

Zhang Xinghai asked mysteriously:

"Do you want to own a super powerful...peerless magic weapon that is stronger than a lightsaber?!"

Absolute...unparalleled divine weapon? !


Lu Xun's eyes widened.

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