Ten Thousand Clans: Evolution begins with the fusion of red ghosts

Chapter 78: I have never been so happy in my life!

Chapter 78 []: I have never felt so good in my life!


There was a muffled sound of heavy objects touching the ground.

"Just leave it here, right?" one person asked, "I don't even understand what it is, so there won't be any problems, right?"

"These are very precious remains of unknown creatures. There is no room for loss. None of us can make the decision." Another person said in a serious voice, "Let's leave it here for now. When the curator arrives, just follow his arrangements."


The two had a brief conversation.

Then he exited the vault and pressed the remote control button.


The space fluctuated.

In the center of the vault, a large generator system was activated, releasing a five-color, fully functional protective shield, full of a sci-fi feel.

An extra-thick “air wall” envelops the entire interior space.

indestructible! ! !

This vault cannot be easily breached from the outside.

After confirming that the anti-theft system was operating normally, the two staff members nodded with satisfaction and closed the alloy door of the vault with a bang.

In the space, the light is dim, and only the light on the surface of the energy shield flows quietly in the darkness.


A skeleton hand as dry as a branch gently pushed open the lid of the carton and stretched it out. The elbow joint was bent and the bony palm grasped the edge. Then... a skeleton suddenly raised its upper body!

In its dark eye sockets, a little green light suddenly appeared, and then a dancing soul fire appeared.

"Hey! You really got in." Lu Xun looked around and saw pieces of biological skeletons and ancient fossils everywhere he could see.

Some were incomplete, with only pieces of skeleton left, but there were also relatively complete remains!

"It's... it's developed again!" Lu Xun rubbed his hands excitedly, stood up from the box, and walked cautiously towards the babies, "We don't have much time, we have to hurry up!"

He looked around and soon locked his eyes on a complete remains in the southwest corner.

This collection is stored in a glass cabinet, and there is a small sign on the pedestal below with relevant introduction——

[...The remains of the ghost clan...the year of death was 8,000 years ago...was a king during his lifetime...]

"Isn't this a king-level ghost clan? Is this a small king-level ghost?"

Lu Xun was confused and looked at the skeleton.

Compared to humans, it does have a tall frame, 2 meters tall, with broad shoulders and long body.

But if they were really king-level ghosts, how could they be so tall?

And the bones are not strong enough.

If it hadn't been for the fact that there were two familiar horns on its head, Lu Xun would not have believed that it was a ghost race in the flesh!

‘Netherworld Travel! ’

Lu Xun made his entire right arm virtual, and then passed through the glass cabinet. The metacarpal bones and finger bones at the front returned to their solid form, and he touched the remains.

‘Analysis! ! ’


[Analysis completed! 】

[Characteristic points +28500;]

[Already included in the Biological Illustration x1;]

["Illustrated Book·Blue Ghost·King\

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