Ten Thousand Paths to Becoming a God

Chapter 1314: Brotherhood


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The world and the landlord complement each other, and the nine-domain world becomes a high-level world. Then the nine-domain source is strong, and the ability to assist the night-soul soul is enhanced at any time.

The nine-domain world source beads are here, unable to help the deity to enhance the power of the soul. In desperation, the night-time deity communicated with the reincarnation palace and expressed his apology.

"Nothing, within the rules allowed, there is something you can say hello." The reincarnation of the palace is not impatient.

I got the nine-domain world source beads sent by the avatar, and the night singer began to practice again.

The practitioners divide the refining and refining, but they are actually divided into two parts, one is the soul and the other is the body.

With the energy supplemented by the nine-domain source beads, the speed of the nightingale soul cultivation is extremely scary.

When the nightingale returned to the Jiuzhong Building, he began to study the market because it was the way to protect himself.

The cultivation is exhausted, and the nightingale sometimes goes home, sometimes contacting the mandala and seeing the mandala in the dark abyss.

The mandala felt that it was inconvenient to meet at the keel hall. He found a small courtyard in the dark city from a place not far away. When the night went, the two met in the small courtyard.

The mandala also knows that the nightingale is going to the heaven and earth pavilion.

"When other people go to Tiandi Pavilion, will they be discriminated against and be concealed? I dare not say it, but you, I guess, there is no heavenly life that will deliberately hang you. You are the body of merit. Your fruit is very serious. Tiandi Pavilion is The mysterious nature of the Xuanhuang big world, it dares to hang you, then it is to derogate from its own merits. (Advertising) "Datura is a heavenly life, so there are some things more than the average person knows.

"That would do, I am not afraid of the ability." The nightingale said.

"I will support you anyway." Mandala nodded.

The nightingale smiled and nodded. He knew that this was the mandala. Although it was a woman, it was a kind of pride that ordinary men did not have. However, when he was around him, it was gentle and watery, and it was two extremes.

After staying for a long time, the nightingale left. He is now the core of the Qing Emperor's dynasty, and there are still some things to deal with.

Back to the Jiuzhong Building, the nightingale saw several backbones of the squad team.

"How come you have time to meet me?" The nightingale asked a little wondering.

"Thirteen brothers, we intend to join the nine-day army and follow the army." Tian Yu said, at this time Tian Yu is a face of the British spirit, after years of cultivation and precipitation, he is not a childish youth in the period of the transformation.

"How come this idea? You want to think about it at night?" asked the nightingale.

"Thirteen brothers, this is not the meaning of me and Tian Yu. It is the meaning of all the members of the squad. The lowest members of the squad are the senior saints. The highest level of cultivation is not far from comprehending the will, so the merits are special. Need, in addition, we have to use actual combat to exercise ourselves a;" Night Mei said.

"Captain, this is the decision of all of us." Hou Jian said.

"That's fine. I will say hello to Nu Lin later, and you will enter the squadron into a small team." The nightingale nodded and agreed.

"Captain, the repair of the squad members of the squadron is rapidly improving. I am no longer qualified as the vice captain. Today, one purpose is to ask if I can join the 9-day legion and the handover of the vice-captain." Xue Ling said.

"It seems that I have not asked you about this time, and the squad has undergone a lot of changes, let's talk about it!" Noon nodded.

Then Xue Lingjie said his thoughts, he intends to retire, the captain is picked up by Long Jin.

"Long Jin is with you, but did not join the squad squad?" asked the night owl.

"We all studied and discussed, invited Longjin to join the squadron team, Longjin has been a member of the squad team very early." Blood Ling said.

"I don't want to be a vice captain. I just want to work with you all and fight with the brothers. It doesn't mean anything else." Long Jin is also a bit puzzled because he doesn't know about it.

"You are now a two-star king. In the absence of the captain, you can lead the brother better. In the squad, the vice captain is not the leader, but the leader, and now you can." Blood Ling said.

"Yes, the vice captain is to take care of the existence of the brothers. I don't do it now. I recommend Yunhuang or Liang Yue to take over. Both of them are the peak kings. I am still worse. They and Longjin can lead better." God's squad." Hou Jian also spoke.

"The change is really big. At night we held a banquet in the military field. I haven't been drinking with you for a long time. By the way, I can solve the problem. He will arrange it." The nightingale arranged a sentence for He Qiu.

A few people of Longjin left, and the nightingale took out the alchemy furnace and began to refine the medicinal herbs. For a while he did not prepare resources for the squad members.

"Commander, they are the elites of the nine-domain world. After they rise, they are the backbone of the nine-domain world." Jun Xuan said.

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"They are all my brothers, and they have indomitable warfare in their hearts. The possibility of restricting their achievements may be genius, but not faith and will. The materials of Yunlingdan and the materials of Lingwu are acquired. The brothers are eager to fight, I will I have to put them up," said the nightingale.

Jun Xuan nodded, others may not know, but she knows the feelings of the nightingale and the members of the squad. When the nine worlds were in the world, the squad team was playing the night with the nightingale.

In the evening, there were several tables and banquets on the stage.

When the nightingale came, all the members of the squad squad stood up and returned outside, including Qin and Guanye, and Ren Tianzhi. Ren Tianzhi also joined.

"Brothers are very sorry. I have never asked the squad of the squad during this time. My captain is not qualified, but I will not resign as the captain. I will be responsible for you, because we are brothers of a lifetime; "The nightingale looked at a group of people.

Responding to the nightingale is the sound of tapping the breastplate.

"The original vice captain Xue Ling and Hou Jian did not do it. I don't force it. Because they have pressure, it is really tired to lead the brothers to dare to have a sloppy sloppy. The future squad has three vice captains, Long Jin and Liang. Yue, Yunhuang, you three take everyone to the world, there are three people to discuss the treatment! Nanli month here is a resource, the use of the drug inside is very clear, as long as who needs, will send out, king, your goal is King, and what I can do at night is to help you on the road to the king." The night owl gave a storage ring to Nanliyue.

Members of the squad squad are owed to the nightingale.

"Liang Yue, Yun Huang, you two good talents, is the cultivation time is short, hard work, Jun Wang Road is in front of you." Nightingale looked at Liang Yue and Yun Huang said.

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