Ten Thousand Paths to Becoming a God

Chapter 3054: Same treatment

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"If you do this, will you be opposed? If you are arrogant, you will feel that this is being questioned."

When the three people finished, the nightingale said.

Some people are determined and feel that it does not matter to do these things.

Some people are glass hearts!

The same is a monk, there will definitely be a sentimental!

After the nightingale was finished, the first deputy city owner said: "No! We set the request, that is, all the members will participate! No one can evade. Including you, including me, so there should be no objection. If Yes, that is the traitor, you don't have to be polite, just clear it!"

He spoke, showing the decisiveness of doing things.

Upon hearing this, the nightingale nodded and said: "Then it will be hosted by the first deputy city owner! The two deputy city owners are sitting in the town, there should be no objection!"

"Well! I will summon all the people in the territorial world and gather them in the city of the gods."

At this time, the second deputy city owner took out a golden token path and threw it onto the void.

When the deputy city master token floated above the city government, it suddenly burst into endless light.

Soon, such a light will illuminate the entire territory of the Divine Realm.

The monk in the territory of the gods saw this picture and suddenly came to the city of the gods.

Because the territory of the Divine Territory was closed for a long time, no one entered the Supreme Space at this time, so all the people in the Diocese of the Territory returned to the city of the Divine Realm within a few days.

When all the people arrive, the oath ceremony will be officially opened!

As expected by the nightingale and others, this proposal is said to have met with strong opposition!

But these were all suppressed by the two deputy lords and eventually enforced!

This will force some two sides and three knives into a desperate situation.

There are a few who have completely vowed allegiance to other territories, thoroughly exposed!

Among them, it includes the highly respected Zulong Supreme in the Divine Territory!

It is very unexpected!

After these people were exposed, they immediately shot at the two weak deputy city leaders, ready to kill them!

However, the nightingale and Zufeng Supreme and others have already taken precautions against this. It is easy to suppress these people and kill them all!

After killing Zulong Supreme and others, the two deputy city leaders began to study the big hole with everyone.

After that, the nightingale stopped paying attention.

I went back to Jing's residence and Jing Jing and the spirit of the spirits for a month.

In this month, although there is no cultivation, but the nightingale feels that she seems to become stronger!

Then, after all, waiting for the white-browed person to spend a hundred years, he began to constantly absorb the rules and essence of the heavens!

The strength is slowly enhanced!

When the nightingale was cultivated for seventy years, he felt that he was infinitely close to the median.

Originally, he still wanted to cultivate more time!

But there have been two major events in the realm of the gods!

That is the two deputy city owners, all advanced to the level of the supreme!

This is a great event for the Divine Territory!

That day, to celebrate!

The two deputy city lords, with many sacred sacred places including the nightingale, entered the supreme space.

Fighting with many monks who have encircled the Divine Territory, in less than a year, they killed more than 30 other territories.

At this point, no one dares to come to the Divine Territory to block people!

After that, the two deputy lords led by the nightingale to the big hole, and the night singer handed over the control of Dadongtian to the first deputy lord.

Then he returned to the Divine Territory and practiced while waiting for the arrival of the white-browed man!

However, there are still twenty years from the 100th anniversary.

Jing Hao suddenly wakes up the nightingale from the state of cultivation.

"What happened, Jing Ke?" The nightingale that was awakened, asked some puzzled.

"Fei Jun. I think that this time you enter the foggy area, I don't know how long it will take to return! I have to wait for myself, I want to try a child!"

Speaking of Jing Jing, he continued: "Although I know this is extremely embarrassing, I still want to try it!"

"Ah? Want a child?"

When I heard this, the nightingale thought about it and said, "This is really difficult! Because our cultivation is really too high!"

"I know! But if you don't try everything, there is no chance. Try it, there will always be hope!"

Jing Jing’s face continued to blush.

She finished this, and the night owl suddenly felt the heat in the abdomen, and immediately took it into the couch and tried it!

However, in about ten years, I tried it thousands of times and there was no result!

Wait until the distance of a hundred years is still ten years!

Jing Wei said: "There is still ten years to go with her."

The meaning of this statement is naturally to let the night owl go to accompany the dance spirit.

She didn't have a bit of rejection for the dance singer, but instead sympathized with each other.

After Jing Jing finished, the nightingale was a little silent, and I don’t know how to deal with it.

After all, his heart is still very respectful for the dance spirit!

That feeling is different from his face to Jing and others, so he has some contradictions!

When Jing Jing was pulled to the entrance of the dance spirit, the heart of the nightingale was quite embarrassing.

At this time, I only listened to the dance spirits inside: "Come in!"

"it is good!"

In the face of any nightingale that has not been nervous, I feel that my heartbeat is quite fast.

Although he and the dancers have broken the gap before, after all, some image in the heart has stood there!

When I walked in, the nightingale bit my lip bite.

He didn't know, and danced, or yelled, completely broke the taboos, right?

"You are coming, sit down."

Waiting for the night to enter the house, walk slowly into the living room.

The dancers poured a cup of tea for him.

Then he said, "I want the same treatment."

"The same treatment?"

Hearing this, the nightingale just drank the tea in his mouth and almost squirted out.

"Don't be surprised! It's the same treatment! I want a child too!"

The dancer said, he pulled the nightingale that had just taken a sip of tea into the bedroom.

The following ten years...

When the white-browed people came to find the nightingale, the nightingale felt that some stations were unstable!

This feeling is like the consumption of God Yuan Li!

However, he bid farewell to Jing Yu and Wu Ling, and the same white eyebrows set foot on the road to the foggy area!

In order to be able to fight against the strong people in the foggy area in the catastrophe, the nightingale had to go deep into the tiger's den.

It took about three years, and the nightingale and others came to the edge of the foggy area.

At this time, the nightingale put Chen Qingyun out, let him guide the way, three people step by step into the foggy area.

Just entering the foggy area, there are large fogs in front of everyone.

This kind of fog is very special, even if it is a nightingale, it can't be seen with the naked eye.

So, he directly opened the eyes of Xiaolong and looked at the road ahead!

As soon as the eye of the dragon was opened, the scalp of the nightingale suddenly became numb!

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