Ten Thousand Paths to Becoming a God

Chapter 3072: Seven thousand two thousand

"The median Supreme on the 18th, even the mid-level of the 17th is running through the chest? Is this battle really going to end with a victory across the realm?"

Some viewers who are concerned, seeing the picture in front of them, are all shocked to think of.

Some of the black spines are on the werewolf, it is extremely annoying!

However, the werewolf at this time was not actually killed!

After being trampled through the chest, he broke out of fierceness, changing from the appearance of the werewolf to the appearance of the evil spirit werewolf!

The head that was originally very embarrassing, became even more horrible in an instant!

It looks like it turned into a zombie!


After turning into the appearance of evil spirits, the werewolf's breath has grown a lot. He screamed in the sky and attacked the crazy night!

However, although his strength is strong, and the speed is also very fast, but the attack is not very disciplined, they all rely on the werewolf instinct to fight, there is no blessing in the school, there is no magic in it!

Therefore, although this kind of attack is fierce, in the eyes of the night, it is completely the same as the children!

At this time, the audience, seeing the werewolf so crazy attack, suddenly followed the excitement!

The longest audience, most of them are supremely cultivated, but the horizon is not high, and they like to watch the fun!

The soaring attacks of the werewolves now make them enjoyable!

"Since I am very addicted, I will let you see more!"

Although the werewolf will improve the strength in an instant, but the nightingale is still more than enough, I think there must be fighting behind, he deliberately retained most of the strength, do not want to let the life and death market see through.

Under the deliberate reservation of the nightingale, the werewolf still seems to have some combat power!

Probably suppressed for half an hour, the nightingale felt that there was no need to consume it all the time, and chose to make a coincidence, piercing the wolf's head with a black gun!

In the case of recovery of its skull, kill it directly!

"I didn't expect that you are really a skill in this supreme!"

Some of the audience standing on the periphery watching the battle, seeing the victory is actually the nightingale, suddenly became a nature!

Keep on screaming!

"The monk in this foggy area gives people the feeling that it is not sensible, very crazy!"

The white-browed people in the space caves see the reaction of the monks in the foggy area, and suddenly they feel like they are crazy, very crazy and excited.

"I think that they live in the foggy area all the year round and can control their minds. It is not easy to communicate normally!"

The nightingale smiled and said.

In the eyes of others, he felt joy because of victory, so he laughed!

At this time, Chen Qingyun recalled and said: "Remember, at the time, I felt like I was planted something in my mind! Like a demon, it is like a curse. It is difficult to completely control myself completely. That feeling, more than the wine, but also dozens of times more serious! Memories, it is terrible!"

"In the future, these crazy monks will inevitably invade the eternal Supreme Realm. When the Eternal Supreme World does not know how to stand up!"

Looking at the performance of everyone, the nightingale is obviously worried!

At this time, the eternal sacred world, the earth is supreme or rarity, and the land supreme in the foggy area is simply walking around!

The strength gap between the two sides is really too big!

If you start a war, the Eternal Supreme World is not an opponent in the foggy area!

"The gap between the strengths of the two sides is really big! People can't help but feel a trace of despair!"

The white-browed people are also somewhat uncomfortable. He thought of the experiences of the year!

The voice passed to the night singer: "The younger brother of the night, you are a genius. The old man sincerely hopes that you can grow up quickly and lead the monks of the eternal sages to tide over the difficulties! The tragic events of that year are really horrifying. The older brother would rather die again than to experience it!"

"Do not worry, my brother! The nightingale will do its best! But if the general trend can't stand, then I can't help it!"

Do your best and listen to your destiny.

This is the attitude of the nightingale, he will not sit still.

"Unfortunately, the eternal sacred world at this time, the recovery time is too short, and has not fully recovered! And the next big disaster, once again is coming!"

White-browed people think of the strength of the Eternal Supreme World at this time, and feel that many things cannot rely on them!

At this time, the nightingale said: "You, do you know, where can you find a body that can make a peerless master and have the opportunity to advance to the extreme?"

"The body that can advance to the extreme environment? It must be the body of the extreme master! Even if you can find it, you will definitely not get it! The three masters of the foggy area are all such bodies, but we are not opponents at all. !"

When Chen Qingyun heard the nightingale, he immediately responded.

"I mean, apart from them, will there be enough genius in the foggy area! It is a genius that has not grown up completely!"

I was not very familiar with the nightingale in the foggy area. I continued to ask.

"Genius is everywhere! But this peerless genius in your mouth should be hard to find."

Chen Qingyun said one sentence and called out, saying: "If you want to find a genius at this level, you can go to a place! That is the Tiantian Academy!"

"戮天学院? What is that place?" asked the night sorrow.

“There is a genius gathering place in the foggy area! Many powerful geniuses have entered the college. In this way, you can improve your strength! If you want to find a peerless genius, you can only find it there!”

Chen Qingyun said slowly.

At this time, the nightingale still wants to continue to ask some things.

But at this time the people of the city government have arrived and brought him down from the stage!

Bring him the reward you got!

When the reward arrives, the nightingale discovers that it is 72,000 black spines.

This proves that his 50,000 bet was deducted 10,000, and only 40,000 worked.

The two sides added 80,000 together and were taken away by 10%, leaving the final 72,000 black spines.

Seeing that I had put on 50,000, I got such a little black spine, and the nightingale was obviously unhappy!

Look up at the host who arranged the event for him.

At this time, the receptionist was also watching the nightingale, with obvious disdain in his eyes.

I didn’t think of it as one thing at all!

"Knock my things, I will make you regret it!"

Looking at the nightingale of the other party, and its cold voice, did not control their emotions at all!

Upon hearing this, the smile on the face of the receptionist became even colder.

Dao: "The garbage of the Supreme World really thinks that you have defeated one, you can talk to the land supremely. I advise you to be honest, otherwise I will definitely remove you for the first time! Your second game, I Already arranged! Honestly waiting for the battle!"

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