In the view of Bao Tutian Supreme, this kind of investment should be stable and not lost!

However, at this time, he secretly whispered: "No! He now has the supreme power of the top! I want to advance to the supreme, the things I need, I am afraid not the spirit flower, but the Tianling flower. This heavenly spirit Flowers are simply priceless treasures, where can I go!"

I thought for a while, Bao Tutian is supreme, I feel that I can help the nightingale, maybe not much!

After all, he himself is not a wealthy heavenly supreme.

"I said, you are not an opponent at all!"

In a short period of time when Bao Tutian’s Supreme was short-lived, the nightingale had succeeded in suppressing the heart and soul by virtue of its superiority!

I was suppressed by the nightingale, and when I was just starting out, I felt very no face!

In his opinion, he should easily solve the other party, and won't be beautiful!

But after a while, he suddenly found out that he couldn’t hold on to the nightingale.

Suddenly began to panic, and fully realized that today's fall in the collapse of life and death, it is likely to be himself!

Thinking about it for a moment, I feel that I should not care about it.

Mind: "Compared with life, face is not important at all! I want to take out a weak and strong mentality, start patient defense, and want to wait for an anti-kill!"

I realized that my heart was scorned.

The nightingale also gradually paid attention to it, and said coldly: "Now you have begun to pay attention, it is already late! This is called defeating the mountain!"

After the big scorpion, the nightingale will display the sacred sacred scorpion, and attack the martial arts!

For a time, Yu Xinwu was suppressed to be very passive, only the power of parry, no resistance.

"This supreme is really not easy! It is possible to force the half-step of the heavens to be like this!"

"Yes! Crossing so many small realms can suppress opponents! This talent, but Haotian College is the most fancy! Maybe he can be selected!"

In the process of suppressing the heart and soul of the nightingale, some people watching the battle began to talk about it!

Listening to these arguments in the ears, Bao Tutian Supreme, proud to look to the dark and supreme, said: "You painstakingly dig, and cultivated genius, does not look so good?"


The sorrow of the dark Ling Tian Supreme, can not think of the language of rebuttal!

The cold voice gave the heart to the heart, saying: "To deal with a half-step supreme, it is still so hard. Do you want the city owner to be the laughing stock of everyone?"

At that time, the digs of the heart came over, but the dark Ling was under the blood!

The purpose is to let the treasures of the enemy with their own enemies do not come to Taiwan!

Unexpectedly, the trials at Haotian College have not yet begun, and his face has been sizzled.

"Returning to the Lord of the City, this night demon is really not simple! It is not the general supreme can fight! The subordinates have tried their best!"

Yu Xinwu responded helplessly.

As the battle progressed, he had already applied all the solutions, but it was still not the opponent of the nightingale.

"Since it is not, then blew himself up and kill him! The city owner will find a way to help you reincarnate! It is better than you are beaten!"

Dark Ling Tian said to the sultry.

"Yes! Adult!"

I heard that the Dark Emperor Supreme said so, Wu Xinwu felt that it was such a truth!

If he is killed in the ring, it must be the end of the gods.

But if you are guilty of both losses, even if you fall, there is a chance to reincarnate!

After a little hesitation, he was ready to blew himself!

In the battle, look for opportunities!

It happened that after a long battle, the nightingale displayed a sacred battle for him, and then launched a melee suppression!

At this time, the heart of Wu Xinwu showed a ghost smile, suddenly chose to blew!


Although it has only just been promoted to the half-step heavenly supreme, but the heart of the martial arts blew up, the power is still terrible!

I didn’t think that the martial arts could choose the self-destructive nightingale, and did not escape this!

Was instantly blasted and instantly hit the energy cover.

After a while, I managed to get up!

Checked the body, and the nightingale found no serious problems.

This is due to the recent increase in the strength of his body. If it was before, even if it is not dead, it will be seriously injured.

The eyes have been completely shattered, leaving only a trace of remnant soul wandering above the void.

Nightingale: "It's really thanks to the experience in the battlefield of the konjac. And it is promoted to the peak of the Supreme. Otherwise, it is really embarrassing!"

Then, in the hands of the heart of the martial arts, sneer: "I have a good plan. But I said, the death will be you!"

"Leave me, beg you to let me go! I will surrender to you!"

Seeing the nightingale is preparing to be in the ring, killing himself completely.

Wu Xinwu immediately gave up his dignity and asked for mercy in public.

Upon hearing this, Bao Zhitian, the supreme master of the audience, immediately shouted: "This kind of slave surname, there is no need to leave, just kill it!"

"it is good!"

The nightingale also felt that this kind of heart did not leave the necessary!

With a big hand, kill it directly!

"Night Devil, you are very good! But you thought you would offend me, can you be good? Don't dream!"

When the nightingale flew down from the ring of life and death, the darkest lord looked down at him and said: "You pray for the trials, don't let me meet in the dark city, or you will die!"

"Hey Wuwu is the same as you think! Now the spirit is gone!"

The nightingale looked at the dark Lingtian Supreme, and said coldly: "Now you say this, I think your ending should be like him!"

"Gambling! Are you an ant, and dare to threaten the city?"

Dark Ling Tian Supreme, has always felt that the sky is supreme and high, at this time by the night swearing, immediately anger!

"What about threatening you?"

At this time, Bao Tutian Supreme stood in front of the night owl: "I told you that the dark magic is what I said! We will kill you sooner or later! Let you be devastated!"

"Good! I am waiting for you, and when I go back, I will start a siege war. See who can laugh at the end!"

The dark sorrow of the complete anger, the indifference of the cold.

He is ready to go back and launch a battle between the Dark City and the Treasure City.

Upon hearing this, Bao Tutian was supreme and smiled and said: "Whenever I come, who is afraid of it! I am afraid that the nightingale will be selected by the Tianyuan Academy, and you will not be afraid to send troops!"

"Hey! He was chosen by the College of Heaven? You can dream!"

Dark Ling listened to Bao Tu’s words and said disdainfully.

Then he added: "If he can be selected by Haotian College, I will sneak in front of you! If you can't choose it, you will be on the ground in public and give me a thousand heads. This bet, Do you dare to pick up?"

In his opinion, the nightingale had no possibility at all, and was chosen by Haotian College.

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