"A group of ants, who dare to play the idea of ​​this seat, are going to die in this seat!"

The scales have just turned into the ontology, and the sound of chess and sorrow has spread!

Following the arrival of the sound, there are a whole hundred and eight black and white pieces.

The scent of these pieces is similar to those of the nightingales.

After flying to the front of the four people, they all turned into the appearance of a monk, in which the number of male and female repairs was similar.

"The whole hundred or eight median or the top heavens are supreme, everyone is ready to fight!"

The one hundred and eight pieces that have been turned into monks are attacked!

The nightingale reported all their directions and let everyone pay attention!

He himself is the secret of the battle for thirty-three days, and he continues to write the words to these pieces.

Reduce their speed!

Although the scales are infinitely summoning beetles and scales, this summoning takes time!

Still need three of them to temporarily hold!

At the night of the night, when the mantra was played, the tears of the Soviet Union directly turned into Yu Jia, and the many breaths that came from the attack, spewed out the hot flame.

And the woman who is a woman, is summoning a thousand magical eyes, using three thousand black holes, constantly attacking!

In the tears of the Soviet Union and the mother-in-law, after the extensive attack on the school.

The nightingale was alone in the forefront, resisting the first monk rushing over!

At the same time, he urged: "You can hurry up, we can't support it for a long time!"

"Reassured, although it takes time for me to summon beetles and scales! But Zhentian Lock will help you fight!"

During the speech, the scales summoned the town locks of the half-step extremes, letting them turn into the chess sacs of hundreds of monks, and blasted a fierce blow!

"There is actually a half-step artifact! Scatter!"

Seeing that the scales are out of the town, the chess sac immediately controls one hundred and eight avatars, scattered to avoid this blow!

However, the attack of this town Tiansuo covers a wide range!

Although Chess Controls many of the avatars to escape quickly, but it was still five or six avatars!

These avatars were locked in the sky by the town, and immediately turned into nothingness, disappearing into the void!

"Damn! hurt me, you will be tortured to death!"

As soon as I got up, I lost a few avatars, and the chess priest immediately angered.

Then, the remaining one hundred or so pieces became more violent, and they all came to the night owl and other people!

"Not good! We can't resist this kind of attack. You two are hiding behind me. I also need to use the half-step artifact!"

Dozens of crazy heavenly sects came to this side, and the nightingale immediately called Su tears and mother-in-law to the back.

Then take out the eternal tower and smash it out!

The Eternal God Tower summoned by the Nightingale, although there is no attack, but after all, it is a half-step artifact, and the hardness is very good!

After being stunned by it, the few monks rushing to the front were suddenly smashed into a blue smoke!

"What? You even have a half-step artifact!"

When I saw the nightingale, I also threw a half-step artifact, and the chess singer exclaimed!

At this time, the beetles and scales summoned by the scales have already been overwhelmed by the remaining pieces.

"It seems that you are prepared!"

Seeing the scales summoning the number of beetles and scales that are not coming, the chess piece is cold and slamming, and the scattered pieces are all gathered together!

Turn into the appearance of a blue sorcerer.

"This is turned into an ontology? We haven't worked hard yet!"

Seeing the chess sanctification as the body, the breath suddenly soared, and the scales immediately mocked!


"Cloud and! God!"

The chess sac, which was instantly irritated, immediately smashed a white and a black scorpion toward the scale.

"The scale is careful, left front, white, seven hundred feet. Right in front, black child, seven hundred and fifty feet. The speed is extremely fast! The naked eye is difficult to capture!"

Seeing the chess sacred scales to launch an attack, using the night owls observed by the eyes of the dragon, immediately upgraded the road.

"Roger that!"

Get the reminder of the scales, immediately control the sky beetles and scales, block in front of yourself!

The white and black children played by Chess, although very fast and very aggressive, but after killing hundreds of beetles and scales, they are still consuming all the energy and disappearing into the void.

"Do you master this half-step master? Is this the ability?"

The scales that resisted the white and the blacks continued to ridicule.

"Don't deliberately pull hatred, we fight together!"

Clearly, the scales deliberately pull hatred, it is to let Chess has been attacking her, and the nightingale immediately voices.

"Except for the towers and the ancient scorpions in your hands, you have no way to resist his attacks! You can act as my eyes!"

After the scales were said, they controlled thousands of beetles and scales.

In fact, in her body, it is equally difficult to attack Chess.

But she has a lot of beetles and scales that can be consumed. I want to use these to slowly consume the chess, wait until it is almost consumed, and then kill it!

At this time, the nightingale shook his head and said: "You underestimated the chess game in front of you! I can feel that his breath is very powerful! It is not that you can easily fight!"

"Oh? He is different from what I perceive?"

When I heard the nightingale, I asked the questioner.

Her chess sensation, which is perceived by the power of the soul, is not very powerful.

"He wants to be at least ten times stronger than you think, and his mind is not simple! If I didn't guess wrong, just he split himself into one hundred and eight pieces, is testing our strength! Found that we have two Half-step art artifact, he did not have fear at all. Prove that it must be a battle!"

The nightingale slowly said that the chess that he himself perceived with the power of the soul, and the one seen with the eye of the dragon, also had different breaths.

Obviously, this chess saint deliberately suppressed its own breath!

"Okay! Let's fight side by side! But if it's as you said, I suggest you summon the tears of the gods and the mother-in-law to the space hole! They can't stop the random blow of the chess, and it's useless to stay outside!"

When the scales heard the nightingale, they suddenly felt alert and reminded me!

"Su tears! At present, your strength is the weakest, enter my space!"

At this time, the nightingale summoned the tears of the Soviet Union into the space cave, and handed the eternal tower to the hands of the mother-in-law, saying: "Women, you come to control the eternal tower, stand side by side with us!"

"it is good!"

The woman who took over the eternal **** tower, some excited said.

She did not expect that the nightingale was so generous, lending her half-step artifact to her.

"Distraction? Death! Home, Scorpio!"

At this time, the chess **** saw that the mind of the mother-in-law had fluctuated.

Immediately hit two sunspots at her!

These two black pieces are faster than any attack you have seen in the night!

I want to remind my mother-in-law to be too late!

In desperation, he took out the ancient scorpion and blocked it in front of him.

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