Ten Thousand Paths to Becoming a God

Chapter 3339: Challenge the desert

"Dare to sneak into the site of this seat, you are looking for a dead end!"

At the same time as the determination to fight in the scales, the deserted wars have been drawn in the dark trenches, and a stream of light is coming!

It still looks like a trench, but it is tens of millions more than the ordinary trench!

When the speed bombardment came, it looked like a huge battleship.

In contrast, the nightingale and the scales seem to be much smaller!

"Tiantian lock!"

In the face of the ravages of ruin, the scales clearly depend on themselves, and there is no resistance!

Immediately summoned the town lock, used it to make a blow.

"One of the gods!"

In the same way, in the face of the nightmare of the ruin, it is to display the nine steps of the sky, and at the same time shoot a shot of God.

For him, the devastating blow, although powerful, is not much faster than him!

In the case of opening the thirty-three-day battle secret law, you can still escape with the nine steps of the sky!

While escaping, he shot a shot of God, which was used to test the intensity of the ravages!

Subsequently, one of the gods and the town of Tianshen was almost simultaneously bombarded on the ravages of war!

One of the gods that the nightingale shot, bombarded the dead and the war, did not cause any harm!

It’s the town’s lock, and after the collision with the raging war, it will fly!

However, after the deserted war was hit, it was not damaged, and Zhentiansuo was suffering from a ruin!

Obviously, this ruin is more powerful than Zhentian Lock!

"This is a raging battle, very strong!"

I felt the degree of reflexion that the town Tiansuo received, and said that the scales were clear.

The night screams: "I can feel it's powerful! But if it only rams! It's nothing terrible!"

"I am afraid that it will only be rampant and will cause us a lot of trouble!"

Jie scale said, suddenly said: "Right! Green board, maybe help us!"

"Oh? Have you studied how to use it?" asked the night sorrow.

"You can only use it for a simple attack!"

After the scales are finished, take out the green board and use it to make a hit!

According to the scales, it can only be used for simple attacks, but after the green board is activated, it immediately maps out a chessboard world!

After the huge chessboard is unfolded, it will directly absorb the ruins of the dead, the nightingale, and the scales!

The breath of ruin and ruthlessness is instantly suppressed by two or three percent!

"The green board is actually gotten by two of your ants! It seems that Chess has been killed by you!"

Was mapped into the chess world, ruined and ruthless, and said coldly.

It seems to be a verdict: "You just do what you want to do for this seat, but it is hard to do! You can feel safe to become a evil spirit, guard the sea of ​​death. Death and blood!"

Subsequently, the raging warfare released a dazzling red mans!

"Be careful! This light is not easy!"

At the same time that the ridiculous warfare releases the red awns, the scales remind one.

However, at this time, the main goal of the ruin is not the nightingale, but the scales. At the same time, she relies on the ability of the green board to map herself to other locations!

That feeling is like a nightingale in a big battle!

However, the scales can only use the green board to transfer themselves, not to mention the other!

After the transfer of the scales, the desert war will immediately turn the target back to the night!

After the red mansion took a circle in the chessboard world, he suddenly came to the position where the nightingale was!

"Small five! Play a blow that absorbs the one-horned scorpion!"

In the face of the devastating blow, the nightingale immediately voiced to the fifth, let him make a blow!

Upon hearing this, Xiaowu immediately responded: "But, this blow is only brewing 50%, and the power is not enough!"

"No problem! Just hit it!"

It is clear that the Eternal Tower does not make a complete blow of the nightingale, without hesitation.

"it is good!"

Although it is not clear what the nightingale does.

But Xiaowu still blasted this shot according to his meaning!


Although the eternal **** tower brewed only 50% of the power of the attack, but after the bombardment, it still blocked the red awns of the ruin!

This is because the red mans that were released from the ravages of war are not a full blow!

It faces the nightingale and the scales, and feels that there is no need to exert its full force!

"This blow is blocked! But if it continues to attack, what should we do?"

Seeing the nightingale blocking the smashing battle, the scales were immediately locked.

All the means, including her life lock, could not be directly ruined, and some were at a loss.

"I will do my best to fight against it, you will find opportunities to cooperate with me!"

At this time, the nightingale was confidently saying something.

He can feel that the ruin is not simple, but now he has advanced to the heavens, and with the cooperation of various means, there is no chance.

"Great tone! Just rely on your next heavenly supreme, and want to fight against this seat! Death!"

When you hear the nightingale, the raging war is immediately irritated!

Release the more violent red awns again!

This time, the red mans, which is close to the essence, is obviously stronger than the attack just now!

"The scales! I will use the bloodline!"

At the same time as the red mans attacked, the nightingale was sent to the Jiexiandao.

When I heard this, Jie scale said: "Don't worry about this when you live and die! If you can hold it, I might use a green board to make a deadly attack!"

"It should be almost!"

When the nightingale said something, it would display the destruction of the earth, and activate the blood of the Phoenix and the blood of the scales!

Burn the power of the blood to the extreme!

After the state was raised to the peak, the nightingale immediately attacked the fierce red mans with a combination of twenty words!

And hit the gods to help the speed of the red mans!

In this state of change, he easily used the nine steps of the sky to escape the smashing battle!

"Some of the skills, but I can't change, you will be the evil fact!"

Was escaped a blow, the sorrowful battle with the voice of the soul beast stunned, the gun body became smaller.

When it is almost the same as the golden scorpion, like the arrow of the string, it hits the night!

Close to the nightingale!

After the ruin, it was split into 18 handles.

Cooperate with all the directions that can avoid the nightingale.

"Looking at the mystery!"

In the face of the blockade of the devastating war, the nightingale of the eye of the dragon was opened, and it was immediately seen that the eighteen shackles were among the trenches.

Only three handles are real!

The three-handed blockade is not the same as the full-scale blockade of the eighteen handles!

Suddenly show the heavens and reverse nine steps to escape!

"Impossible! How can you see an attack on this seat?"

The attack was once again avoided by the night shackles, and the sorrows and sorrows were incredible.

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