"What do you mean by opening them up by speed and then breaking them one by one?"

When I heard the nightingale, I asked immediately after the ruin.

There are a large number of people in front of us. If they come hard, they will lose even if they can win.

He feels that he can only be wise, not capable of enemies, and he is afraid that the nightingale will be impulsive.

"Reassured, I am not so unwise!"

After the ruin of the ruin, the nightingale saw how he thought of it, and explained the sentence, he applied the thirty-three-day battle secret.

The operation starts from the reverse nine steps.

The two wolf heads who rushed to the front first shot the Qing Xuan Shen.

These two wolf heads are nothing but the median heavenly monk. This level of monks, the nightmare of the night, is naturally impossible!

Instantly killed by the second!

However, the strange thing is that after the two wolf heads were spiked, they immediately turned into nothingness, leaving no trace of meaning.

The nightingale immediately asked: "Small five, their bodies, are you earning them into the eternal tower?"

"I didn't absorb it. In my opinion, these wolf heads should be energy bodies, or ghosts. Kill them, they will disappear completely. Defeat them, you should not get any benefit!"

"If you don't get the benefits, then you have to kill! Otherwise, we must not go out!"

When the nightingale said something, he used the counter-nine steps to open the distance and kill the wolf head one by one.

These wolf heads, although they are all heavenly, have strong fighting power, but their intelligence is not too high. They are killed by the nightingale like a kite, but they still keep catching up with him.

After fighting for about an hour, the nightingale successfully killed all of these dozens of wolf heads!

"Congratulations, you have passed the first level, and there are three levels of distance."

Just after the night, holding the ruin and smashing all the wolf heads, a voice came out in the void.

When I heard this voice, the night owl questioned: "Which three?"

Responding to him is a silence.

But soon, a whirlpool-like black hole immediately appeared in the originally enclosed space.

The ridiculous warfare judged: "This should be the entrance to the next level? Let's go in now?"

"No hurry, let me observe!"

During the conversation, the night owl opens the eye of the dragon and carefully observes the surroundings.

Make sure nothing is found, open the way: "Let's go in!"

Take the ruin of the desert and walk straight into the black hole in front of you.

Passing through the water-like hole, the nightingale and the ruin, immediately appeared in a place of flame.

Here, the ground is full of magma and hollow rocks, and the distance between the rocks is very far, and the hot red magma flows underneath.

“Is this ready for us to do?”

I didn’t see anything in the treacherous battles that looked around.

"I don't know, there is no guide, then go straight ahead!"

When the nightingale said something, he got up and prepared to fly, ready to quickly explore what this small world is all about!

But at this time, he found that he could not fly at all!

Immediately surprised: "I can't seem to fly here, you try, see if you can fly."

"This place can't fly?"

When I heard this, I tried it immediately.

However, like the nightingale, it can't fly.

He immediately said helplessly: "It seems that the world can not fly! Look at this appearance, it is very difficult to pass it! But fortunately, we are not afraid of lava, it should be nothing."

"If I didn't guess wrong, falling into the lava is likely to fall!"

Looking at the nightingale of the lava with the eye of the dragon, it is said.

The ridiculous warfare suddenly questioned: "How do you say this?"

"Under the lava, all are the bones of the forest. There is no flesh and blood on each skeleton! I guess it is because this magma can detoxify the flesh. As for the artifact, there is no one below. If I fall, it should be Turn into a bone, you fall down, basically dissolve directly."

The nightingale finished the sentence and continued: "I adapt to the gravity of this place. See if I can jump between the rocks."

"Then I will go back to your space hole in the sky!"

After the ruin, I looked at the magma below my eyes and said.

Regardless of whether the nightingale analysis is true, he does not want to take such a risk.

"Good! Go in!"

The night owl listened to the sorrow and sorrow, and said that he immediately earned it into the space cave.

In order to verify his own guess, he took out a long sword of the highest level from the space implement and threw it into the lava!

After the sword fell into the lava, it was dissolved, as if it had not been in!

"The Heavenly Supreme Artifact is so dissolved, then I will not be able to fall if it falls!"

The treacherous warfare that was earned into the space of the sky, although it was a half-step artifact, but saw the long sword was dissolved, the same frightened war.

"This lava, if you can collect some, just fine."

At the same time as the sorrow and sorrow, the nightingale is moving to collect some thoughts!

If you can collect this type of lava, if you fight later, you may be able to turn the tide.

Upon hearing this, Xiao Wu immediately said: "Let's try it. See if you can earn some money!"

"Is it sure?"

After the fifth is finished, the nightingale will be heard.

He didn't want it, because of this kind of attempt, the eternal tower was directly damaged.

"Nature is not sure! But we are not here to have a half-step artifact! If you give it a try, you will know!"

Summoned out, Xiaowu said one sentence, he took out a piece of material from the palm of his hand, threw it in and observed it!

This piece of material was taken from the unicorn.

"Look! The material from the unicorn, after entering, is not dissolved immediately. The dead thing is so, we should be able to try it."

The material removed from the unicorn, after being thrown in, is not directly destroyed like the celestial artifact!

It has been persisting for a long time.

Little five came to confidence!

Control the Eternal Tower and try to collect it!

For the first attempt, he only collected a pot of lava.

It was found that with the help of energy, these lavas did not help themselves, and the small five were collected in large quantities!

Until the charge is about one cylinder, Xiaowu said: "These are already our limits! If we absorb it, we can't do anything else!"

"Okay! Then stop here! Greed and chew."

When the nightingale is finished, the eternal **** tower is added to the space hole, and then the gravity of this place begins to get used to.

After almost adapting, he said something like the Eternal Tower and started to try to jump!

Jump from a rock to another rock and jump forward!

"It’s so efficient to jump like this! We should be able to spend it easily!"

Seeing that the nightingale easily completes the jump between the rocks, the deserted warfare immediately relaxes.

Upon hearing this, Xiaoqi immediately reminded: "Don't take it lightly, it will definitely not be so simple."

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