Ten Thousand Paths to Becoming a God

Chapter 3347: Different medicine field

This small world looks like a quiet medicine field.

But what was planted in the medicine field turned out to be monks, and it was the eyes of the monks who looked at them from afar!

They were planted in the dirt from the waist down and looked extremely evil.

"It is estimated that there are tens of thousands of monks being planted here! The atmosphere should be heavenly and supreme! Tens of thousands of heavens are supreme, being planted in medicine fields, and those who are doing these are trying to figure out what?"

The nightingale observed it with the eye of the dragon, and found that these people in front of them were all heavenly and sorrowful.

The picture in front of me is so strange that he looks at some scalp numb!

Rao is a well-informed eternal tower of gods and a treacherous battle. Seeing the picture in front of me, I can’t help but feel a little uncomfortable!

Xiaowu speculates: "I think, is it that some people are using these days to use their bodies to nourish the medicine fields in front of them? Otherwise, it doesn't make sense!"

"I think that some people are using this medicine field to nourish these monks and want to train them into fighting monsters!"

The ruin of the human form is slowly said.

Listening to them saying that the nightingale nodded and said: "It is probably the same as you analyzed! But for whatever reason, we must pass through here!"

"Bad! I can't fly here. Then we don't have to step by step, pass the medicine field in front of us?"

Afterwards, the raging war was tested and found that this small world in front of him, like the lava side, still does not fly.

"It really can't fly! It seems that we need to walk slowly through the medicine field!"

The nightingale also tested it. After confirming that it was really impossible to fly, he summoned the broken copper hammer and said: "Look, there is a formation in front of you!"

The banned copper hammer was summoned and observed. The male hammer said: "There is no way! But I feel that there is some infiltration in front of me! These monks who have been planted seem to be able to wake up at any time!"

"Yes! This place is too strange! If I have hair, I must stand up!"

The sorrowful warfare agrees with the saying.

At this time, Xiaowu suddenly said: "I have a way, you can try it!"

"Oh? What to do, you said!" The nightingale turned his head and looked at the size of his arm, suspended in the eternal tower of his shoulder.

"Our eternal tower, but it can absorb all kinds of corpses and artifacts and turn them into energy! It is better to take our hands and inhale all of them in front! How do you feel?"

Xiao Wuyi said one sentence.

Although he has absorbed countless corpses and artifacts, he is too surprised, and he is not sure what will happen!

Upon hearing this, the nightingale sank and said: "There is a certain distance between them. Let's walk, let's walk slowly! If there is a situation, try again, how?"

"Well! This is also good! Take the opportunity to absorb all of this, we also feel that something is wrong!"

If the fifth is a response, it will not be repeated!

Then, the nightingale asked: "Are you entering my space, or staying outside?"

"There is no pattern in this place, we are left unused, or go in!"

When the nightingale was finished, the male hammer that broke the banned copper hammer said something, and then they were born into the space hole!

As for the eternal tower and the treacherous battle, I am worried that the nightingale will have an accident and stay outside!

Then the night squatting shoulders the eternal tower, holding the dead and treacherous, and daring to the medicinal field where countless monks were planted.

If this is not a must, he will definitely not make such a choice!

And the distance between these cultivated monks is about three feet!

The gap in the middle, for people to walk is still no problem!

However, when you step on the medicine field, there is a very uncomfortable feeling in the nightingale.

The soil under the feet is very moist. After stepping on it, even the legs will fall into the dirt!

Looked at the monks who were trapped in the waist, and there were some worries in the deserted war: "You must be careful when you are at night! Don't fall too deep! If you are planted here like these people, then you can Oops!"

"I don't want to step on the dirt! But I can't float here, I have to go step by step!"

The nightingale said something helpless.

As a party, he naturally numbs his scalp, while walking, while observing the monks who have been planted around him.

At this time, the eternal tower of God has also stood on the shoulders of the nightingale. After entering the medicine field, they can not be suspended!

Obviously what was suppressed.

"Not good! How do I see, a monk in front, open your eyes and smile at me!"

At this time, the desert war suddenly snarled.


When I heard this, the nightingale suddenly asked in amazement.

At this time, he is completely in a state of high tension.

"It's the third in front of the left! Look, now he is still laughing."

The nightingale looked at the location he reminded, but not!

Sure enough, there was a monk who opened his eyes and smiled at them!

That smile looks a little creepy.

When the nightingale first saw it, I felt a little infiltrated, but when I thought about it, he was suddenly angered.

Cold shouting: "Let's make a mystery! We don't care!"

He feels that no matter where you are, you must have an invincible heart in your heart.

Although this place is very permeable, people feel scalp tingling, but he must stabilize his mind!


When I heard the nightingale saying this, the deserted warfare should be heard immediately, and then look in the other direction!

The nightingale is once again looking at the smiling monk, saying: "You are all planted here, what is ridiculous? Let's sleep peacefully! Otherwise, it can only be worse than now."

After he finished speaking, he coldened his face and continued to move forward!

However, just after a few steps, he found that he was caught in the dirt of the feet and was caught by a pair of cold hands!

"Is it finally stunned?"

The nightingale that was caught by the feet, with a cold scream, opened the thirty-three-day battle secret.

Then, the hard life will lift the left foot out!

A pale hand is still lying at his ankle.

"Don't let go! It's ridiculous, hey!"

The nightingale saw the pale hand, still clutching him, suddenly waving the raging war, and smashed it!

This pale hand was cut off in an instant.

Then, the nightingale was processed in the same way, and the other hand was cut off with a ruin!

In the words of grief and worry, keep moving forward!

After walking for a while, the nightingale looked at the deserted battle and said: "You have a horrible murderous body, why are you so courageous? This is not reasonable!"

"Not that I am timid, but this place is too permeable!"

The ridiculous warfare said helplessly, and then he panicked: "Bad! Broken!"

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