Ten Thousand Paths to Becoming a God

Chapter 3369: Seeing people

At this time, the tears of the Soviet Union, the thoughts of killing in the heart, could not be restrained.

I want to kill Fan Li personally and avenge my home country.

The nightingale glanced at the tears of Su, and silenced and said: "You do it! I will clean you up for other resistance!"

"thank you!"

Thanks to the tears, he re-appeared as Yu Jia’s appearance and fought with Fan Li!

After observing for a while, I saw that the tears of the Soviet Union did not fall, and the night owl suddenly began to shoot and solve some other monks present!

Kill all the people, including the Supreme.

Then, suspended above the void, continue to watch the battle between Su tears and Fan Li.

Seeing that the nightingale solved all the troubles, no longer worried about the tears of the sneak attack, suddenly felt that the battle became easier.

"I didn't expect that you have improved your strength over the years! But in the face of half-step artifacts, your strength is not enough!"

After a while of fighting, Fan Li suddenly found that he could not hold back tears, and said coldly.

The half-step artifact, Kun Tianyu, has been taken out and directed directly into the tears of the Soviet Union in the void.

"Don't think you have a half-step artifact!"

At this time, Su tears suddenly took out a sword and a golden sword.

This sword is made by her extreme flames and gold. It is a real half-step artifact, but it has not yet been named!

After taking out the extreme flames and phoenix swords, the tears of the Soviet Union were once again turned into human figures, and the Kun Tianyu, who was shot by Fan Li, stabbed!

Among the swords, there is a very hot flame.

The bombardment was on Kun Tian, ​​and it was directly pierced by a crack.

With the cracks, the flame quickly climbed onto Kun Tian and burned it completely.

"What? Can a half-step artifact be broken?"

Looking at the situation in front of you, Fan Li’s incredible scream!

He knows that he will take back Kun Tianqi and it is useless. He immediately said: "Blood is true!"

In an instant, what seemed to be similar to a normal monk turned into a **** horror.

"Fan Li, originally I thought of you as a benefactor! Now it seems that you are the most despicable existence in the world, there is no need to live! Let you **** strongest school!"

"Sword feathers are one!"

The tears of the scream of anger, once again vacated, merged the body of Yu Jia with the sword of the extreme flames and phoenix!

Turn into a streamer, shoot out to Fan Li!

"Sword feathers are one? I don't think so! You go to hell!"

At this time, the Fan Li, just turned into a **** real body, is the time of self-confidence!

His choice is tough with the tears of Su.


After the two collided, the void was immediately blown out of the huge hole!

Nearly 100,000 miles, except for the nightingale, everything was turned into nothingness in a moment.

And Su tears and Fan Li, after this blow, all suffered heavy losses.

It’s just that Fan Li, suspended above the void, has lost consciousness.

The tears of Su did not wake up for a long time. After she got up, she found the extreme flame phoenix sword that suffered some damage.

Be prepared to kill Fan directly!

At this time, the nightingale flew over and blocked: "This person can stay. After all, he is an important figure in the organization. It should be very familiar with the composition of the characters in the organization and many other things! In the future, we should interrogate, should Good for the big picture!"

"Okay! In order to completely destroy this demonic organization, I will leave him a life!"

After the tears were finished, Fan Li was included in the space hole.

Then she went in one direction, bowed down and meditated: "Families, nationals, I will cry for you in the tears! You rest in peace!"

"You are not well injured, or go back to my space hole!"

At this time, I observed the nightingale of Su tears with the eyes of Xiaolong, and persuaded.

At this time, the tears of Su, after being hard-hitting with Fan Li, although they had the upper hand, the injuries were obviously not light.

However, the tears of Su heard this, but refused: "No! My family and nationals are watching me! I can't have any compromise with this organization!"

"Good! I respect your choice!"

The nightingale said a word, with the tears of Su, under the command of Liu Cheng, looking for the place where the Supreme Supreme and other people live.

In the wreckage of the eternal wilderness, flying for five days and five nights, they came to the front of a sea.

At this time, Liu Cheng pointed to the distance and said: "There is a big island in front, and it is also an eternal wilderness. In addition to organizing the old nest, the only place that survived! The longevity and other people are currently on the island."

"Thank you! After I arrive at the island, I will give you a lot of resources, so that you can repair your body and re-enter the road of cultivation! This time, you can also be washed out and reborn! Please cherish it."

Su tears said something, just look at the night saying: "Let's go!"

"Actually, I am a little nervous now, I am afraid that my family and friends are not there, or people are not complete!"

The nightingale responded to the tears of the Soviet Union and flew alongside her on the blue sea.

After flying for more than two days, they finally saw the huge island in front.

The island is large in size and is almost equivalent to the thirty territories of the Eternal Supreme.

Looking from afar, the nightingale sees the top of the island, there is a huge protective layer!

After the distance was near, he calmed down and looked at the island road: "Night, ask for a long-lived predecessor."

This voice, not only loud, but also hovering over the island, quickly made it heard by everyone on the island.

It didn't take long for the Supreme Supreme to take a few people and appear on the void.

When I saw the nightingale, I was excited when I was alive. "Night, it’s really you! Great, your family and friends are on the island!"

"Long-lived seniors, you have worked hard!"

The nightingale was swept away with the power of the soul, and found that the dance spirits and Jingjing, although did not come with the immortal, but have come from here on the island!

Xiao Tianxuan and Wan Jianzong, Jin Xuan and so on.

Make sure they are all right, nervous, let go, and say hello to the longevity.


At this time, the longevity sighs and sighs: "If I am the former body, this time the eternal Supreme World will not be lost! It is a pity!"

"The long-lived predecessors don't have to sigh. Your business, I will think of a way! At present, I have already mixed into the courtyard of the school, and I will probably find a body suitable for you to win!"

When the nightingale comforted a sentence, he continued: "The bullying of aliens is simply not based on evidence. Our biggest enemy is still the three extremes of the foggy area! At present, the most important thing is not to regain the eternal sacred world, but to cultivate A few top battles!"

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