Ten Thousand Paths to Becoming a God

Chapter 3515: Annoying statue

"Forget it! Everyone enters my space and let this statue come to me."

After attacking the statue for a while, it was found that there was not much effect, and the nightingale was immediately transmitted to everyone.

Subsequently, the scales, white promise, and Ayi were all included in the space cave.

Then attacked the statue and once again shot the first floor of the Eternal Tower.

The first floor of this eternal tower is only one layer, but it is very difficult to deal with. It is really not effective to force it to perform on the level of the merits of the nightingale.

In addition to the interference of the statue of the extremist, it is not a good idea to take it for a while.

"After dragging on, Suze is likely to activate the Extreme Array, and the second is to show your strongest attack. I am also like this! Let's take it down and say it!"

After the two sides held each other for a while, the nightingale suddenly passed to Xiao Er.

Let him display it, the quasi-polar attack that the eternal tower has already brewed.

I don’t care whether I will damage the first layer of the Eternal Tower, and suddenly I will increase my strength.

Shoot a star fire gun.

The power of the star market and the power of the flames are simultaneously blasted to the first floor of the eternal tower.

At the same time as he blasted this trick, he also displayed the deities of the gods, the merits and demerits, and the anti-words.


It can only be used to display the attack at the bottom of the pressure box! This feeling is really uncomfortable, like attacking yourself. ”

The second, who had no other way, sighed and cooperated with the nightingale, and at the same time launched a fierce attack on the first floor.

The strongest attack against the nightingale and the eternal tower.

On the first floor of the Eternal Tower, there is no way.

But at this time, the statue of the extinct statue was teleported to the front while it was being hit.

Helping the first layer of the Eternal Tower, blocking the attack of the Nightingale and the Second.

The statue of the extinct statue that blocked the two strikes was not only broken, but also a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Not very good!"

The statue that was destroyed by the statue blocked the attack, and the brow of the nightingale suddenly wrinkled.

However, he did not stop the attack, and the body of the eternal tower, once again attacked the first layer of the eternal tower.

However, under the interference of the statues of the extermination, their attacks are basically unable to pose a threat to the first layer of the eternal tower.

in contrast.

It was also attacked continuously, and the crisis was heavy at one time.

At this time, Xiao Erzhuo said: "Night, this is not a way to consume.

We are afraid that we will eventually stay here. ”

"There is indeed such a possibility, but this time I can't take it, and there will be no chance in the future."

The nightingale, which is held on the first floor of the Eternal Tower and the statue of the Destruction, continues to ponder the countermeasures in the battle.

But I can't think of anything.

The reason for this is that the statue of the extremist is too difficult.

His defensive power is absolutely the level of extremes.

"Bold night demon! Dare to go to my first city, get me!"

At this time, Suze, who was alarmed, has brought people to the Holy Land.

The person who saw the starter was the nightingale, and he immediately ordered it.

Let a dozen or so men, with the first layer of the Eternal Tower and the statue of the sacred priest, attack the nightingale and the eternal tower.

He himself is using the ring in his hand to completely open the array of extreme level! When the formation was opened, Suze also joined the battle to kill the nightingale.

In such a battle, the nightingale discovered that although Su Ze was repaired as a quasi-polar environment, the intensity of the attack was completely inferior to the extreme.

Very strong, compared with him, it is only a little worse.

This kind of strength, if it is one-on-one with him, it will definitely kill.

But with the help of the annihilator statue and the first floor of the Eternal Tower, and the cooperation of others, the battle is still very sharp.

Soon, the nightingale and the eternal tower were suppressed.

In this case, the nightingale is sent to the eternal **** tower: "Our action today is probably a failure, we are looking for an opportunity to leave."

"Don't leave! We have a way to successfully integrate the Eternal Tower!"

At this time, Xiao Er suddenly said with confidence.

When I heard this, the nightingale wondered: "There is such a way, why not just use it?"

"Because this method is used to fuse the eternal tower, we will disappear with all and merge with a new instrument."

There will be no second, fifth or small seven in the future.

We will all lose the spirit of independence. ”

Xiao Er said one sentence, instead of reacting to the nightingale, he used the taboo secret of the eternal tower.

Forced to merge with the first layer of the Eternal Tower.

After being merged together, the Eternal Tower shines with great brilliance, and then trembles in the void.

It’s like they are fighting.

"I want to integrate the extreme artifacts?

Not so easy to succeed. ”

Seeing the eternal tower of the gods merge together, the statue of the sacred statue, and suddenly said a word, it flew into the eternal tower of the sky.

For this impact, the eternal tower that is struggling is not escaping, and it is directly hit and flew out.

"Globe! Extremely statue, are you amazing?"

See the statue of the sacred statue and smash the eternal tower.

Originally because of the uncomfortable nightingale of Xiao Er, I was completely angry.

Suddenly attacked the statue of the extremist.

However, his attack still has no harm to him.

The statue of the extinct statue was continuously attacked by the nightingale, and sneered: "You have not broken the ability of this seat, or you can let it go."

"What are you doing?"

You are dreaming! ”

The besieged nightingale, while attacking the statue of the extremist, was hit by Suze and flew out.

But he did not suffer much serious injuries.

After getting up, he fired three consecutive battles against Suze and the Sparks.

This move was normally bombarded on Suze’s body, and even if he could not be killed, he would definitely be hit hard.

But this time, it was blocked by the statue of the extremist.

This made the nightingale completely angry.

Sneeringly said: "Can you stop it?

I will let you stop again! ”

Then, summoned the space, the ancient cockroach that is gestating the world, and suddenly smashed the statue of the sacred statue.

At this time, the statue of the extremist, still did not put the attack of the nightingale in the eyes, naturally did not escape.

However, this time after being smashed, the head of the statue was suddenly smashed.


How could this be! ”

Seeing this picture, Su Ze scared her pupils to shrink, and she was so shocked that she could not speak.

The same was true of some other monks, who did not expect that the nightingale would be able to smash the head of the statue of the annihilator.

After a moment of silence, Su Ze said with a big voice: "Night Devil, you are a big and irreversible thing, dare to damage the statue of the Dean, and today I will expel you from Haotian College!"

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