Ten Thousand Paths to Becoming a God

Chapter 815: Retreat to the ternary

"If you don't listen to the nightingale, you will lose money. Our people have not deployed yet. Now they can't stand the attack of the other side." Tian Mingsheng apologized and looked at the nightingale. At that time, the nightingale said that signing too early, Ximing The domain will not suffer from deploying defenses.

"What do you think of the nightingale?" Xie Lanjun looked at the nightingale.

"The war thing, the seniors took the idea, the nightingale is to fight." The nightingale shook his head.

"I didn't listen to your suggestion. This is indeed the fault of this seat. If you have good suggestions, we will listen to it." Tian Mingsheng said.

Other saints nodded, their years of cultivation were long, and single-handed combat was high-end combat, but they had never touched the war.

"Then I will talk about the idea. This war is not a short-term decision." Therefore, the gains and losses of a city and a pool are not important. As long as we can win, our losses will be brought back. It is for the ultimate victory." The nightingale said, he said it is more concealed, that is, he feels that it is meaningless to guard the West.

"Don't worry about this seat, you continue to say." Tian Ming Sheng understands the meaning of the nightingale, although it is distressing, but also knows that defending the West is not the best policy.

"Our nine-domain world is rushing to fight, and the other side is ready to launch a war. Whether it is in staffing, resource allocation, or psychologically, we should let the people of Ximing domain retreat to the ternary domain. In the ternary domain, the boundary line is built into the defense line, and the other party is first suppressed in the West meditation domain. Then we gather the members of the sacred members. At that time, we continue to defend, or press the past, we are the masters." The night owl said.

"There is no opinion in this seat." Long Xuansheng said.

Then everyone nodded because it is the safest way at the moment.

"Okay, then we will evacuate first." Tian Mingsheng said with a sigh.

"Tian Ming is assured, because as long as the victory, then the loss of the West Ming domain will be added back." Nightingale looked at Tian Ming Sheng said.

"That's it, Tian Ming Sheng, you arrange the retreat of the West meditation, others return to the various domains, and the intermediate sages and senior sages of each domain are gathered, and you have something to add to the night owl." Xuan Sheng said.

Tian Mingsheng nodded and went to arrange this.

"All the forces in the business area of ​​the Sanyuan domain are kind to the people who have been removed from the West Ming domain. They are not allowed to have conflicts and hands-on activities. In addition, everyone will look at some resources to come out. The war is the human and financial resources. It’s resources.” The nightingale said.

Then all the saints nodded. This is the war in the nine-domain world, so everyone's efforts are justified, and no one feels inappropriate.

"In addition, everyone has space spar, space resources resources are not hidden, the four peaks of the night, if you are to the level of invincible, it may be the key to determine the outcome." Xie Lanjun said.

"We will also provide compensation in the night months, and I will exchange other resources." The nightingale said that his principle of being a man is that he has no desire, even if it is a war, he will not take advantage of it.

"Where does your kid say it? The nine-domain war is the responsibility of every life in the nine domains. It’s a good person to make a difference. There is nothing to say about it. The other is your kid. Your fourth-level honor can compete with senior respect. What kind of support do you need?" Zhenhai Sheng asked the nightingale.

"I only need the waste rock." The nightingale said, and he did not say anything about the exchange of resources, it would easily reprimand the other saints.

"You need a few pieces of the stone in this place, you can definitely use it." Tian Mingsheng arranged the high-rise side of Dongyun City to inform the West Ming Dynasty people to go to Dongyun City to retreat. When they came back, they just heard the nightingale. if.

"Can be used." The nightingale's palm wave, the power of the years began to rotate, the energy is full of changes, the years of travel.

"Then these pieces of barren stone, you hold." Tian Ming Sheng threw four blocks of stone at night.

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Then I thought about it at night. "There are so many people in the West Field. Everyone is helping to arrange the evacuation. I am here to set up two transmission arrays so that it can be quickly transmitted and avoided."

"That's good." Tianming Sheng nodded, then lost to the nightingale two pieces of crystal.

The war is cruel, the other party does not start with the people, but the practitioners in the West are also numerous.

Three days later, the practitioners of the Ximing domain retreated, and of course the resources were all taken away. The Xuanji community subsequently occupied and was also an empty city.

The time for the retreat of the Western Ming Dynasty is enough because the Xuanji community is cautious and does not dare to advance significantly.

Under the efforts of the nine domain saints, the people who have retired from the West Field have been properly arranged, and the other nine elites have also reached the domain of the Sanyuan domain.

When the nightingale chatted with the members of the squad team that was coming, they were called by the dragon Xuansheng to command the big account.

Nodded to the nightingale, Xie Lanjun summed up the current deployment, and then looked at the nightingale. "Less lord, your debut time is short, but the war has gone through a lot, you talk about your own opinion."

"As for the arrangement of the defensive front and the layout method, these predecessors may have considered it. Then I will add two points. The blockade of the domain boundary sea is that the blockade is a cultivator flight and a sky ship, but the blockade cannot be transmitted. The other party arranged the transmission array in advance, then everything we have is furnishings." The nightingale said.

"Yeah, we didn't think about this. We just thought about how to make the defensive line stable and people directly transmit it. Then our defense line is not stable." Xie Lanjun's face changed.

"War, it's not just about what we have to do, we have to think about what the other party will do. If I am the other person's personnel, then before the war, I will arrange the transmission array." The nightingale said.

"Fortunately, your kid is a nine-domain person." Long Sheng said watching the nightingale.

The nightingale asked again, the distance from the West Ming Dynasty to the boundary of the Sanyuan domain, Tian Mingsheng told the nightingale that there were 800,000 miles.

"The transmission range of the transmission array is a million miles. That is to say, if there is a transmission array, it is also within the range of 200,000 miles around us. However, it is very difficult to find out."

"This seat and Long Sheng go to the squadron of the ternary domain to mobilize the 200,000 liters, and other people do not have to go to search, this seat feels that night owl is enough here." Flying Tiger Holy Opening Said, he is a sacred beast, and he has the ability to rule the monster.

"The Promise of the Promise, you are sitting here with the nightingale, the other saints, and the practitioners under the Sayādaw, all go to sweep the array." Long Xuansheng said.

The others left, and the nightingale returned to their tent.

When chatting with the night moon, Xie Lanjun came. The nightingale thought about taking out the three-player tactics and handing it to Xie Lanjun. "Thank you for your predecessors. This is the total figure of the array. Let the participants practice, as long as Can be used in combat, you can kill opponents who are higher than their own."

Holding the map, Xie Lanjun looked at the nightingale.

Tenth and two more

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