Ten Thousand Paths to Becoming a God

Chapter 842: Imperial city owner

The nightingale, Yun Tianlong and Xue Wuling took the squad of the gods and flew toward the city government of the mysterious city. They had to destroy the main city of the imperial city. It was symbolic.

Just as the nightingale and others flew toward the main city of Xuanjihuangchengcheng, in the main house of Dongyunchengcheng, the western domain of the Nine Domains, a man was reporting that the Xuanji Pavilion was destroyed.

"How can it be so when they passed, the space channel is not broken, and both sides are not guarded." Xuan Wenxiu stretched his hand and grabbed the man's neck and roared.

"The elders are too elder. The subordinates are not very clear about this. The deputy director of Yue is killed, the hall of mystery and the seven halls are all burned." The man continued to explain the situation.

"Now we must fully support the people. The saints can't intervene in the war. Our invincible and the sacred people are here. There are not many strong hands in the mysterious world, and they can't stop them from attacking." Shangluo said with some urgency.

"Our saints can't interfere in the war. The fall of the Sacred Saint is the result of intervening in the war. The saint has made a decision quickly." Xuanwen repaired his teeth and said that he was the elder of the Xuanji Pavilion, and the Xuanji Pavilion was destroyed. He wanted Take on a large part of the responsibility.

Jun Xuan's face is blue and green. "How can this be done? We can kill the game under the clear channel of the space channel, and we can reinvent their killing. How can it be invalid now?"

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"Don't say this first, it is currently solving the crisis." Xuan Wenxiu said.

Jun Xuanji nodded helplessly. She knew that the offense could not be opened, because no matter whether it was Xuanwen Xiu or Shangluo, people who valued the roots of the mysterious world would not allow her to ignore the mysterious world and fight against the nine worlds.

The high-level combat power went back to the rescue field. The low-level combat power stayed here and it was killed. Therefore, if it is to be withdrawn, it must be withdrawn. Jun Xuanji ordered the retreat.

At the mouth of the space channel, Jun Xuanji arranged the guardian of Ren Tianzhi, whose power had been restored, and then sent it to the Xuanji Imperial City with other people.

When the difference is transmitted once, it can be transmitted to the Xuan-level Imperial City. Jun Xuanji and others can't transmit it, because all the transmission crystals on the transmission array of the Xuanji Imperial City are taken away by the nightingale.

Flying hundreds of thousands of miles, the flight takes a long time, it is too late.

"Damn, the mysterious city was also attacked." Unable to transmit, it proved that the transmission had a problem, and how Xuan Wenxiu could not analyze the problem.

The nightingale and his party, they went all the way and killed all the way, and they always went to the Xuanji City Government.

At this time, many people came out of the city's main house. The head of the city was a brocade old man. The old man had a strong sense of war.

"This seat did not want to participate in the war between the nine worlds and the mysterious world, but when you call, this seat will have to fight, this is the mysterious city is the king's family, you move the mysterious city, with my family is Not endless." The old man took out a four-foot sword and looked at the nightingale and said.

The most influential force in the mysterious world is Xuanji Pavilion. The largest sect is the Xuantian Jianpai. The most famous and powerful family is the Jun family.

Jun Xuanji is born in the Xuanji Imperial City Government House.

The old man of the brocade is the owner of the family of the prince, and the owner of the mysterious city, the king of the world.

"Now is the war between the two worlds. You attacked the mysterious world. Then we played back normal. No one is innocent, only wins and loses."

"Come on," the long sword in the hands of Jun Tianya waved, and he smashed toward the night.

Seeing Jun Tianya’s sword, the nightingale spurred the power of the rule, and then the reincarnation was also a violent attack.

In normal combat, the nightingale is not a rule to protect the body, but this is a strong world, can bring him a threat.

The Supreme Supreme and the Invincible Supreme are indistinguishable when there is no battle. They are all the ninth-level sages. The difference is the combat power, and the combat power will only appear when fighting.

Jun Tianya waved a long sword, and the swordsmanship was entangled in three kinds of rules. In addition, the nightingale was also suppressed by the rules. This was countered by the power of the rules. He knew that this is not the peak of the lord, but the half

The nightingale that motivated the rule of the body was no longer suppressed by the end of the world, and the innocence of the reincarnation was bombarded with the three attributes of the world.

On the research of the power of attributes, Jun Tianya is strong, but the strength of his attribute research is deeper, and it is useless to encounter the innocence of the property. It is directly offset.

With a burst of sound, the nightingale retreated two steps, but the end of the world retreats farther, this is the strong night, the strength of the overbearing.

The monarch is very strong, except for Jun Tianya, who has a peak, but was blocked by Yun Tianlong.

The snow is not as fast as the speed, and directly blocks the two senior sages. Because they can't stop, the senior sages are hurting the squad.

The battle was fierce, and the stalwart and the high-ranking Supreme were blocked. The squad was invincible and began to kill.

The nightingale will suppress the end of the world, but it is impossible to end the battle quickly.

Yun Tianlong attacked the fierce, but the other side is also very strong.

This situation makes the nightingale a little anxious. The fighting here is very big. There are many practitioners in the mysterious city. If you can't finish the battle quickly, it is a trouble.

When the night was in a hurry, Xue Wuling had made a tree, killing a senior sage, and then pressing the last senior sage to attack. It is a matter of moments.

This kind of situation is reassuring at night, as long as there is an invincible sage, the situation is under control.

The nightingale that keeps the mind is starting to fight with Jun Tianya. In order to end the battle as soon as possible, the nightingale casts a vain rule against the Jun Tianya, revolving guns and guns and violent bombardment, while destroying the soul is also ready.

During this time, the nightingale was repaired as a rapid ascension. Although it was not deliberately cultivated, with the improvement of the soul, the crescent blade of the nightmare of the gods was more and more condensed. Now the nightingale is looking for opportunities, looking for An opportunity to kill the end of the world.

Yun Tianlong is very annoyed. His opponent is not as good as him, but like a muddy, he does not fight hard with him.

When Yun Tianlong fired a slap in the face and planned to directly cast a wide range of attacks, a sword light flashed, and Yun Tianlong’s opponent’s body shield was torn, and his body was cut open with a **** mouth.

This is when Xue Wuling pursued his opponent, and by the way gave this sword to the top.

"You go to that, this is handed over to me." Xue Wuling shouted and took over Yun Tianlong.

Yun Tianlong nodded and went to chase the opponent of Xue Wuling.

Yun Tianlong and Xue Wuling are two extremes. Yun Tianlong is a powerful attacker, but speed is not a strong item, and Xue Wuling is speed invincible, but the attack intensity is general. Now, if you change your opponent, the situation will change.

After a few moments, Xue Wuling will kill the savvy and stalwart of the body. Yun Tianlong will also destroy the eight-level sage. There are no two opponents. One person will go to the mysterious cultivator who came to help, and one will help the gods. The squad fought. Station push [冠盖六宫}黒烟中文网

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