Five hours later, Li Yue managed to absorb less than half of the natural Yanghuo's power.

And his mana has been completely replaced by the power of the blazing sun.

In other words, he is equivalent to abandoning the previous wizard cultivation base and practicing again.

In just five hours, he had reached the height he had practiced for so many days.

Different from the previous wizard training, the Lieyang wizard uses the condensing of the scorching sun to increase his cultivation.

Right now, he can only create a phantom of a scorching sun.

It has already reached the gold ★★★, and it is extremely close to the diamond.

Moreover, after reaching the golden ★★★, the scorching sun can still continue to condense.

Although his level will not increase, but with the condensing of the scorching sun, his own attributes will gradually increase.

Li Yue clenched his fist, a flame was crushed by him, and sparks flew everywhere.

This powerful power made him feel very at ease in his heart, and he began to look forward to, if the first round of Great Sun was condensed, he could increase the combat attributes of the whole body by 20%.

What a spectacular sight that was.

Perhaps at 17, his epic will be able to fight against the legend, not necessarily.

Shaking his head, he shook off the trace of fatigue brought about by his practice.

Although he doesn't feel hungry if he doesn't eat for two or three days now, the habit of eating on time every day has already formed an effect on his body.

When it's time to eat, he will be inexplicable.

Stepping out of the city of the sky, there is a teleportation array that reaches the wall of purple thorns directly.

Looking at the beautiful purple thorn flowers in front of him, Li Yue rubbed his hands, grabbed a handful of purple thorn flowers and put them in his mouth.

Half an hour later, more than three hundred and twelve purple thorns and purple flowers had disappeared from the wall of purple thorns and entered Li Yue's stomach.

And he also obtained three free talent points in a regular manner.

Without even thinking about it, Li Yue directly added two free talent points to planting, and successfully raised the production talent planting to IV10.

Since then, the food production of the Dawn Territory has been increased to a terrifying 100%.

That is to double the food income. Now, the food produced by the territory is enough to feed 500,000 units.

This is still based on the fact that everyone has enough to eat. If it is only used for survival, basically Chen Xi can feed one million units with a month's grain output.

And that's not even counting the meat production on the farm.

It just makes him a little regretful that the territory has not been upgraded to the diamond production talent and can only be upgraded to v10.

So what free talent points are left, he looked at the remaining production talents, forging has reached Iv8.

He simply added this free talent point to forging, and successfully raised it to Iv9.

Seeing that he was still one level behind, and he was a little obsessive-compulsive, he got up and shook his stomach.

Pick up the purple thorn flowers again, one after another.

It wasn't until after the twenty-first purple thorn flower was eaten and he saw the familiar system prompt that he stopped his movements.

With this free talent point, he directly upgrades it to v10 by forging.

Since then, when the goblins and gray dwarves in the Dawn Territory forge weapons, their success rate has increased by 50%.

With this 50% success rate, when gray dwarves and goblins build advanced equipment, the probability of failure will be greatly reduced.

Thinking of this, his mood became more and more beautiful.

If it goes on like this, it will take less than a year.

His Chenxi leader can definitely become a powerful force that dominates one side.

Just now, the powerful enemy looked around.

Especially when one sees that Saint-Nazaire Forest is just a corner of the magic map.

His heart was full of pride, if there was no synthesis bar.

He will definitely continue to develop, and there is a synthesis bar.

As long as he has time, he is not afraid of anything.

Today is the twenty-seventh day, and there are three more days until the territory leaderboard will be refreshed again.

Thinking of the first place reward he got last time, he couldn't help but start looking forward to the ranking reward this time.

After resting for half an hour, he could get up and walk.

There was a burst of light under his feet, and his figure appeared in the camp.

He has already taken out two blueprints for the construction of the night killer training camp from the storage space.

next second——

A burst of extremely dark light flashed, and two dilapidated taverns suddenly appeared on the open space.

He was a little surprised, but he could feel the trembling breath coming from these two dilapidated taverns.

He began to look forward to it.

Point the white crafting frame at the two dilapidated taverns.

This time, it was no longer a black light, but a violent white light flashed.

The dilapidated tavern has disappeared, and only a huge and majestic black palace stands on the open space.

He didn't know anything about the material of the black palace.

He quickly checked the properties of the synthesized training camp.

[Building Name: Dark Palace of Killing God]

[Building Level: Legendary Limit]

[Introduction: After the life body with the dark attribute reaches the epic limit, it can enter the dark killing god palace, and receive the great killing god inheritance in the ancient times in the dark killing god palace. 】

【Speed: 1 person/month】

Seeing this introduction, Li Yue was shocked for a moment, and he was in a daze for a long time before he came back to his senses.

From the previous reading, he knew that this building was very strong, but he didn't expect that this building was actually related to God.

Still an extremely powerful and terrifying killer god!

Being able to become the existence of a true god is almost immortal.

And the existence that can kill gods, that is how terrifying and ferocious133.

What a ferocious existence, to be dubbed the honor of the God of Killers.

"The system does not deceive me!"

Every time the system rewards him, he has never been disappointed, even though they are all synthesized by himself.

But without a strong foundation as a premise, he has no way to synthesize the last extremely monstrous thing.

This directly disrupted Li Yue's original plan. Originally, he planned to cultivate an army of killers.

But seeing the introduction of the Dark Killing God Palace, he had to change his plan again.

Every dark spirit body that has reached the epic realm can enter the dark palace of the killing god to receive the inheritance of the killing god.

Although they don't know what level they can advance to after they come out, it is the first legendary building in Dawn Territory.

Li Yue believes that he will never let himself down.

However, if all the phantom spirit bodies that receive the inheritance of the killing god can be raised to the epic limit, the things that can be inherited must be much more than just epic.

Looking at Moi hiding in the shadows, he went to the ancient castle not far from the Dark Killing Palace.

Now that Moy is an epic, he wants to raise Moy to the epic limit and make her the first person to receive the inheritance of the dark killing god.

One hundred and fifty energy disappeared, and bursts of black light flickered. A golden ★★★ phantom body appeared. .

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