In Li Yue's energy balance, 76,800 points of energy disappeared again.

It was found that none of the four phantom spirit bodies could evolve into a dark demon god.

He immediately pointed the white composite frame at the four of them, and a white light suddenly appeared.

The four phantom spirits disappeared, and Li Yue quickly crushed the shielding stone that had been prepared in his hand.

As before, the sky was full of black mist descending on the front of the dawn, and thousands of shadows danced indiscriminately.

After the vision ended, Li Yue looked at the phantom spirit in front of him, and said slowly:

"Your name is Dark Night, and your code name is Two!"

After summoning these two phantom spirit bodies at the beginning of the legend, Li Yue had no time to upgrade them to the legend limit respectively.

This big project has to wait until he uses the time scroll.

Seeing the elf queen Shirley who had been waiting for a long time in the distance, Li Yue's apocalypse cloak floated slightly behind him.

Seeing Li Yue galloping towards him, the elf queen Shirley saluted quickly.

And inform him of the battle situation of the other legion.

Hearing the good news, Li Yue immediately summoned the female guards.

The huge figure of the dark dragon Milion soared into the sky again, and flew towards the north of Chenxi Territory.

at this time--

The meeting hall of Lola Kingdom.

Listening to the report from the scouts below, King Lola 720's face became more and more livid.

Knowing that the Chenxi leader is strong, but did not expect the Chenxi leader to be so strong.

But he is so strong, that is, he does not directly come to crush you to death, but slowly defeats you completely, and then kills you after exhausting your body and mind.

This kind of murderous method is the most uncomfortable one.

And this kind of pain is currently being endured by King Lola.

He once thought that he would offend Chen Xi's empress.

His Dawn Lord will attack the holy land of the elves, the holy city of Seuss, as before.

Destroy it directly with strong means.

In this way, the pain will end sooner.

The scouts reported just now, and he was allowed to walk out of the conference hall just now.

Another scout approached.

"My lord, the mountain city of Siddala has been captured by the enemy, and none of the troops survived!"

Hearing this, the tone of King Lola's mouth almost didn't come up.

Such news has been reported almost every half an hour since yesterday.

And every time he reported, a city in his Lola Kingdom that had been in operation for hundreds of years was destroyed.

It was turned into a sky full of brilliance and disappeared between heaven and earth.

His heart hurts! (bhae)

These are the foundations of his Lola kingdom!

Taking this move by Chen Xi is tantamount to pulling out all his foundations, and then pulling out the head of his kingdom.

This made their Lola Kingdom never recover, even if the leader of Dawn finally let them go.

It is estimated that the Lola Kingdom will not last long and will directly destroy the country.

The more he thought about it, the more his heart ached, King Lola, and the more he regretted it.

I regretted why I couldn't help being greedy to attack the Chenxi Territory at the beginning, but now it's over, the demise of the Lola Kingdom is already a certainty.

Not to mention that the other two countries have already assembled a large number of troops on the border, and he has no possibility of escaping.

He can only hope that Gallows can pass on the blood of his Lola royal family.

At the same time, the archbishop of the Illuminati sect relied on the gifts given to him by Angel during the war.

Another large wave of believers was attracted, and these war-baptized residents believed in the holy angel Angel.

Not only are they no longer disturbed by the flames of war, but their living standards have gradually improved.

This kind of situation spreads to ten, ten to hundreds.

In the end, basically all the residents who escaped from the cities that were breached by the Dawn Legion became the most loyal believers of the holy angel Angel.

During this period, Angel gained more than two points of wish power.

Meanwhile, the leaders of the other two countries.

The Kingdom of Lola has already been completely surrounded.

Whenever the Dawn Legion captures a city, they will close the encirclement after half an hour.

In this way, the territory of the Tula Kingdom shrank to the limit.

And these were already in Li Yue's expectation.

He has already made up his mind that after visiting the treasure houses of the remaining two major forces, he will go to the treasure house of his Lola Kingdom.

And now, he has come to the Dark Wizards Guild.

He only realized it when he looked at the tall magic towers in front of him.

The magic tower of the Black Wizards Guild is not even as strong as the magic tower of Chaoyang Town, its sub-territory.

In the gathering place of the black wizard union, there are only a dozen primary magic towers.

And the magic tower located in the center of the star-surrounded position is already only an intermediate magic tower.

Compared with the camp based on the ten intermediate magic towers in Chaoyang Town, it seems that the infrastructure of the Black Wizards Guild is indeed not a bit worse.

However, compared to the White Wizards' Union, the Black Wizards' Union is much stronger.

Although there are also intermediate magic towers, there are obviously more primary magic towers in the Black Wizards Guild than in the White Wizards Guild.

Also, it looks like no one is behind the Dark Wizards Guild.

His resources do not need to be turned over.

Thinking of this, Li Yue became excited again.

Walking into the intermediate magic tower, there are legendary witches who are proficient in space magic circles.

The teleportation array in the magic tower was paralyzed all of a sudden.

The space witch's mind began to scan this intermediate magic tower.

Five minutes later, her tightly closed eyes opened abruptly.

Li Yue quickly asked:

"found it?"

The space witch nodded and said:

"found it!"

Under the leadership of the Space Witch, it took less than ten minutes.

Li Yue came to the Treasure Pavilion of the Black Wizards Guild.

Although it is called the Black Wizards Guild, black wizards are also wizards.

The things used are the same as ordinary wizards, except for some more insidious potions.

But Li Yue doesn't care about these, no matter what potion or treasure he is, all of them are stored in the storage space.

Don't let go of any treasure.

Just kidding, the treasures that can be collected by two legendary forces, no matter how rubbish, are still extremely precious if they are put outside.

For example, the pile of medicine bottles he just put into the storage space is placed in the trading channel, and they sell them by the drop.

How much energy is calculated in one drop.

Therefore, the wave of things that Li Yue just put away is worth millions.

It took a full ten minutes for Li Yue to gather the treasures on the first floor.

Thousands of purple magic equipment, all of which are staffs and robes, and have excellent attributes.

Hundreds of orange magic gear...  

Dozens of red epic magic equipment

Tens of thousands of bottles of potions of various grades......

Thousands of spell scrolls of various levels...

A large number of potion materials, forging materials...

More than a million ordinary magic stones!

More than 100,000 medium magic stones!

And on his head, there are two layers. .

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