The territory is promoted to Bronze ★★★.

Gain one talent point again.

Li Yue added this talent point to speed.


His lord talent becomes—

Speed ​​lv6 (Agility+30%), Attack Iv10 (Strength+50%), Defense lv5 (Constitution+25%), Casting lv6 (Spirit+30%).

And his personal attributes.

Add a little to all of them again, too.

For black iron grades, every time a star is raised, all attributes +0.5.

Bronze level, every time you increase a star, you will get +1 for all attributes!


This is how lords increase.

In terms of arms, there will be some emphasis on different occupations, but the total added value of the four attributes is the same.


His strength is 7.9, Constitution9.0, Agility8.1, spirit 10.1!

"It's such a comfortable feeling to be lifted."

He sighed softly.

The all-round enhancement of the body is a kind of evolution.


He felt that he might not have the day when he would become an immortal being in Legendary!

Come to the western part of the territory.


There are already many buildings in the western part of the territory.

Goblin Camp, Gray Dwarf Camp, Lizard Dragon Camp, Moon Elf Camp, Blood Vulture Camp, Goblin Camp.

Magic Blacksmith Shop, Goblin Research Institute 647, Goblin Workshop.

Mountain Knight Transfer Hall.

A total of ten buildings.

Moreover, many camps occupy an area that is not small.

Fortunately, the area of ​​the territory is not small now, with a radius of 500 meters, which is 780,000 square meters.

Li Yue took out the architectural blueprint of the wizard Mage's job transfer hall.

For the wizard Mage——

He responded with great expectations.

Witches are also spellcasters.

But the cost of witches is high, and one witch costs 300 energy.

And according to the use of the mountain knight transfer hall.

he knows.

There is no need to consume extra energy for the special building in the ear!

If a goblin is changed to a forest knight, he does not need to consume additional energy.

It's just that the efficiency is not high, and only 20 mountain knights can be transferred every day.

But it does not need to consume energy, which is the biggest advantage.

20 people a day, 200 people in 10 days!

Follow his thoughts.

Immediately, beside the mountain knight transfer hall, light swept across.

An elf-style transfer hall appeared out of thin air, it looked extremely delicate, and there were beautiful artwork decorations everywhere.

Li Yue opened the message (chca) in the wizard Mage's job transfer hall in front of her.

[Name: Elf Mage Job Transfer Hall]

[Building Grade: Bronze ★]

[Introduction: Elf people can enter the job transfer hall, change jobs to Elf Mage, below Bronze, raise a small level]

[Spells: Natural Healing, Physical Recovery, Mana Spring, Strength Enhancement, Constitution Enhancement, Agility Enhancement, Spirit Enhancement]

【Speed: 20 persons/day】

"It's actually an auxiliary spellcaster!"

Li Yue raised her gaze, a little surprised.

Although auxiliary cannot kill the enemy.

The role on the battlefield is no less than that of an aggressive caster.

even sometimes—

will become even more important!

In particular, Mage, the elf, also has the skill of "Mana Spring", which can restore the caster's mana.

It becomes more Precious.

Putting such an auxiliary Mage on the battlefield will undoubtedly increase the strength, resilience, and persistence of all arms of Chenxi Leader!


He took out another moonwell architectural drawing.

Choose to build a moon well directly next to it.

He is still very curious about one of the most important buildings of the elves.

Follow his movements.


The bright light gathered.

A bright moon appeared in the sky above the dawn.

The moon sets.

Not far in front of him turned into a beautiful and exquisite well.

The light green well water in the well fluctuates gently, exuding a life-like breath, which lifts people's spirits.

"Is this the Moonwell?"

Standing by the well, Li Yue took a cup of water out of curiosity and drank it.

Sweet and sweet, extremely delicious.

"Can restore damage and mana at the same time.

"Combined with the wizard Mage, double protection, I am afraid that in future wars, it will be difficult for territorial units to die."

He smiled with satisfaction.

As expected of a guardian of nature.

Both buildings are restored.

This is in line with the elves' dislike of fighting and fighting.

"There is also the ancient tree of war."

"This is definitely the best guard in the territory."

He came to the east of the territory, beyond the wall of thorns.

With a casual punch, a hole was made on the ground, and then the seeds of the ancient war tree were planted in the lower layer.

pull -

A breeze blows.

Li Yue is visible to the naked eye.

The branches and leaves of the trees in a large forest in front of him were shaking slightly.

The light green energy merged into the breeze, blowing into the seed master of the ancient tree of war he had planted.

Break open against the sky.

A small Green sapling grew from nothing.

The light green energy blowing from the forest is endless.

Green saplings keep growing.

Just for a moment.

It has grown to a height of more than 20 meters, and the trunk is so thick that three people can't hug it together.

The bark like dragon scales moves gently.

Reveal the eyes and mouth.

"This ancient tree of war!"

The elf queen Shirley and the silver elf Hazel who came over at some time were full of surprises.

"My lord, the ancient tree of war sends greetings to you!"

The ancient war tree opened its eyes, and its branches hung down, as if saluting, with a steady voice in its mouth.

"Can talk!"

"This is an intelligent creature!"

Li Yue was surprised.

The ancient war tree is actually an intelligent life?

He thought so.

This should be a plant like pitcher plant.

But did not expect.

Actually have wisdom.

What does it mean to have wisdom?

Represents the ability to practice and keep strengthening!

It was definitely a surprise.

Just look at the body type.

The ancient war trees that have just grown now are definitely not weak.

If there is no wisdom, it can only grow slowly with the years.

Can there be wisdom--

You can quickly increase your strength!

"Free gift."

He opened his mouth and said, with a thought, he checked the information of the ancient war tree in front of him.

Just looking at it, a happy smile appeared on his face.


The ancient war tree has just grown, and it is actually of silver rank!

And have wisdom.

This is a median creature!

The power of the median creature has undoubtedly been reflected in the elf queen Shirley and the silver elf Hazel.

Much stronger than Extraordinary creatures in silver units.

after all--

Wisdom is a strength in itself!

(PS: When the new book is released, ask for flowers, rewards, and evaluation votes. If everyone thinks it’s okay, please vote for all the votes in your hands. Author, please!).

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