
The black dragon Ah Huang lowered his head, looked down at the master who seemed to have shrunk a lot, and spoke in a bumpy voice.

The voice just fell.

He himself seemed a little taken aback, and bumped again and said:

"I... I. Can talk?"

"Go outside the territory to familiarize yourself with the new power."

Li Yue said with a smile.

Any ability needs to be controlled.

Only the power under control is your own power.

In the past, the arms were weak, so he could continuously synthesize and upgrade them.

But to the gold level.

This is already an extremely terrifying extraordinary creature, and its power is far stronger than that of a silver creature.

Naturally, it will take a while to grasp the new power.

"Yes Yes!"

Ah Huang tapped the huge and ferocious dragon's head, spread his wings, and soared into the sky.

"It's time to equip the silver units in the territory with suitable mounts.

Seeing Ah Huang disappear, Li Yue murmured.

At least "Zero One Zero" until the Epic class.


That's off limits to most Extraordinary creatures.

And Ah Huang is already a black dragon, a real giant dragon, even if he is still far from an adult.

Its dignity is also extremely strong.

Let the silver elf Hazel, the demon warlock Circe, and the witch Shaman stand on Ah Huang's back together with him.

This must have damaged Ah Huang's dignity.


He needs to equip these strong men in the territory with flying mounts.

And the flying mounts of the silver rank——

And what could be more suitable than Wyvern?

This is not only a strong combat power.

It is also the best mount!

"Elf Queen Shirley, Silver Elf Hazel, Goblin Commander Orr, Guardian Goblin Gray, Gray Dwarf Commander Alec, Demon Warlock Circe, Witch Sharman."

"These seven may need to go out to fight."

"As for the two goblin masters, there is no need to go out, and the mounts are not needed.

He pondered in his heart.

So it works out.

Just need the seven-headed wyvern.

Silver★ Wyvern needs 1280 energy points to synthesize.

A seven-headed wyvern is 8960 points of energy.

"not much."

He whispered.

Silver ★ will be enough.

Stronger is not necessary for the time being.

He looked at the lizard dragon camp in front of him and began to summon lizard dragons.

White light flashes.

For every 128 lizard dragons, one biped wyvern can be synthesized.

A full quarter of an hour.

The entire lizard dragon camp was shrouded in White light.

Seeing the seven-headed wyvern in front of her eyes, Li Yue's eyes showed satisfaction.

"The silver elf Hazel, the demon warlock Circe, and the witch Shaman all need to be strengthened."

he whispered.

As for Guardian Goblin Gray, his potential has been exhausted.

Even if it is promoted to Silver★★★, the strength cannot be increased too much.

And let Gray be promoted to Silver★★★.

The goblin commander had to cast 'Goblin's Unyielding' four times in a row to break the life limit.

This takes a full four days.

"In the future, Lu Fu will become the deputy commander of the Goblin Legion."

He has a decision in his mind.

No matter what, he walked out of him.

Naturally, the location must be arranged.

Come to the moon elf camp.

He recruited the silver elf Hazel and began to improve Haier's strength.

Elf fruits fell from the tree of life one by one.

The white light flickered continuously.

Consuming 1920 energy points, Hazel's body flashed, and she has been promoted from Silver★ to Silver★★.

Then it consumes 3840 energy points.

Hazel was promoted from Silver★★ to Silver★★★.

Li Yue checked Hazel's information.

"Except that the attributes are not as good as the Elf Queen Shirley, the skills are almost the same, but the talents and specialties are also one level lower."

He whispered in his heart.


At the same level, the Elf Queen of the hero unit is much more deceitful than the Haishenger of the arms unit.

Even 1v2 should be possible.

"Thank you Lord Lord for your gift!"

"Hazel will swear allegiance to the lord to the death!"

The silver elf Hazel knelt down on one knee and said gratefully, with joy in her cold eyes.

any life.

None can resist the improvement of strength.

No matter how cold the personality is, it is no exception!

Li Yue smiled, helped Hazel up, and said meaningfully:

"Wait until the evening, just thank me again..."

A blush suddenly appeared on Hazel's face [but she nodded heavily.

Looking at Hazel's appearance.

Li Yue looked forward to the early evening.


He came to the witch camp.

Standing in this black iron ★★★ Extraordinary camp, although he really wants to form a powerful witch army.

But the witch's price has always made him a little daunting.

300 Energy A black iron ★★★ witch.

And the same 300 energy.

He can synthesize the ultimate bronze ★★★ Goblin!

No matter how strong the caster is.

The black iron ★★★ witch is absolutely impossible to match the bronze ★★★ ultimate goblin!

Even the ultimate goblin can easily sweep away five or six witches.

This is a big gap.

"It would be great if the summoning price at the witch camp could be lower.............

He whispered regretfully.

But suddenly.

His heart moved.

Lower price?

I don't know if the gemstone that claims to make his dreams come true can lower the price of the witch camp?

Although he now has a lot of troops under his command.

But what matters most to him.

Definitely a witch camp!

The power of the wizard is needless to say.

It was shaped by the fall of a true god!

All caster classes.

Wizard is definitely the scariest profession.

He took out the dream gem from the space bag.

This gem looks extremely dreamy, extremely blurred.

"Dream gem, can the summoning price of the witch camp be lowered?"

He poured his spiritual power into the dream gem and passed his thoughts into it.


He has received feedback.

—— Consuming all the dream power of the dream gem will reduce the summoning cost of the witch camp by 50%. Do you want to use it?

"It can really reduce!"

Li Yue's eyes lit up, and her breathing became a little short.

And a full 50% reduction!

That is to say——

The summoning fee of the witch camp will only be 50% of the previous one!

That is, 150 energy points!

This price is obviously already extremely low.

Black Iron's Moon Elf Archer is the one with 30 energy.

It also needs 120 points of energy to synthesize into black iron★★★!

And a witch of the same level only needs 30 more energy points than the Moon Elf Archer!


He didn't hesitate too much and used it directly.

Although the dream gem in hand should be 4.1, it is also extremely Precious.

Anyway, he didn't see it on the trading interface.

But again Precious——

No match for an army of wizards!


Since he can get one dream gem, he can get the second one!

As he uses the dream gem.

Suddenly dreamy and blurred light enveloped the entire witch camp.

On the five magic towers forming a pentagram array, a large number of strange patterns are slowly appearing.

After half a quarter of an hour.

The light faded.

Li Yue hurriedly checked the witch camp.

When you see the price of 150 points of energy summoning that is really displayed on the witch camp

The smile on his face was like a blooming daisy.

"Cersi, Sharman, come here!"

After a while, he calmed down his excitement and waved to the two young witches not far away.

(PS: When the new book is released, ask for flowers, rewards, and evaluation votes. If you think it’s okay, please vote for all the votes in your hands. Please, author!).

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