Ten Thousand Races Battlefield: I Have An Infinite Synthesis Bar!

Chapter 89 Territory Currency, Solving The Problems Of Men And Women

"Spirit close to 20!"

"A thunderbolt skill that is stronger than the gray dwarf commander Alec!"

"Level 10 Dominating Thunder!"

Li Yue's eyes widened slightly, a little surprised.

attributes like this

But it's too strong!

Compared with the silver ★★★ demon warlock Circe and the fire witch Sharman, they are much stronger.

The spiritual attribute is exactly 1.5 points higher!

Especially the tenth level Dominant Thunder, which is extremely terrifying.

This is tantamount to saying——

The power of Carloy's thunder skills will be directly increased by 100%!

This is three levels higher than the Elf Queen's specialty 'Bow and Arrow Damage'.

That equals a 30% increase!


Elven Queen has two specialties, and one Iv7 precision.

And Carloy has only one specialty.

But it is enough for the wizard to have a feat that increases damage.

Wizards are known for their offensive power, and they are the most terrifying of all spellcasting professions.

"There is a witch-queen who leads the coven of witches."

"The strength of this witch brigade will reach an extremely terrifying level."

"Black Dragon Ah Huang, although the elemental resistance is amazing, if he fights with this witch brigade, he will probably be defeated repeatedly!"

Li Yue was very satisfied.

Four hero units under his command.

One is stronger than the other.

But even the weakest goblin commander, Orr 130, has a strength far exceeding that of the same level!

"Call the leaders of all the brigades to come to the Magic Tower to discuss matters!"

he commanded.

He has to make good arrangements for the next arrangement of the territory and the work among the various races.

The magic tower in the north of the territory.


Li Yue took the main seat.

A high-ranking member of the territory below stood on the left and right.

On the left are the goblin commander Orr, the duergar commander Alec, and the goblin master Lindsay.

On the right are Shirley, Queen of Elf, and Carlo, Queen of Witches.

These are the five main races in the Dawn Territory.

As for the dragons—

Currently only his mount Black Dragon.

And the seven-headed wyvern has limited intelligence and can only act as a mount for the high-level people in the territory, so it is naturally impossible to participate in this kind of meeting.

"My lord!"

The five bowed and saluted.

"The current situation of Chenxi Leader, you all have vivid memories, what do you think?"

Li Yue nodded, scanned the crowd, and spoke.

As the saying goes, three cobblers are better than Zhuge Liang.

And he himself never felt that he was a Zhuge Liang-like figure.

Knowing people and making good use of them, Tuan is a qualified lord.

Instead of thinking about, planning, and completing everything by yourself.

"My lord, my subordinates think that there is a lack of currency in the territory!"

"Now there are more and more people in the territory, and everyone needs to trade!"

“But bartering is very inconvenient!”

Orr took a step and said in a deep voice.

He has followed the Dawn Territory step by step from its establishment to the present.

It is considered to be the highest level of the territory who knows the Chenxi Territory the most.

At the same time, he also has the largest number of goblins under his command.


Li Yue showed a thoughtful expression.

This really needs to be addressed.

Although the citizens in the territory are all combat units, they are also living beings.

Since it is life, there will be various needs.


It is the most direct and simplest kind of demand.

I want what others have, what should I do?

This requires transactions.

And bartering, it is inevitable that some people will feel that they are at a disadvantage and feel uncomfortable.

If things go on like this, many contradictions will form, which is not a good thing.

He looked at the gray dwarf commander Alec:

"Send someone to the silver mine, dig the silver mine, and mint a batch of silver coins."

Alec bowed and saluted:

"My lord, don't worry."

If it was before.

He will still be in a dilemma, after all, there are not many gray dwarves in the territory.

But today, a group of gray dwarves just happened to be captured, and with his status as the natural-born commander of the gray dwarves, he has already subdued those gray dwarves.

These gray dwarves are all Common gray dwarves, and it is appropriate to send them to mine.


Li Yue nodded, looking at the Witch Queen Carloy:

"You are responsible for the financial affairs of the domain from now on." (chbf)

"When Alec mints silver coins, you can calculate the salary standard of the people working for the territory."

Witches are spiritually powerful beings.

And the stronger the mental power, the easier it is to deal with these territorial matters.

And witches are all learned and talented.

Managing the territory's finances is more than enough for a witch.

"Yes, my lord."

Carlo curtsies.

"My lord, the goblins, gray dwarves, and goblins all have only male members..."

Lindsay, the goblin master, hesitated.

It is the instinct of life to reproduce offspring.


For the elves there is no such instinct.

After all, they were born from the tree of life.

And for witches, it doesn't exist either.

They are all powerful women who have spent their entire lives in the wizarding profession, and there is no need for this.

But goblins, gray dwarves, and goblins have such needs.

"I will summon a group of female goblins, gray dwarves, and goblins."

Li Yue said.

In the camp, you can choose the gender of the summoned creature.

It's just that for most creatures, males are stronger than females.

So whether it's a goblin camp, a gray dwarf camp, or a goblin camp.

He had only summoned men before.

"Do you have any other questions?"

He looked at several people.

Several people shook their heads.

"Xue Li, you arrange twenty moon elves to enter the elf Mage transfer hall every day.

"In addition, you have to arrange for the elves to collect the moon well water that is born every day."

Li Yue ordered.

"Yes, my lord!"

A look of joy appeared in the eyes of the Elf Queen Shirley.

In this way——

Her elf family has three major arms.

Archer, Elf Mage, Druid!

This will undoubtedly put their elves in a more important position in the Dawn Territory.


Li Yue discussed many things in the territory with several senior leaders of the territory.

It was gradually getting dark.

A big brother Brin rushed into the magic tower and reported respectfully:

"My lord, twenty mountain knights have come out!"

"The Rider of the Woods is out?"

"Go, come with me to see the cavalry of our Dawn Leader!"

Li Yue smiled happily and said happily.

Mountain Rider——

This is the most suitable cavalry for forest terrain.

And he changed his job based on the Goblin Chief of Black Iron★★★.

As long as the job transfer is completed——

Then it will transform into a Bronze Mountain Knight!

Mountain Rider.

This will be the dawn of the day.

After the Witch Brigade, the second large troop with all bronze ranks!

(PS: When the new book is released, ask for flowers, rewards, and evaluation votes. If you think it’s okay, please vote for all the votes in your hands. Please, author!).

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