Ten Thousand Races Invasion: All The People Join The War, I Stay Behind

21. The World Cannot Be Changed, So It Will End Everything!

Six o'clock in the morning on the 29th.

The sun is rising, inside the worker's apartment in Yecheng.

Nan Ziying opened the floor-to-ceiling windows, with his hands behind his back, looking at half of the industry city with his eyes recalling,

Then he sat down, took out a pen and paper, and began to write.

Now the layout strength is as follows,

1. The seventh-level mutant animal taming talent, has tamed 100,000 level-9 steel giant wolves, deployed in the Gobi Desert of the Northern Wilderness, and deployed a herd of 500,000 roasted steel yaks in the Baigutang Plain. The two major layouts have been completed.

2. Seventh-level Shura. Killer talent, equipped with evil spirit formations and booster formations, reaching the fifth-level superhuman attack strength.

3. The tenth-level formation master can currently deploy three basic formations, the number of formations that can be deployed is 900, and the formations can be superimposed infinitely.

4. The Undead Resurrection talent tree has not yet been opened, and the third talent tree needs to grow up.

5. The talent tree of forbidden spell elements has not been opened, and the third talent tree needs to be grown.

Then he wrote, Nan Ziying closed his eyes, and now with the three talent trees of "Beast Taming", "Sura" and "Array" opened at the same time, he is qualified for the layout, so he can close his eyes and fall into deep memory, With tears streaming down my face, I remembered the desperate battle that followed.

At the end of January 2010, the Eastern Alliance, the United States, the Lao Maozi Country, and the Ninth Line of Defense all fell one after another, and now it has come true.

At the end of March 2010, there were several medium-scale animal hordes in the inland of the Eastern Alliance.

At the end of June, the eighth line of defense fell,

At the end of December, the seventh line of defense fell,

Wanzu 11 years, the sixth line of defense for a year, millions of casualties, finally collapsed at the end of the year,

It is the 12th year of Wanzu that really entered the new era. An ancient family was born in the east. A five-level, four-level, three-level, human-core-level Tianjiao was born. Those Tianjiao were officially born after the sixth line of defense collapsed. !

It was only then that the battle of superpowers and superpowers officially started.

Nan Ziying in the previous life was only a forward assault officer and was not eligible to participate.


To be precise, there are still two years to prepare, but in fact, Nan Ziying took out a ballpoint pen and wrote it down on a piece of clean white paper.

five months!

The eighth line of defense will fall, and my classmates and friends are on the eighth line of defense!

It is necessary to prepare the first wave of means, rescue, and even block the eighth line of defense.


"It's crazy, Nan Ziying, do you know what's going to happen next?"

"Give up their lives and carefully prepare the layout. Some people will die eventually, and you can't stop them."

Nan Ziying smiled, he was talking to himself, but then he lit a match, and those papers were completely burned to ashes.

"Don't give up, I will save the people, and I will arrange the killing..."

In front of the huge and magnificent floor-to-ceiling windows, Nan Ziying watched indifferently, with hot and bursting light in the depths of his eyes,

He fights so hard, so frantically kills the layout, so forbears, just to change and end all of this!

Not for compromise.

Towards a dark compromise...


February 1st.

There are not many people parading in the streets, because the front line is tight and the supplies are rapidly depleting. Every city's slaughterhouses, military factories, front-line armor, tanks, and other factory assembly lines have begun to work overtime.

On the street, a handful of white cloths are inserted in front of the windows of many houses, which means that the children in the family died in battle as martyrs, and it is honor and crying.

In this tragic era, there are many families who have lost their children in the elderly and newly married families who lost their lovers.


At five o'clock in the morning, Nan Ziying got up and headed to the slaughterhouse with a knife on his back.

Uncle Sun, the security guard, was used to it, so he just took out a box of energy-supplementing military drinks and handed it to Nan Ziying.

The latter had soft eyes, smiled and then walked into the slaughterhouse 01.

Now the source stone is still the core strength, and there is a great shortage of source stones.

This time, the whole day was slaughtered, and before 5 o'clock in the evening, less than 100,000 mutated poultry in workshop 01 had been slaughtered!

Nan Ziying grabbed the Origin Stone and melted it in the palm of his hand. Less than 100,000 Origin Stones were integrated into the third formation talent tree.

[Formation that can be arranged: 9900]

[Arranged formation: 0]

[Ability Level: Level Ten]

[Ability upgrade point: 10,000 array layouts]


By connecting the workshops, Nan Ziying entered the second workshop and fell into a mad slaughter...

For nearly two weeks in a row, the mutated poultry in the four workshops had been slaughtered, a total of 1 million mutated poultry, and Nan Ziying added all the power of origin stones to the third talent tree.

Feb. 13 at 5 p.m.

The setting sun shines through the windows of workshop 04, and Nan Ziying is illuminated by the setting sun, with a smile on his lips, smiling happily and excitedly.

He saw that the formation talent tree began to grow from a seedling state, watered by the power of origin stone, into a small tree, and the first branch grew.

[Number of arrays that can be arranged: 50000] A single array is twenty source stones.

[Arranged formation: 0]

[Ability Level: Level 9]

[Ability upgrade point: 500,000 array layouts]

[Current formations: Flame Burning Formation, Tenfold Amplification Formation, Elemental Sword Qi Formation]

As the formation master upgrades, the corresponding formation will also be upgraded, and new formations will be added. The higher the level, the more terrifying the formation.

This time, Nan Ziying washed his body in the workshop, took a rest in the temporary room, and then walked out on the evening of the 14th.

The workshop door opened, and many factory volunteers had no time to greet him, because everyone was gathered in the factory building, watching the news excitedly.

The news is the general report of the Eastern Alliance News, which is broadcast live in real time.

Inside the TV, the voice of a military reporter rang out.

[People in the cities of the Eastern Alliance, the ninth line of defense is broken, and in response to the call of the Alliance General Assembly, we will continue to send 500,000 soldiers, 50,000 supernatural legions, and a fourth-level supernatural person to strengthen the eighth line of defense! 】

[The eighth line of defense will gather millions of troops, and the total number of supernatural beings will reach 200,000. This will be the first time that the Eastern Alliance will officially open a large battlefield]

[The United States and Lao Maozi have also opened up the eighth line of defense battlefield, and each has sent more than one million troops. This will be the world's attention, a chronicle war between countries and thousands of peoples]

There are a lot of news content, but the main content is the strengthening of the eighth line of defense battlefield,

The Eastern Alliance, the United States, and Lao Mao are all preparing for war!

This is like an exhibition of national duels, to see who can better face off against other races.

So now, the people are excited. They don't know what the next step will mean. In the slaughterhouse workshop, factory volunteers are watching excitedly.

"The war is about to start again. The tenth line of defense has 500,000 forces, the ninth line of defense has 800,000 forces, and the eighth line of defense directly breaks through one million. And there are three level 5 abilities and one level 4 abilities. , A big battle is coming!!!" A young man with congenital heart disease said excitedly, his eyes were burning, and he wished to participate in this great battle.

Beside him, fat girl Sun Ying interrupted.

"This battle is not easy to fight. I heard that the student soldiers of our Yecheng are also in it, and this is also the opportunity for the East, the United States, the Lao Mao Country, and the North Glacier Country to show their hegemony. It is related to too much glory, and foreign races will definitely A display of terror."

"It's not easy to fight, but you have to fight. After the eighth line of defense breaks down, you will be on the border of the mainland. The seventh line of defense is dangerous!" A short-haired girl smiled wryly.

"I don't know who this level 4 superhuman is. I heard it's a terrifying existence."

"The million-scale battle, it is estimated that it will start soon..."

Inside the factory, the volunteers were discussing nervously and watching the news.

Nan Ziying only glanced at it, his pupils were full of complicated emotions, he knew the ending, everything fell apart!

The three great powers all failed!

Real fiasco!

Level 4 superhumans died in a bloody battle!

From then on, human beings began to dominate the panic under the attack of alien races, because the seventh line of defense of each country is at the border of the mainland! ! ! !


Exhaling lightly, carrying the alloy burial knife, Nan Ziying walked while looking at the front of Yecheng.

Whisper softly.

When he sees the familiar news trend, he will know it.

The world cannot be changed,


Then you can only rely on yourself to end everything!


When Nan Ziying left, no one noticed, he was walking under the setting sun, his shadow stretched very long, the security guard Mr. Sun wanted to help him, but he refused.

It wasn't until Nan Ziying's shadow completely disappeared that Elder Sun sighed deeply.

He looked at those volunteers again, he only felt that these volunteers were noisy, they would only watch everything nervously, only sadly, they would never think about doing things to fight against,

Elder Sun looked at the shadow of Nan Ziying again. Although the director of the factory refused to join the army, he stayed behind and was really doing things, really working hard to support the front line.

"What's wrong with the world, just watching and cursing can't solve anything."

"In this era, no matter men, women, old or weak, when the real moment comes, you should do something, really do something, otherwise who will resist next..."

Elder Sun sighed and bent his back.


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