Ten Thousand Races Invasion: All The People Join The War, I Stay Behind

24. When You Are In The Beginning Of Sorrow, Then Kill It!

February 16.

At 6 o'clock in the morning, Nan Ziying stayed up all night, but prepared the way of formation.

The setting sun was shining, and the soft and warm sunlight shone on him. His handsome facial features cast shadows, his eyes were a little tired, a little excited, and deep in them were stern.

He can only rely on himself, so the layout must be knitted perfectly.

Standing up, the sun shines, his long shadow draws in the living room, lonely and silent.

Although it is six o'clock, the streets are very excited. As the whole people prepare for the war, the magnificent people's power is surging again.

On the street, community horns blared over and over again.

[Supporting the war zone ahead, Yecheng is duty-bound! 】

[The fifth recall order for veterans is issued, and veterans under the age of 60 can choose whether to continue to serve! 】

[Community registration is open, and each person will be assigned next to fully support the front battlefield. 】

[The municipal government sent an urgent notice, all factory directors and project material managers are requested to arrive at the Yecheng Municipal Building before ten o'clock, and the fifth defense and reinforcement plan of the Yecheng city is invited to discuss]

The trumpet is ringing through the news one by one,

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, Nan Ziying saw many old men with white beards and gray hair on the street, once again put on army green uniforms, and volunteered to sign up for the recall of veterans.

"Father should go too..."

Watching this scene, Nan Ziying murmured, he understood his father, a taciturn man with a strong spine, although he was a mortal, he never regressed, originally he was old enough to refuse to serve in the military, but now, because Nan Ziying Home fame, because of many things, he is going again.


Washing, dressing, and carrying the knife case, Nan Ziying walked out of the house, because he has something to do next!

In this era of national upsurge, whether it is inland or frontier, ordinary people, supernatural beings, officials, everyone, are doing things!

The child is not going to school, but begins to enter the arsenal,

The old man is not resting, but enters the military supplies factory,

Women and girls no longer watch tedious and boring dramas, but enter various factories to become volunteers and do their best to support this era,

Walking on the street, the advertisements interspersed now are all recruiting advertisements performed by popular actors.

On social media, Xiao Xianrou is prohibited from posting anything about entertainment,


little news,

Documentaries and other content are all for the whole people to be soldiers, conscription, preparation, battle, bloody battle! ! ! !

This is an era that has gradually entered into an era where all the people are soldiers.

In the sky, 24 hours a day, armed helicopters are galloping, Katyusha once a week, J-series long-range bombing strikes, and the hot weapons that humans have stockpiled for decades are being crazily consumed, so the whole people work overtime to speed up production.


When walking on the road, Nan Ziying could only feel the blood in his body beating, expressing the excitement of this era.

On the streets, there are mostly female volunteers and old people.

No one cleans the paper money, because many corpses and coffins are transported every day, and the money is the last send-off.

Along the way, Nan Ziying watched deeply, and many people also looked at him curiously, because tall, strong-looking men were basically on the front line, he was an exception.

At half past nine, we arrived at the Yecheng Municipal Building.

At that time, the more than 300 seats in the building were almost full, and all the managers in charge of the major enterprises in Yecheng arrived. Everyone came.

Nan Ziying sat in the last row. Within a few minutes, Chen Lianyi, the director of Yecheng Pharmaceutical Factory, also came. She looked around, hesitated, and then came to Nan Ziying's side.

The two were silent.

At ten o'clock, Zhang Hai, the person in charge of the city, walked out. He held a microphone and said in a stern voice.

"Good morning, everyone. The next step is very important. The first is the transportation of front-line materials, the second is the maintenance of combat readiness, the third is the extreme conscription, and the fourth is the deployment of the Yecheng defense line..."

Then Zhang Hai introduced in detail, materials, combat readiness, conscription,

At eleven o'clock, he formally sighed a few times, and began to introduce the most important thing, with seven large characters projected behind him!

【Fifth backup line of defense】

With the appearance of this, the faces of everyone present changed, and many murmurs sounded.

"Here, the front line seems to be very difficult, and the fifth line of defense will be strengthened and backed up immediately!!!"

"Is the Battle of Eternity so difficult? It's too scary to invest such a large force and start to reinforce it. It's going to change in the future."

"This is a reinforced line of defense. The real fifth line of defense has been deployed. It is 100 kilometers north of Yecheng and belongs to the fifth line of defense deployed by the military. Now, the Yecheng Alliance and other cities in the northwest border are strengthening a line of defense again. This shows that , the front is very pessimistic..."

Chen Lianyi spoke, and everyone's discussion became quieter.

And beside her, Nan Ziying's eyes are very bright, that's why he came here, he stayed up all night last night, he was just waiting for the fifth backup line of defense, he is bound to win!

On the high platform, Zhang Hai, the person in charge, was speaking.

"The next 20 cities in the northwest border will build a fifth backup line of defense. Each city will build its own infrastructure defense line, and finally unite together to form a super unified defense line. Next, we need everyone's full cooperation." Zhang Hai bowed.


In a very quiet moment, Nan Ziying stood up, then raised.

"Please tell me?" Zhang Hai asked.

"I'm applying to be a backup line of defense infrastructure engineer. I belong to the Department of Infrastructure Construction of Yecheng University of Technology. I am good at infrastructure defense layout." Nan Ziying said,

"The slaughterhouse..." Zhang Hai said,

"Together." Nan Ziying said, jokingly, the slaughterhouse obtained the origin stone, and the infrastructure engineer made the layout. The fusion of the two was perfect.

"it is good!"

At this moment, many factory directors present looked at Nan Ziying in confusion.

Chen Lianyi, the director of the pharmaceutical factory, looked disappointed. She sat next to Nan Ziying, always thinking that he was similar to that mysterious man, but now she couldn't help but smile wryly and disappointed.

After all, he thought too much, and Nan Ziying recommended himself again to become an infrastructure engineer, just to build a defensive wall.

"A real man shouldn't be like this. He should always think about fighting, instead of building a wall and hiding inside trembling..."

Chen Lianyi looked disappointed, sighed and whispered psychologically.

Then Nan Ziying registered, and the municipal department promised that starting tomorrow, there will be 1,000 people, male elderly around 60 years old, who will fully cooperate with Nan Ziying to build a "defense wall"

The noon meeting ended, but with the appearance of the fifth backup wall, many people became depressed again,

Everybody knows,

The front line is going to be overwhelmed...


At that time, the news exploded!

At noon on the 16th, Yecheng's [fifth backup defense line] was the most searched on the headlines.

Toutiao Hot Search ON.1——[Yecheng fifth backup line of defense, Nan Ziying, person in charge of infrastructure, in the era of national preparations for war, one after another backup line of defense is opened, which represents the Eastern Alliance's declaration of war against alien races, and also represents the unyielding attitude of the Eastern people 】

This piece of news made the inland people feel the extreme pressure, especially those on the fourth, third, second, and first lines of defense.

At the same time, the person in charge of the [fifth line of defense] infrastructure is also attracting attention, the person in charge - Nan Ziying.

Now he has many identities, "a person who refuses to join the army", "a very small number of people who are physically and mentally healthy but stay behind", "Yecheng slaughterer", "the person in charge of the fifth backup line of defense infrastructure"

Comments exploded too.

[Battle of the Underworld: "Why do I only feel sad, especially when I see Nan Ziying's futility, he always recommends himself, and this time he wants to build a backup defense wall. He doesn't know that after the fifth military defense line collapsed, he Facing the most impotent death."]

[Let’s start war, aliens: "Always think about defense, always want to avoid, Nan Ziying is not bad in nature, not bad in heart, but just thinks too beautifully, this is the era, very sad and desperate, we must resist!"]

[I also want to live well: "Don't hide, don't hide, the fifth line of defense is a backup line, it means that the battle ahead is unstoppable, Nan Ziying is very poor, he is trying hard to live, that's right, it's just this Battlefield of Ten Thousand Races, Battle of Despair..."]

The heat was high, as the rest of the defenses made statements as the fifth defense line's backup wall was built.

Meager, on the headlines.

The top ten hot searches are basically all.

NO.1: [The fifth level, open the backup line of defense]

ON.2: [The fourth layer opens two steel walls of defense]

ON.3: [Third activation of thermal weapon super defense line]


This was the case for ten news stories in a row, and the emergence of the backup line of defense began to spread all over the world.

And at that time,

Near the Yecheng Slaughterhouse, in an apartment with large floor-to-ceiling windows,

Nan Ziying folded his hands, watching the news of the backup line of defense from Weibo headlines, to Twitter, Youtube, and various countries started multiple preparations.

And the "instigator" Nan Ziying watched and just shook his head.

It was getting dark now, he looked to the south, his eyes traveled through no-man's lands, arrived inland, and then cities,

Then there are countries around the world. Because of the defeat of the Ten Thousand Races Battlefield, many countries have begun to focus on strengthening the defense line, steel walls, electromagnetic blocking walls, super shields...

Until he looked back, his eyes were complicated, and his voice was also full of sadness.

"It's all wrong..."

"Everyone only thinks about defense, but true defense is always about offense..."

The reason why Nan Ziying feels sad is because seeing the attitudes of various countries, they have almost lost confidence and only want to build a steel wall, defend,


Defense! ! !

At this extremely oppressive moment, Nan Ziying roared, his eyes were blood red, he was extremely ferocious, and he was full of evil spirits. He was never the one to back down, especially when faced with this moment of oppression by the whole people, he became even more mad and brutal!

"Keeping it mother Hippi!"

"Millions of formations are not enough, then hundreds of millions of formations will kill them!"


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