Ten Thousand Races Invasion: All The People Join The War, I Stay Behind

29. Beast Tamers And Shuras Should Be Unparalleled!

On February 26, as batches of inland student soldiers supported the front, various cities in the rear also formed mutual help. For example, Zhang Keke, the director of Qiucheng Pharmaceutical Factory, helped Yecheng pharmaceutical research.

And Nan Ziying also responded to the industry city's municipal newspaper today, that is, as a "slaughter master", he will support the border cities and provide slaughtering assistance.

At seven o'clock in the morning, he and a group of people sat on a military truck and rushed to Wancheng.

There is Chen Lianyi, the director of the pharmaceutical factory, in the car, and she is going to help Wancheng Medical.

There is also Zhao Kengqiang, the director of the chemical factory, a fat man with congenital heart disease, but has a perverted sense of smell for chemistry. He is here to provide chemical help.

There is also Nan Ziying, who is responsible for supporting the slaughter, of course, mainly for the origin stone, after all, the number of slaughter in a city of industry cannot supply him.

In the remaining military truck warehouses, there are nearly 20 people in total. They are all outstanding talents in various industries, and they all support the cities one after another.

Municipal captain Zhang Hai led the team, and the whole group sang songs.

"My motherland and I cannot be separated for a moment."

"I love the vastness of the motherland, and I love the mountains and rivers of the motherland."

"La la la la la la la."

"La la la la."

Zhang Hai, the municipal captain, and Zhang Hai, the director of the pharmaceutical factory, laughed loudly and sang loudly.

Along the way, the military truck galloped nervously, and the driver looked out the window worriedly, afraid of encountering mutant beasts.

But no one saw that Nan Ziying's evil spirit swept across the Gobi Desert in the Northern Wilderness,

domesticated air,

Shura's evil spirit rushed into the sky, and the evil spirit soared into the sky, talking endlessly,

The herd of mutated beasts wailed in the distance, not daring to approach.

At ten o'clock sharp, we arrived in Wancheng.

The gates of the city were opened wide, and the salute was resounding.




There was a roaring and vibrating sound, and the sky shook.

This is a group of recruits from the inland. They boarded brand-new military trucks and passed through Wancheng for supplies. The people were cheering.

Every recruit has a bright posture and is full of fighting spirit. They sing songs and roar to their heart's content.

"Among the army, steel within steel, we are the blood of the motherland!"

"The sharp knife is drawn out of its sheath, and the cannonball is loaded, all for the glory of the motherland!"

Military vehicles galloped one after another. On the military vehicles, soldiers waved their hands and sang heartily. Everyone looked immature, and they all looked forward with sparkling eyes, full of hope, and full of new life.

Some of them may have just grown up and are about to go to the battlefield,

Therefore, the people of Wancheng and the female guards all watched with respect, and some people also shouted and waved red flags in their hands.

"Defend the home and defend the country, go to the front line!"

"Join the army and join the army, supreme!"

"How can you say that you have no clothes, and you are in the same robes as your son!"

And the vehicle from Yecheng also arrived, and all the people in the vehicle were watching this scene complicatedly.

"In comparison, our support is very small, and they are heroes." Chen Lianyi had tears in his eyes.

"Yes, some are only eighteen years old, and they are about to go to the front line." Zhang Hai sighed.

Nan Ziying watched with pity in his eyes.

Because he knew that many people would never come back.

"wait for me!"

This sentence represents a lot, is complicated, and there is a sense of not being understood, not being understood by anyone, but Nan Ziying still said it.


As the Yecheng vehicle entered, no one watched, no one cheered, and the number of people in the vehicle was a little disappointed.

"Don't be disappointed, they are all rushing to the battlefield, risking life and death!"

"We are also doing things for the country and the people in the rear."

"Everyone performs their duties. Here are your respective temporary documents. You will go to the workplace in various ways for half a month. Let's get started!"

Zhang Hai patted everyone on the shoulder, encouraging them with all their strength.

After getting off the military vehicle, Nan Ziying was the first to head towards the Wancheng Zoo. Ten years later, this place has temporarily become a slaughterhouse, with mutated poultry, mutated wild animals, and so on.

After the last butcher was torn apart by the mutant tiger, there is no more butcher.

Holding the certificate, the guarding female guard saluted complicatedly, and then closed the iron cage.

The completely super-closed iron cage is made of five layers of steel alloy fusion forging. It is said that it was the largest zoo in Northwest China during the civilization period. Now with the addition of mutated poultry, the total number has reached 500,000.

The gloomy farm, all kinds of extreme smells, the blood forming a small river, the mutated broiler chickens roaring, the mutated tigers roaring, and the whole zoo rang out.

Nan Ziying looked at the cages, and then slowly opened all the cages.





This was a truly terrifying sound. Iron doors opened one by one, and vicious mutated broilers, mutated tigers, mutated birds raised by the animals before, and so on, all began to roar and rush towards Nan Ziying, the only passage.

The latter was indifferent, just carrying the knife box, and then the knife box fell to the ground suddenly,


The alloy burial knife suddenly appeared, with a dark black blade, almost instantly, the evil spirit directly filled the steel passage.

All the mutated tigers began to retreat slightly, but their pupils were still fierce!

【Sura. Burial】

This time, as he whispered quietly, the sound of "cracking, crackling" sounded from the bones, and the sound of extreme collapse sounded from the whole body, and blood-red lines appeared on the perfect skin,

The muscles began to mutate ferociously, tending to a perfect killing state.

The tail of the wolf turned from black to blood red,

As for Nan Ziying's pupils, the original kindness and scissors are like water, and the light has completely changed.

Bloody, ferocious, in the depths of the pupils, one by one bloody transformed into a human form, displaying the killing posture of Shura one by one.



At this moment, Nan Ziying roared into the sky, his fierce aura soared to the sky, the steel tunnel behind him cracked, cracked inch by inch,

In the depths of the tunnel, the eyes of the group of mutated beasts changed from ferocious to fearful, especially the fiercest demon tiger also changed,



The sound of pacing, leaving a footprint on the steel floor with each advance,

bang bang bang,

Holding the knife, Nan Ziying moved forward step by step indifferently, almost like a madman.


Accompanied by his low growl, he rushed directly to kill. Although the mutated tiger was afraid, it was extremely ferocious and rushed directly to kill.


Slashed one by one, and then Nan Ziying's toes flew up, slashed again, hundreds of mutant beasts fell to the ground, blood flowed, and hundreds of source stones melted at the same time.

The killing begins.

Three days and three nights of killing, the spirit reached its limit, Nan Ziying took some supplementary medicine, and slept for five hours on the mutated poultry carcass, with the alloy burial knife inserted on the steel, extremely ferocious.

After waking up, wiped the knife with blood, took some energy replenishing potion with him, Nan Ziying roared and killed again.

Another three days and three nights, if there is no sewer, I am afraid that the passage will be flooded with blood.

When walking out, Nan Ziying changed into the clothes he had prepared, and then smashed away from other places, because the scene of killing and slaughtering in the zoo in a short time was too shocking,

night walk,

It must be low-key, otherwise it will be baked by the flames and reduced to a dry tree without roots.

Then Nan Ziying went to another three Wancheng slaughterhouses, where the mutated poultry had accumulated for a month.

01 The slaughterhouse took three days and three nights, had a day off, finished the slaughter, and evacuated in a low-key manner.

02 The slaughterhouse spent two days, rested for half a day, and evacuated silently.

03 The slaughterhouse took a day and a night, rested for half a day, and evacuated silently.

Then, at 8 am on March 10, Nan Ziying leaned against the waiting station outside Wancheng, waiting for the vehicles from Yecheng. At the same time, he also looked at the three talent trees that were growing wildly.

The animal trainer talent tree has finally grown into a towering tree, exuding a sacred posture.

【Variation Beast Tamer】

[Number of beasts tamed: Level 9 Steel Giant Wolf/100,000 heads, Level 8 Burnt Steel Mutant Yak/500,000 heads]

[Tamable Beast Origin Stone: 2.4 million]

[Tamable level: Level 6/Level 7/Level 8/Level 9]

[Variation Beast Tamer Level: Level 6]

[Amount required for next promotion: 7 million]

And the Shura talent tree is the light of the stars, extremely bright,

【Sura. Dragon Slayer】

[Supernatural Weapon: Alloy Dragon Knife]

[Number of murderous spirits required for next promotion: 7 million]

[Ability Level: Level 6]

[Talent: In the state of holding a knife, you can change the state of Shura Dragon Slayer, kill the mutant beast king to absorb the soul of the phenomenon, the soul of the phenomenon can increase the combat power, the more the soul of the phenomenon, the more terrifying, the ultimate incarnation of the dragon slayer]

The two talent trees have successfully achieved their goals,


Then the rest of the people also came according to the appointed time. A dozen people including the director of the biochemical factory and the director of the pharmaceutical factory, Chen Lianyi, gathered at the station outside the city. They did not speak to each other. Everyone looked tired, but everyone very excited.

Military trucks are still passing by, and it is not known how many soldiers will be transported.

City captain Zhang Hai also came, and the group stood, and then saw a great scene.

Special military tanks appeared one after another. On top of the tanks stood a man with a height of 1.9 meters and a muscular posture like a tyrannosaurus rex. He exuded a strong atmosphere of suppressed and violent fighting. With - Xu Tyrannosaurus!

And behind him, on top of the chariots, was the number one expert in Xihai City, Zhao Zun, exuding an icy aura, his back was magnificent and unparalleled, with a faint icy aura floating around.

There is also Shi Jie with a petrified body, a three-meter-high boulder talent, and a level 5 supernatural being in Nei Lu Jiang City. Standing on a special chariot, his muscles are like huge boulders, extremely ferocious.

There is also Lei Che, a level 7 supernatural being in Wancheng, floating on the chariot, with countless electric currents filling his body and slashing, his posture is unparalleled.

Too much,

A total of nearly a hundred strong men left Wancheng one after another and rushed to the eighth line of defense ahead.

The people on both sides, the reporters, were frantically filming.

Among them, the group of Yecheng supporters was also photographed.

The cheers belong to the supernatural,

The flowers belong to them,

Everyone in Yecheng looked at it complicatedly, and Chen Lianyi thought of a sentence, we are a small group of forgotten people, who will never be remembered, the honor belongs to them, but there are always people who have to carry forward...

And Nan Ziying looked at those people with regret, his eyes were soft, because he knew that most of these people would never come back.


He exhaled, then whispered in his heart!

The total number of tameable beasts is three million!

Shura has even reached the level of Dragon Slayer!

let's start!

It's time for the man to do something!

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