Ten Thousand Races Invasion: All The People Join The War, I Stay Behind

36. With One's Own Power, Change The Shape Of The World In Advance!

Very restless tonight.

At the beginning, the people in the rear didn't know exactly what the front line was like.

After the first official broadcast by the satellite, they realized that the mountains of bones and the river of blood really existed.

The bones were discarded at will, and human beings are not even qualified to step out of the defense line for rescue.

It is conceivable how sad it is,

The same is true for the Western defense line, except that the high-tech that the Western countries are proud of, all melted into broken steel in the face of alien dimensionality reduction attacks, forming a mountain of ruins.

That night, many people could not sleep,

Many 16/17-year-old children have made up their minds completely. Their parents are no longer blocking them, but they have started to sign up for the army and prepare to serve.

Many people know that they won't be able to come back. In the top few searches, the search volume is not news, not letters from home, but last words written in advance.

This kind of faint injury is an unbearable pain that hurts from the heart.

And in this dark night, some people are crying, some are going to the front with a knife, some are serving before the war,

There are also teenagers who awakened their supernatural abilities under emotional excitement,

Others are making arrangements silently.


It's midnight on March 19th.

Nan Ziying walked to the Gobi Desert of the Northern Wilderness, taming the aura of the gods. Hundreds of thousands of steel giant wolves barked like dogs. This was the sound of cheers, warm and cheering.

Then the giant wolf offered nearly five million source stones, and the source stones piled up, glowing brightly.

Touching between fingers, the origin stone began to melt, and the white breath was melting. This time Nan Ziying chose to water the array talent tree.

[Available array source stones: 5 million]

After one hour of training, Nan Ziying looked at the countless giant wolves.

"When I finish the layout, I will give you the most divine evolution."

Immediately, the excited howls of countless giant wolves became louder. This is Nan Ziying, with a complex personality, but he has the best character of the oriental nation.

Inky Chang Ye, continue to pace.

The collection of source stones by mutated beasts is terrifying. After the great change of the earth, all kinds of mutated beasts have increased ten thousand times, and the number and scale are extremely strong. Animal tides often develop against beast tides.

At 1:30 in the morning, the moderate snow turned into a blizzard, and the cold wind howled,

Nan Ziying was standing on the Baigutang Plain, and the herd of half a million yaks hummed loudly, resounding thickly, the white air from their noses spewed out, and the snow in the sky melted.

Five million source stones gathered into a pile of white light, and there were many corpses of human hunters around. It was obvious that someone was spying on them, and then the yaks were furious and beheaded.

Melting again, the bones sparkling, Nan Ziying's white long gown fluttered in the wind and snow, surrounded by humming, a herd of yaks with huge bodies, the origin stone was melted, he seemed to be transformed into the brightest light,

It is still watering the formation talent tree,

The light is bright.

[Available formation source stones: 10 million]

Next, in the Rift Valley, one million violent apes provided eight million source stones, among which they robbed other herds,

In the sea of ​​the original forest, one million war elephants provided 12 million source stones. The ferocity of the war elephants is terrifying.

Afterwards, the talent tree of the formation mage got an extremely advanced promotion.

[Ability Level: Level 7]

[Available formation origin stone points: 100,000] 20 origin stones for a level 9 formation, and 50 origin stones for a level 7 formation.

[Formation that can be arranged: 1.4 million formations]

[Arrays already arranged: 50,000 flaming arrays/1 kilometer, 50,000 elemental sword arrays/1 kilometer]

[Upgrade condition: reserve 25 million formations]

[Available formations: Level 9 Flame Burning Formation, Elemental Sword Qi Formation, Ten-fold Amplification Formation, Level 7/8: Lightning Slashing Formation, Frost Freezing Formation, Fierce Stabbing Formation, Undead Strengthening Formation]

On the way back from the wilderness, Nan Ziying looked at the formation master talent panel, excitedly galloping all the way,

It's six o'clock in the morning, the moment when the sun is about to rise.

Nan Ziying arrived in Yecheng, ten kilometers north of the city,

ten kilometers away,

The steel wall has already reached 20 kilometers. This time, a thousand old people, working overtime, will soon complete the 30-kilometer steel wall.

It was not yet dawn, and no one was awake yet.

Nan Ziying was standing, and the formation had been completed two kilometers before.

There were still 28 kilometers left, and then he was galloping on the ground, and the origin stones behind him fell down one after another,

One kilometer is 50,000 stacking formations,

There are a total of 1.5 million formations covering 30 kilometers, which is already the strongest defensive formation line in Yecheng.

Nan Ziying walked with the light of the origin stone, behind him the origin stone gathered the eyes of the heaven and earth array, falling one after another, like stars falling, shining brightly.

At this moment, the origin stone formations are the flame burning formation and the elemental sword formation, which are separated and rely on each other!

The sun, the moon, Zejie, the heaven and the earth are mighty.

Taking the earthly branch as the guide, and the sky as the image,

With the earth fire as the guide, and the stars as the sun,

Converging and killing into left and right yin and yang,

The 50,000 Flame Incineration Formation has fallen!

The 300,000 formations have fallen!

The 500,000 formations have fallen!

One million formations have fallen!

The 1.4 million formation has fallen!





At the edge of the 30-kilometer line, Nan Ziying put his hands behind his back, watching formations set up behind him!

Thirty kilometers, 50,000 formations per kilometer, a total of 1.5 million formations, 750,000 flame burning formations, 750,000 elemental sword energy formations, forming formations Chaohai, Lieyang and Elemental The sword energy was mixed, eloquent, and rushed into the sky!


"not enough."

Nan Ziying whispered, then looked at the formation talent tree data.

[Arrangeable origin stone points: 100,000 origin stone points]

[6-level formations can be arranged: 2000] 50 origin stones form a 7-level formation.

"Level 9 superposition array is for killing alien army!"

"Level 7's main battle formation is the strongest to destroy alien races!"

"Arrange 50 level 7 formations every one kilometer!"


At that time, the sun appeared and began to shine on the earth, reborn brightly, and shining brightly.

Nan Ziying fell. This time, after the stacking formation, that is, in the area four kilometers away from Yecheng, a 7-level formation was spread across the road, side by side with the steel wall. There were 50 lightning-guiding and slashing formations per kilometer, and the formations were different. The second kilometer is the frost formation, the third kilometer is the ferocious piercing formation, and then repeats one after another!

Fifty origin stones form a large formation, covering vertically and horizontally, and the evil spirit is surging,

Before the sky brightened, one hundred and fifty level 7 main attack formations were completed again!

Then Nan Ziying stood upright, only feeling extremely tired, and in front of him, a level 9 killing formation seemed to destroy everything, and a level 7 killing formation even cracked the dome!

[Formation/Ability Level: Level 7]

[Arranged arrays: 750,000 flames burning array/15 kilometers, 750,000 elemental sword energy array/15 kilometers, 50 lightning slashing arrays/10 kilometers, 50 frost freezers/10 kilometers, five Ten ferocious stabbing formations/ten kilometers, landing position. Yecheng]

[Currently available formations: fifty level 6 formations]

He didn't set up these formations, but kept them.


Now, Nan Ziying let out a long breath, and his eyes became more and more bright, with a sacred light.

Finally, the first real large-area formation has been laid!

Then he paced and returned to the city, because exhaustion struck.

And behind him, the surging ferocity, fire, thunder, earth, and wind formations are mixed and condensed, frantically fused, and the ultimate killing intent seems to be able to burn everything,

The fiery terrifying aura, the truly ancient and eternal power of the soaring formation, is like the recovery of elemental giants, ups and downs, battles, roars, and the ancient formation began to communicate with the earth!

It started to be illusory, condensed, and then faded away,

And five kilometers away from Yecheng, the desolate and desolate grassland here looks the same as usual, but in fact, once it erupts, it will be thunderous and destroy all magic!

[Chronicle of Ten Thousand Races]: The layout of Yecheng's formations is opened, including 1.5 million killing formations, surging murderous aura, soaring into the sky, and then disappearing.


At that time, the third line of defense here was Donghai City.

At the dawn of dawn, on the beach of the East China Sea, the waves beat one after another.

On the surface of the sea, a tall and handsome young man in a blue gown was on the back of the shark,

Walk with sharks and sprint on the sea.

It was a level 5 mutant shark, with ferocious sharp teeth and a half-alloy body, hard to a certain limit, terrifying, sharp, and frightening.

But above the sharks, Donghai City's level 1 water system powerhouse stood tall in the blue sky. Whenever he went to the seawater area, those sea monsters that invaded the sea retreated one after another. With the power of one person, he drove away tens of thousands of sea monsters. He was guarding the East China Sea area. It is one of the gods of war in the Eastern Alliance.

"I want to guard the East China Sea alone and disperse millions of sea monsters!"

Singing loudly, with unparalleled arrogance, the sparkling ocean is boiling more and more.

And Lan Changkong laughed, the power of the first-level water system exploded. Behind him, the countless sea water began to boil, the sea water condensed, and the high-density condensation became thick and terrifying. A dragon of sea water hundreds of meters long surrounded He, with unparalleled aura,

But this moment!

In the northwest border, a burst, the vast aura that really went straight into the sky, tore the sky,




Exhaust the energy of the heaven and the earth, shake the power of the ages, and stir the sky!



"Who is... the power!"

Forbidden curse, the dragon of sea water is still surrounding ferociously, but on the back of the shark, Lan Changkong couldn't help exclaiming, his chic posture has changed, but his pupils have changed dramatically, with horror and fiery shock.

He saw the northwest side, a billowing air rose up into the sky, and then disappeared like light smoke.

"Another Gu Tianjiao has appeared..."

"Interesting, Dashidang is coming!"

"Who is the king!"

Riding the shark, Hai Long roared, and Lan Changkong shouted hotly, because the stronger the East, the better, and he saw that the next great world will be out of shape, and it will be a chaotic world with super powers!

Ups and downs, the year of blood rain!


It was cold and windy.

The second line of defense, the Ghost Magnetic Field Mountain, is known as a place where no one is forbidden. Most of them are ferocious mutated birds, and there are hundreds of beast kings. In front of this mountain stands an iron sign that reads——Chu!

At that time, Tianjiao, the 130th generation of the Chu family, had left the mountain after ten years of seclusion, and there was a crackling sound from the stone gate of the mountain.

The blocking rock cracked and was directly blown up!

A level 1 supernatural being of the Chu family had retreated for ten years, and Chu Xinghe was born two years ahead of schedule!

Afterwards, many members of the Chu family came, and the leader of the Chu family, Chu Changxiong, was surprised: "Xinghe, why did you leave the customs early, the ten thousand races have been in your era for 12 years."

Chu Xinghe turned around. He was charming and handsome. He was wearing a black robe and paced around. He is a powerful person in the first-level domain. He is truly one of the strongest talents of the Chu family!

"I felt the spirit of the domain in the northwest direction, and I had a feeling in my heart, made a breakthrough, and left the level early!"

Chu Xinghe said, and then he looked at the northwest land with piercing eyes,

The top executives of the Chu family couldn't help looking northwest and muttering to themselves.

"The Northwest Frontier is the fifth line of defense. There was a level 6 killer Shura professional, and a level 4 Xu Tyrannosaurus. There seems to be no other strong ones."

"Yes, the fifth line of defense is located in a remote place and lacks aura."

Regardless of the elder in front of him opening his mouth, Chu Xinghe collapsed, and the physical domain flew a hundred meters high. Within a hundred meters, he waved one hand, and pieces of rock fragments began to condense. The rock was refined into a sword by the domain, and then suddenly plunged into the ground , powerful,

The Chu family couldn't help but marvel at this scene.

"I'm going to the Northwest. In this big world, it's hard to meet interesting people."

Flying in the field, he walked away through the air, and Chu Xinghe disappeared.

Only the Chu family was left stunned, especially Chu Changxiong, the head of the Chu family, frowned and whispered.

"It's been 12 years for the Ten Thousand Clans, and the geniuses of those ancient families were born. How could it start early? Who changed the shape of this great world!"


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