Ten Thousand Races Invasion: All The People Join The War, I Stay Behind

1. Explosion, Nan Ziying Was Born! 【Seek The First Order】

Now, Nan Ziying's own power has torn apart the darkness before the great world, and tore apart the indifferent spectators of the ancient family!

At this moment, he appeared like a madman!

Either decide this life arbitrarily, or just die.

The years are vast, the heavens and the earth are reversed, and the white horse is in the gap.

March 26, at half past eight in the morning,

It has been half an hour since the four heavenly arrogances have soared into the sky. The northwest border has been defended, and the whole city has fallen into a special state of combat readiness.

In Ye City at that time, the four city gates were closed, and on the city wall, the women's garrison stood upright, holding laser guns, and hot bazookas, and the anti-aircraft guns were also slightly activated.

Captain Leng Qingling looked serious, her beautiful eyes were staring at the border between Beitang and Baigu.

"Did there really be four supernatural beings in front of the captain?" Yu Qiqiu was in the state of a fan girl, and she was extremely excited.

"It's not just the four arrogances, this soaring aura, the power of ancient supernatural powers, has almost reached the half-step king [this kind of existence can be called the human god of war for the country!" Leng Qing blinked and his eyes were shining.

With the four pillars of breath at the God of War level in the town, the northwest is about to change!

Headed by Yecheng, all ten cities in the northwest have entered a state of combat readiness, and the horns in the community continue to resound through the voice of the city lord Yu Lie,

[No going out, no chaos, there may be big shocks in the future, don't panic, obey the community arrangements, I am Yu Lie, the owner of Yecheng!]



Yecheng, Qiucheng, Wancheng, Gancheng, and above the main roads of giant cities, came the roar of mechanical tanks moving for defense.

Because the inland army issued an emergency notice to put the ten cities in the northwest into a state of emergency preparation/all people are soldiers, because there will be thousands of first-level assassins of foreign races coming.

Above the sky, armed drones dare not go to the wilderness for the time being. In the face of supernatural beings and alien races, human thermal weapons are no longer the overlord.

Yecheng Slaughterhouse, factory volunteers, and those people also evacuated.

On the roof of the pharmaceutical factory, the factory manager Chen Lianyi couldn't contain the excitement in her heart. She clenched her hands trembling and looked at the telescope almost divinely.

At that time in the Gobi Desert, mist billowed, evil spirits soared to the sky, elemental qi tore apart, and various gases obstructed.

Chen Lianyi was looking for the black-clothed animal trainer, when she suddenly froze.

There was a sound of cracking in the Gobi Desert of the Northern Wilderness, like the sound of terrifying steel swarms moving, the dust was flying, the sky and the earth changed color,

The same is true for the Baigutang Plain, because of the large-scale beast tide.

"Finally, you have shown up."

Tears were dripping down, Chen Lianyi seemed to be about to cry, she watched with red eyes, she felt the aura of that mysterious animal trainer,

He is coming!

Now in Chen Lianyi's mind, the Asura Tianjiao might be terrifying, the Tianjiao in the aura field is powerful, the elemental Tianjiao is mysterious, and the undead Tianjiao is ancient!

But Chen Lianyi is only obsessed with the black-clothed animal trainer,

Alone, taming thousands of beasts, that was the most magical scene she had ever seen in her life!

And now,

The Baigutang Plain, the ancient Northwest Plain, is desolate and sad, full of ancient history, and has pieces of bones.

Now above the ground, hundreds of rotten giants roared ferociously, crashed into the huge boulder, tore apart the single mutant yak with one hand, and devoured its blood, which was extremely ferocious.



Hundreds of steel slayers also appeared, with six arms like ancient killing knives, slashing on the ground, on the desolate Gobi desert, where the slayers walked, there were knife marks stretching for hundreds of miles, with a murderous look.

On the edge of Beihuang Gobi Desert, hundreds of highly poisonous apes are also galloping ferociously. They are highly poisonous aliens. The place where they walk is violently poisonous and emits bursts of blue smoke.

On the edge of the rift valley and mountains, hundreds of headless trolls also rushed up, with murderous intent, extremely ferocious,

this moment,

A total of thousands of assassins from different races gathered together, appearing in all directions, showing super murderous aura, and gathered together.

The core point of convergence is the junction of Baigutang and Beihuang.

It is also the place where Nan Ziying fell,

At nine o'clock, the sun became stronger, thousands of alien assassins gathered completely, and their steps stopped. An eight-meter-high rotting giant, a six-armed steel killer, an extremely brutal and poisonous ape-man, and a five-meter-high man holding a giant scimitar. headless troll.

All gathered together, and suddenly, the breath of alien terror permeated,

Gray, cold, hopeless gloom,

Eternal and ancient, like the bloodiest breath of hell,

Fifteen hundred alien assassins gathered together, their blood-red eyes staring at the four directions, and they began to feel some uneasiness.

At that time, on the top of an unnamed giant mountain in Rift Valley Mountains and Rivers, the mountain was about 800 meters high, overlooking the whole picture of Beihuang and Baigutang, and it was more than ten miles away from the border of the two places. .

Nan Ziying holds a bright black burying knife with surging demonic energy, and wears a blood-red robe. He stands tall alone, with an unrivaled elegance and peerless monarch and devil.

Iron Wolf / On the left!

Roasted Steel Yak / On the right!

Lightning and slashing ahead!

Frost freezes behind!


At this moment, when Nan Ziying said "Qi", the moment, the almost thick and terrifying breath pierced the sky.

The animal tamer talent tree lit up, turned into the power of a god, and issued a command to tame the beast tide.

The Gobi Desert in the Northern Wilderness was cold, chilling, and silent, but at this moment, there were countless howls of wolves resounding thousands of miles, one after another, superimposed continuously, resounding in the sea of ​​clouds,






Then there was the sound of steel cracking, it was a giant wolf standing upright, three meters high, with a black body, each wolf hair was like a steel needle, fierce eyes, densely packed in rows, forming After breaking the military system, there was a roar, and then charged towards the border of the Northern Wilderness,

Five hundred thousand steel giant wolves charged!!!

In the depths of the Baigutang Plain, the mist was getting bigger, but at this moment, the gray mist was broken by the storm,




There was the sound of huge rocks being cracked and stepped on.

It was a mutated yak that looked like a tank. Its body was too huge, and its ferocious horns reached three meters. When the sound of 500,000 mutated yaks starting to charge,

The Baigutang Plain has changed. The 500,000 mutated yaks, like moving steel-horned tanks, are roaring forward, roaring, rushing to the border, and the two lines of defense have been closed!

On the bone boundary, within the hundred-mile formation, the eyes of thousands of level 1 aliens and alien assassins began to change.

Because they felt an extremely torch-hot breath, rushing from left to right.

"The so-called technology of the human race!"

The rotten giant is ferocious and speaks the exclusive language of all races. His body swells and cracks violently, making him even bigger. This is a non-carbon-based form, which is specially used to counter human thermal weapons.

But now, the dust is flying, the sky and the earth are cracking, like countless giant beasts charging forward.




Headless trolls and rotten giants froze, they began to see that it was an endless wave of beasts, exuding a ferocious torrent that destroyed everything,

The dark black steel giant wolf, the semi-perfect shape of the killer's body, is close to hundreds of thousands, forming a gray-black sea of ​​beasts, charging forward,

There are too many bright black yaks, especially the terrifying yak horns, which are like the giant spears of the ancient army, mysterious, great, magnificent,

The strongest, scariest, and most murderous aura came across.

At this moment, thousands of alien assassins were terrified!


On the hillside, Nan Ziying's face was still as watery, calm and lonely, standing upright like an ancient chess player, looking at the front of his eyes.

Line up at the front/violent ape rush to kill!

Line up behind / war elephants flatten!


Continuing to be as calm as water, with a voice like a sharp blade, Nan Ziying seemed to be more of a monster, more mysterious, magnificent and powerful, and he was holding ten crystal persimmons in his whispering hands.


As the stones fell, Nan Ziying's animal taming talent tree radiated infinite light, the spirit of the gods, and the call radiated, and began to call for violent apes and war elephants!

Another savage charge, unstoppable...

And Nan Ziying continued to watch, the dawn beams of light shone on him, the breeze blew the blood-red robe, he looked strange, lonely and mysterious to the extreme,

But then the sun began to shine on this piece, this piece of land, but only Nan Ziying, half figure, was left, pressing down on the mountains.

Deep in the valleys and mountains,



Lieshan mountains and rivers are mostly bamboo, gravel, cliffs, dense forests,

But at this moment, those bamboos of steel were smashed directly, and the ferocious and violent aura swept across the audience.

Only hundreds of thousands, millions!

Millions of scale, four meters high, the muscles of the whole body are ten times stronger than steel, and the terrifying body carries the explosive nuclear power. Groups of violent apes smashed into the mountains, screaming, roaring and sprinting!



Millions of great apes charged towards the border of Baigutang.

At that time, the second line of defense of the Eastern Alliance, inland Jicheng, Army 176 Military Region/Radar Rear Company 02, in the general meeting, a satellite projection screen appeared, and on the long table, hundreds of officers were stunned, all stunned Looking at the front.

[Satellite Location/Fourth Line of Defense Original Forest Sea]

As the largest primeval forest in our country, now under the satellite, a terrifying picture appeared,

Tens of thousands of races attack, the aura mutates, those trees, those vines, and even a small grass seedling are not ordinary, they are sharp and bloodthirsty, eager for a newer evolution, the era of evolution of all things.

But the big steel tree was directly smashed by some kind of giant beast, and the giant vines were trampled piece by piece.

This kind of steel tree can only be hugged by five people. The body of the tree is extremely huge, but now it is not just a single root, but pieces. These trees are all cracking, and the cracking sound is too loud.

Humans have never entered the entire sea of ​​primeval forest. Now, a creature as big as a two-story building rushes out. It is a war elephant, and its body is too huge.

A giant war elephant!

one hundred heads,

ten thousand heads,

one hundred thousand heads,

One million giant war elephants formed a super military system and rushed out of the sea of ​​the original forest. This scene is a super shocking picture, as if only this majestic picture is left in the world,


Boom boom boom!

Batch after batch of war elephants rushed out, trampled on the steel tree, and walked out of an ancient passage.

In the radar conference room, the high-ranking officers present all watched in horror.

"This, a million such ferocious behemoths,"

"Who is planning to attract!

The senior officials of the Jicheng Military Region were stunned,

And this scene, because it couldn't be covered up, the Eastern Alliance chose to make it public, so the meager, the headlines, those people saw the four videos.

In the Northern Wilderness, hundreds of thousands of black, dark gray steel wolves roared, and then burst into charge, resounding through the world,

In Baigutang, hundreds of thousands of yak herds form an ancient iron and steel shield, bulldozing everything and crushing all obstacles.

There is also the sea of ​​the original forest, which is even more terrifying

the screen,

Millions, giant war elephants made a long buzzing, and then rushed to the northwest,

The picture of this scene was made public, because a large number of people also filmed this scene through the Northwest Notification,

Weibo's hot search No. 1: [Northwest changes sky, beast horde condenses, world changes color]

Headline hot search No. 1: [Northwest arrogance gathers, and ancient oriental supernatural beings are born one after another]

Under this trending search, the people in the interior and even the front lines are excited!

[Great Demon in the World]: "This will be the first time in history that a supernatural being will show up in the East. The breath of the four arrogances. In the next era, the wives will be terrifying. Ten thousand races have lived for 12 years.

I don't know how strong it will be. "

[Destroying the Evil of the World]: "Why do I feel like the world is being opened? Have you ever seen so many arrogances appear at one time, and they separate forbidden spells and domains? This is too scary

Now, will the great world change again in the future! (cbce)”

[The city lord goes to battle]: "We in the east, finally began to appear, a strong man with a qualitative change.

At nine o'clock, everything recovers and the sun shines.

Bunches of rays of light were shining brightly, turning into thousands of rays of light, illuminating the northwest.

In the northwest border, in a canal where wild animals drink water, the water waves seemed to explode, and countless water droplets condensed. A fierce swordfish more than ten meters long came from the East China Sea.

On the back, half-step Zunwang class, Donghai system, supernatural ancient Zunwang!

He put his hands behind his back, only feeling the horror all over his body.

There are too many, countless, piece by piece, he saw millions of violent apes crashing into the highway blocking the way, directly tearing the steel fence, crushing the blocking iron blocks, and rushing incomparably ferociously.

Feng, the terrifying roar of beast tide crushed Xi,

Under his feet, the ferocious swordfish wailed a few times.

"Hey, a god really appeared on the land."

Lan Changkong smiled wryly, he seemed to have seen several Tianjiao appear, but an ancient animal trainer Tianjiao crushed all directions.

Rift Rift Entrance,

Hundreds of ghosts carrying the sedan chair were the most magnificent scene in Su Changge's life. He saw thousands of alien assassins. The terrifying alien aura was too strong, and the dark aura pervaded the air.

However, in the surroundings, countless billows of black smoke and mist, dust rising from the ground, straight into the sky.


There has never been such a terrifying battle in the world.

"Who is making the arrangements? Who has such a great ability to call several heavenly prides to attract alien races, and then call a wave of beasts to complete the game..."

"Looking at this world, who can do it..."

Su Changge's eyes are extremely white, and he smiles wryly, with unprecedented horror and shock, he is an evil spirit talent, a very strong genius, once traveled around the country alone, and captured hundreds of

The most ferocious evil spirits form an army of hundreds of ghosts.

Along the way, he also met the ancient arrogance, the closed genius, the most powerful person cultivated by the National Alliance,

But now, he saw the strongest game in his life.

"If you spend your whole life, it's hard to catch up with this shadow..."

Su Changge whispered, with a pessimistic and lonely expression, because he felt the extreme gap.

At the entrance of Baigutang, the Chu family arrived. The Lei family, Xuanyuan family, Zhuge family, and all the high-level members of the military all stared blankly.

The alien race is in the middle. There are millions of giant war elephants in the front, millions of fierce apes in the back, steel wolves on the left and right, and fierce horned yaks on the right.

Front and back attack, perfect formation.

"It turns out that the real genius in the world is here..." Chu Xinghe had his hands behind his back, his eyes were complicated, he was floating in the air, exuding the strongest domain aura, and at the same time, as a domain talent

, he also felt that there was still a killing move that hadn't exploded.

The leader of the Lei family, Lei Jiuyang controls the thunder and lightning, he just sighs faintly.

"The 12-year great world of the ten thousand races is about to be brought forward. Who is it that can drive several celestial beings and change the shape of the great world!"

And now!

The battlefield stands!

The military fighter jets are roaring, and the army of supernatural beings is mysteriously floating high in the sky. The powerful people from all sides gathered together to watch this battlefield.

Rift valley mountains and rivers, nameless mountain tops.

Fog is everywhere, the only one in a red robe stands alone,

Tall and tall, with a strange wolf tail, Nan Ziying once again clenched the dark black Burial Demon Knife.

There was a crashing sound from the blade, and the murderous aura filled the air.

And Nan Ziying looked at the battlefield, there were bloodshot eyes in the depths of the former soft eyes, each bloodshot was a tyrannical Shura, ferocious, hostile, demonized ultimate beheading,

This is him, once he starts to truly show himself, he will be brutal to the limit!

In this era, softness means cowardice, sadness, and powerlessness.

You have to be fierce and vicious, and you have to be eloquent in order to compete with this era.


Now Nan Ziying exhales, the ultimate light in his clear eyes, that's it.

Now with his hands behind his back, his eyes are bewitching, Nan Ziying exudes breath, with a lot of emotions, complex and turbulent, fierce posture,

At the same time, he looked at the battlefield with an ancient chess player.

looking at,

leisurely, desolate,

The brilliant sound is crackling and piercing.

The four-sided battlefield is condensed and condensed with unprecedented ferocity!

The 500,000 mutated steel giant wolves roared and became the most ferocious beast tide in the morning light.

The herd of 500,000 giant-horned yaks buzzed, the ancient body, the terrifying speed, the terrifying yak horns, could pierce a mountain,

One million violent apes almost caused the dust to fly tens of meters high, violent apes crazily charged, all obstacles were torn apart, and all of them were hammered hard

One million giant war elephants, ancient, with a sense of crushing, truly carry the universe, just like the meteorite stars, millions of war elephants, constantly impacting, super steel torrent.

The battlefield is set!

It's time to cut!

Nan Ziying whispered, his eyes were full of dust.

"before and after array"

"Layout left and right"


【Heavenly stems and earthly branches, named after thunder, named after frost】

[Day crack Qiongchen, cold my Baiyuan, seal my Zhendi]

[Covering hundreds of miles---array]


Nan Ziying's voice fell, and the kill was on!

And the battlefield exploded!



On the border of Baigutang, 1,500 alien assassins, the rotten giants let out a fiery roar, the steel slayers looked ferociously at all directions, and the endless beast tide billowed in thick smoke,

The headless troll suddenly froze. It began to look at the ground and saw a strange scene, which seemed to be the spirit of the domain.

A piece of origin stone floats up,

Pieces of origin stones float up,

An extremely strong current began to permeate hundreds of miles, and the area where the alien race was located was full of tyrannical currents.


The chill, like the chill that freezes everything, strikes,

within a hundred miles,

Five hundred lead lightning strikes, start!

Five hundred frost formations, back!

The satellite has completely started to have a signal, and the broadcast under the Eastern Alliance is mainly on Weibo and Toutiao platforms, and some people in the West are watching over the wall.

This is the final scene,

Three million beast tides charge forward from four directions,

At the feet of thousands of alien races, the field formation erupted, and huge thunder tens of meters high continued to slash, and the rotten giant was smashed to pieces.



Field aura explodes!

The beast hordes collided and crushed. In front of the 3 million beast hordes, thousands of Level 1 alien assassins were like dust, reduced to scum in an instant, and then trampled back and forth by the hordes of beasts, reduced to slag.

At this moment, many Western people were watching Toutiao. They watched blankly and commented almost frantically.

[Ekers Town]: The Holy Shield is on the top... all the assassins of alien races have been killed in the rear of the east, has there been an ancient arrogance in the east?"

【Marster】: "I saw a wave of millions of beasts crushing everything. Is the mysterious East beginning to wake up like a dragon?"

On Weibo, most of them are local people from the East, so the people only have one word, shocking.

[Long Song First Battle]: "This... the impact of the beast tide, the layout of the domain, which strong man is doing this, and killed everything..."

[Battle across the sky]: "Look, the direction of the beast tide has changed again!!!!"

The heat is cracking, the ground is still shaking,

The tide of three million beasts began to form a terrifying army. The giant beasts and war elephants were in front of them. They were extremely ferocious, exuding a magical scene that reached the limit. Millions of war elephants, the giant body could not see the end

The herd of roasted steel yaks is in front, forming a super flattening beast tide.

On the left side, half a million mutated giant steel wolves roared ferociously and hummed across the plains, while on the right side, millions of violent apes crazily beat boulders, roaring ferociously.

A horde of military beasts suddenly appeared, and the ferocity appeared in the world.

This is the most frightening thing. When the beast horde starts to face humans, the pressure that covers everything and covers the sky hits us.

Rift Valley Hillside Boulder Peak,

Nan Ziying watched, at least within five months, there will be no alien assassins behind the human race, this is the first blow,

As for Erzhong, the eighth line of defense is about to start a battle, and now let these three million beasts rush to the eighth line of defense to have a brutal battle.



【Land of the Extreme North】

Driven by the idea of ​​animal taming and the power of the talent tree, the tide of three million beasts presented a terrifying and dark tide, and began to rush to the extreme north. All the boulders along the way were flattened and cracked.

But Nan Ziying turned around and began to transform into a Shura, possessing a speed of magic, restraining his breath, and went to collect the source stones.

His battlefield is the fifth line of defense,

Because his real killing game has not yet started!

Those ancient undead armies, undead generals, and undead ancient emperors!

Those forbidden curses, frozen thousands of miles, burned millions,

Those formations, the Immortal Execution Demon Formation, the Monstrous Demon Shade,

Those are the truly ferocious killing moves, and they will be displayed eloquently under the layout of the great world.

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