Ten Thousand Races Invasion: All The People Join The War, I Stay Behind

3. Believe Me, Then I Will Take You To Judge Forever! 【Seek The First Order】

At that time, the sky began to darken, and the voice of the city lord Yu Lie continued to resound in Yecheng.

That is the ten cities in the northwest, and a huge project is coming.

Canals are dug deep, man-made volcanoes, iron water canals.

On the street, the surveyors from the inland came and took measurements.

In the dark evening, Nan Ziying took a bus to the north of Yecheng.

Even in the dark night, the spare steel wall is very great, piece by piece, with solar lights on the wall, under the night, a steel wall spanning 300 kilometers and spanning ten cities appears.

Thirty meters high, ten meters thick and wide, connecting ten cities, in the dark night, on top of the huge wall, pieces of lights are automatically turned on, and the bright light is so extreme that it shines brilliantly

The brilliance is ever-changing.

The project of digging canals outside the city and burying crude oil has been stopped, because the next great national project will be involved, and the grand canal will be grandly re-established.

In the pitch black Chang Ye, quietly, Nan Ziying paced and walked, his voice whispering.


【Flame Burning Formation, every one kilometer

[Elemental sword array, every one kilometer]



At this moment, the origin stone fell behind Nan Ziying, and the fierce energy of the origin stone surged,

The layout of the formation is that the base of one kilometer is 50,000 stacking formations, and the spirit of the domain is soaring,

Nan Ziying rides the wind, the origin stone falls, and then forms a formation.



The power of the ultimate source stone is being consumed, and one after another formations are superimposed,

hot, cold, chilling, elemental,

At this moment, ten kilometers away from Yecheng, the torrential evil spirit was about to soar into the sky, and the waves were spectacular.

Going forward from the end of Yeye City, passing through Qiucheng, Wancheng, Gancheng, Bai Cheng, Tianshui City, Ducheng, Tianmen City, Pau City, Northwest Bend City,

Nan Ziying's figure was introverted, and the aura of the formation was scattered, but the source stone fell to the ground, shattered into a formation, and resounded in all directions, and then rode the wind, forming ten cities in a mighty manner, the majestic "three, four, seven" is extremely spectacular .

In one hour, a total of 15 million stacked level 9 formations fell!


At ten o'clock in the night, the formation was completed, covering a total of 300 kilometers. At this moment, Nan Ziying turned around and looked, behind the 300 kilometers of defensive wall, there were 50,000 formations per kilometer, a total of 15 million formations,

The spirit of the formation field is still restrained, and there is no extreme explosion. Once it starts to explode, this will be the most ferocious and terrifying destruction formation in the world.


Nan Ziying exhaled, his eyes lit up and watched, the infinite array is too majestic and magnificent, each eye is buried deep in the ground, once it starts to erupt, this 300-kilometer land will become the most ferocious on this planet Cemetery of Ten Thousand Races!

Array Mage, the third talent tree, as an Array Mage, this is Nan Ziying who has almost exhausted the four major animal tide areas, consuming a total of 30 million Origin Stones to set up this array.

"The fifth line of defense will surely become a mausoleum on earth!"

Nan Ziying whispered, and then he returned to the city at Zishi, and as he left, three hundred kilometers, superimposed to fifteen million times, the ferocious formation almost seemed to soar into the sky,

However, Nan Ziying wore a black robe, and the innate power of the formation behind him glowed, suppressing the monstrous formation.

Because this will be a big killer, it must be kept secret, no matter to anyone!

Because, in the human camp, there are countless people who are either black or white, or those who are ups and downs of foreign races, and it becomes more obvious in the late Wanzu period.

Darkness Chang Ye, Nan Ziying walked against the night and returned to the city.

He is like a person walking in the dark night, alone, holding a torch, but there are tens of millions, hundreds of millions of people facing the darkness behind him, but from now on, those people in the darkness will start to open the way for him,

The power of one person, the road of arbitrariness.

[At the end of March in the 12th year of the Wanzu, five kilometers away from the north of the tenth city of Yecheng, behind the 300-kilometer steel defense line, there were 15 million stacking formations, and their underground source power gathered thousands of miles. No one knows how powerful the Tomb of Ten Thousand Races will be after the eruption】

This night is not quiet, there are too many news,

The number one hot search on Weibo is [Millions of Beast Tide] satellite broadcast video, spanning thousands of miles, showing the military system, the beast swarm engulfed and swept across, crossed the sixth line of defense no man's land, and then continued to move forward, thousands of miles away, towards the extreme north Thousands of races gallop on the battlefield,

This scene made human beings see the magnificence of the beast tide, and they also regretted the upcoming battle of the eighth line of defense. Many people discussed more and more, who drove this and who ordered it?

He Renye, driving millions of beasts into the battlefield of ten thousand races, looking around, gathering the world, has never had such a terrifying and powerful arrogance.

And the second most popular search is: [Fifth Defense Line in the Northwest, what is the significance of the new project/canal man-made volcano/water iron channel?]

[Canal]: Along the ten cities in the northwest, blast the East China Sea, and dig a super canal, spanning five hundred miles in the northwest, it can be called a super grand project!

[Artificial Volcanoes]: Accumulated and stored crude oil for ten years, built ten underground artificial volcanoes to move, and then built a giant artificial volcano in the northwest, and spent ten years to store crude oil. The scale is unprecedented.

[Molten Iron Canal]: The molten iron has been melted enough to form a scorching hot molten iron canal, unknown, unknown.

The official of the Eastern Alliance, after going through layers of approval, issued this order, which caused a lot of comments from the rear!

Comments exceeded one million.

[Living is the most difficult thing]: "What exactly are we going to do? These three infrastructure projects are not difficult in modern technology, but this is the tenth year of Wanzu, and the eighth line of defense ahead is breaking down. Bloody battle, even if our country has many talents, it will still be of no avail!"

[Bright East]: "This......the high-level association of inland supernatural beings, the management organization of the alliance's main defense line, what are they doing, trying to rely on the canal to block, the crude oil burst, and make the fifth line of defense completely permanent!"

[The first level Chen Jun]: "I heard that the Western Holy Shield Association and the Kawasaki National Samurai Association are also building a super defense line. Is this our defense line, using the so-called nature

How sad it is to defend against the ancient alien race, the blood of the frontline battles has been shed in vain!"

On the top of the hot search, because of the start of this project, many people in the inland are commenting.


In the dark of midnight, from the first line of defense to the fifth line of defense, a brand new direct highway was built overnight, the crude oil liner appeared, and Lan Changkong, the guardian of the East China Sea, personally escorted the crude oil!

In the sky, a giant transport plane began to transport steel,

And on the expressway, extra-long carts, pulling excavators one after another, headed for the northwest.

When the power of a great power begins to move, a quiet

This night, many people in the east did not fall asleep, and they had a lot of feelings. There were too many things that happened on this day.

In the field of Baigutang in the northwest, there was a super bloody battle, the bloody battle was raging, everything was burned, millions of beasts rushed to the front line, and the official suddenly issued an order to start three super projects, and they performed them overnight.

At the same time, the international news, the United States, the old Maozi country and the foreign race conducted two medium-scale vanguard battles, and then the entire army was wiped out.

In the inland cities of the west, beast hordes broke out, evil sects appeared, and alien assassins sought to kill Tianjiao. It can be said that the whole world collapsed.

In the whole world, there is only one word - chaos!

On the morning of the 29th.

At seven in the morning, Nan Ziying wakes up,

The windows were replaced with new ones, which became more and more transparent and bright.

Wearing a black gown pajamas, opened the curtains, the soft and warm sunshine is shining,

Arriving on the rooftop, looking around, the ten cities in the northwest border are all illuminated by the sun, and behind the cities, the wilderness area is still covered with dark clouds.

Under the corridor, many old people and girls looked up at the sky, their clear eyes filled with curiosity.

"Is it true that the gods favor the Northwest?"

"This light is too glorious!"

Many people are excited to watch, feel the sunshine of the whole city, and the clear blue sky.

Only Nan Ziying looked at the north of Yecheng. Behind the 300-kilometer backup defense line, 15 million formations were superimposed. Even if it was extremely restrained, the calm and depressing soaring aura easily dispersed the clouds and illuminated the northwest. Ganzuo City II

Then he turned on his phone and watched the news one by one.

The news of the beast tide is normal, because the fifth line of defense is 10,000 kilometers away from the battlefield of the ten thousand races, and the tide of millions of beasts is charging, unstoppable, and will catch up with the battle of the eighth line of defense before May.

Then the second news, most of the people are discussing it hotly, questioning the next three major projects.

After closing the phone, Nan Ziying looked into the distance.

Shura. Demon Slayer, Eye Pupil,

The jet-black pupils began to light up, and countless bloodshot eyes condensed, and then the pupils turned dark red, ancient and deep, and could be seen hundreds of miles away.

Under the eyes, in the north of Yecheng, there are already rows of excavators, from hundreds of excavators before, to thousands of excavators. They are also equipped with industrial cranes and tower cranes, and the width and depth of the excavation canal have been re-enhanced.

Each truck reads———[Ten Mountains in the Northwest, Wind and Moon in the Same Sky, Fighting with You]

Looking at the banner, Nan Ziying felt a little throbbing in his heart. He could only feel a rush of hot blood flowing against him. This is the inland army. What the high-level alliance told him meant that there are ten mountains and ten cities in the northwest, and we have the same blood. Believe in you, follow you, and fight with Jun.

Then he looked at the east of Yecheng again, and looked into the distance. It was the construction of a hot blast furnace, that is, the ironworks. Pour into the canal.

In the west of Yecheng, on the expressway, there are transport trucks transporting all kinds of steel, excavators, rows of teams, countless...

On each transport vehicle, it is written that the ten mountains in the northwest, the wind and the moon are in the same sky, and you will fight with the king. This represents the power of the great country.


Nan Ziying's eyes were a little moist, because it was too difficult for one person to stand firm, and there was too much pressure to bear, especially when the defense line collapsed, the pressure on his shoulders was extremely high

Now for the first time, I feel the calendar of the kingdom of heaven.

You know, it won't be just him next time, because once these three projects start, the rear will face great pressure, population, supplies, etc.

Big countries will also be under pressure.

Now open the international news, Western official reports are full of shortage of labor force, unable to supply normally,

Eastern Alliance International: [Next, the East will open, canals, rivers of molten iron, and man-made volcano mega-projects]

Afterwards, many official countries in the West, as well as scholars who stayed behind, all pointed

【Eckmars】: "The Eastern Alliance is playing with fire. The frontline battle is almost broken, and the rear is still going to carry out ridiculous defense projects. You probably don't know that once the rear industry fails, the frontline collapse will be even more terrifying!"

【Rotterjack】: "The project that walks on the flames... What is the Eastern Alliance doing? Although you have five arrogances, you can't change the situation of the battle. Now your best plan is to prepare for the war and supply from the rear! "

[Al Fu]: "Three mega-projects, which will drag you down.....It's a real breakdown!"

At that time, the people in the West knew about the battle between the East and the Northwest, but they didn't know that the tide of millions of beasts entered the eighth line of defense. Because the high-level officials of the news alliance set up a vocabulary ban, the people

Unable to inform on the international network.

Because of the tide of millions of beasts, this is an uncertain killing card,

Now, what the Western people are commenting on is the next eastward trend,

The front line is preparing for war, but the rear has to start a big project, and there are three big projects, each of which is extremely magnificent, making people completely confused and unclear, what exactly is the Eastern Alliance going to do?


On the rooftop, with dark red eyes, Nan Ziying whispered quietly,

he knows what to do,

The Eastern Alliance chose to respond to its own call, and chose to take a gamble in this difficult situation,

"Believe me, I will lead the big country to rule forever!"

Nan Ziying whispered that he was under a lot of pressure, but his character was always fearless and brutal.


Exhaling, the veins on his neck were slightly exposed, and the blood-red devilish energy in his body was about to rush out, but Nan Ziying endured it,

Next, the 500-kilometer canal will increase the forbidden spell, and then it will be equipped with a water-type forbidden spell that is superimposed tens of thousands of times, and an ice-type array that will freeze thousands of miles.

If it succeeds, it will be an unprecedented slaughter!

Those pieces, showing hundreds of tons of molten iron channels, will be the increase of the forbidden spell of the iron element, and there will be pieces of steel trees planted, which will be the storm of the forbidden spell of the iron element, such as a type

When the magic sword comes, the molten iron turns into sword rain, thousands upon thousands.

There are also man-made volcanoes, which gather the crude oil reserves of our country for ten years, and connect the lava passages under the ten cities. Once the fire curse is superimposed, and the crude oil lava is superimposed, it will be a curse, the world. The sea of ​​fire

, Equipped with fire array...


Thinking of this, Nan Ziying's blood-red baleful aura recedes, and the suffocation dissipates, leaving only eternity, deep, ancient, unparalleled in the era on his shoulders,

The great age is indeed coming,

Although it is meager, the headlines are very popular, and many people are discussing and speculating about the three major projects,

However, as the inland began to dispatch transport vehicles, and batches of infrastructure materials were transported, the hot searches gradually changed.

Noon on the 29th!

Because of the Northwest, the presence of five celestial arrogances has led to the inland rear of the Eastern Alliance, and the other family arrogances, one by one, officially announced their breakthrough!

So above the headlines, the heat started to explode.

Official statements from each family,


[Chu family]: Identity verification: the ancient inheritance can be traced back to the Chu State in the Warring States Period, the ancient inheritance family, the family with the most supernatural powers, domain aura, array formation, magnetic field induction, etc.

The speeches are as follows: "Chu Xinghe, level 1 field talent cleared" "Chu Longyang, level 1 magnetic field talent cleared" "Chu Changyue, half-step king, plant talent cleared"

[Lan Family]: Identity verification: The ancient inheritance can be traced back to the surname Mi in the Warring States Period, an ancient southern family, and most of the supernatural powers are water, ice, and storm.

The speeches are as follows: "Lan Changkong, half-step respect for the king's talent water system, guarding the East China Sea" "Lan Haodang, level 1 ice talent breakthrough" "Lan Changsheng, half-step respect for the king's ice talent breakthrough"

Afterwards, the Xuanyuan family, Zhuge family, etc., reached hundreds of ancient families, and almost two-thirds of the Tianjiao all passed out!

All because of the layout battle in the northwest,

Someone opened the Great World ahead of time!

Then under the hot search on the headlines, those ordinary people, ordinary people, only felt envy, the blood of the ancient family, Tianjiao is too terrifying.

[Blood-red Sea of ​​Clouds]: "What a great world, the Great Eastern Project, the eighth line of defense has collapsed, and all the ancient families have been revived. As low-level supernatural beings, we cannot participate.

I can only be sad and pitiful watching those families who are not proud to become heroes. "

【Lin Bai】: "The sorrow of ordinary people, the inheritance of those ancient families must have origins, and their arrogance will be several times stronger than ordinary people with supernatural powers. In this era, I did not expect that

Even if he has awakened abilities, he is still the pride of the family. "

[Shi Lei]: "The era of Tianjiao has come."

[In ten years of ten thousand clans, someone single-handedly opened up the great world ahead of time. Afterwards... the Chu family, the Lei family, the Lan family, the Su family, and the Xuanyuan family recovered one after another.

Immortals with supernatural powers, unparalleled ones with eternal talents, and revived ones with ancient supernatural powers

However, in Yecheng, there is a statue that is as glorious as the great country and whose layout is arbitrary through the ages.

When you want to grind the Quartet.

Swallow the pack.

Guard the mountains and rivers. .

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